A full stack blogging application (medium clone) made using MERN stack and TailwindCSS with complete User authentication using JWT. User can create new Blogs.User can update and delete their blogs. User can react on any blogs by liking or giving comments. User can also create their own library of blogs by saving blogs from list.
Follow the following instruction to run the code on your system.
- Get the code on your pc.
- Open terminal and navigate to the root directory of the code.
- run command 'cd backend' inside the terminal to navigate to the backend folder.
- run 'npm install' command inside the terminal to install all backend dependenices.
- After complete installation, create '.env' file inside the backend directory and define the env variables as mentioned below:
PORT = Port for your backend code
MONGODB_URL = uri of your mongodb connection
JWT_SECRET = secret key for creating jwt token
TOKEN_EXPIRY = expiry time for jwt token
COOKIE_EXPIRY = expiry time for cookies
CLOUD_NAME = cloudinary account name
CLOUD_API_KEY = cloudinary api key
CLOUD_API_SECRET = cloudinary api secret key
- run command 'cd..' to go back to parent directory.
- run command 'cd frontend' inside the terminal to navigate to the frontend folder.
- run 'npm install' command inside the terminal to install all frontend dependenices.
- After complete installation, create '.env' file inside the frontend directory and define the following variables inside the .env file
- VITE_BASE_URL = url of your backend code, ( example: "http://localhost:{BACKEND_PORT}" )
- Node.js
- Express.Js
- MongoDB
- Multer
- Cloudinary
- React.js
- Redux toolkit
- TailwindCSS
- React-router-dom
- React-quill
- Axios