rocketchatctl is a command line tool written in bash to help you install and configure a RocketChat server in a Linux host, it will take care of everything needed for the server to run, configure extra repositories and install needed libraries to install the correct node version and mongo server, and it will also set up directories and permissions, and configure the systemd files for these new services.
Once you have your rocketchat server installed and running, you can use the same command to easily keep that Rocketchat server installation up to date, rocketchatctl can check for Rocketchat updates available and update it to the latest release.
Furthermore, rocketchatctl optionally installs a loadbalancer/proxy with auto SSL provided by Let's Encrypt.
Check it out here:
Currently rocketchatctl is supported in these Linux distributions:
Supported OS:
Ubuntu 18.04, 19.04, 20.04 CentOS 7 Debian 9
And installs these software versions, but this can change for future rocketchatctl versions:
Node version: 12.18.4
Mongo version: 4.0.10
Web Proxy/Loadbalancer optional:
Traefik 1.7.12 Caddy 1.0.0
We understand that some users could already have node, mongo, or even a webserver already installed in their servers, rocketchatctl install
will check for previously installed versions of node and mongo in your system.
Run rocketchatctl help
and check options and flags:
rocketchatctl command line tool to install and update RocketChat server
Usage: rocketchatctl [options] [--root-url=ROOT_URL --port=PORT --letsencrypt-email=EMAIL --webserver=WEBSERVER --version=VERSION --install-node --use-mongo]
Installs node, mongo, RocketChat server and optionally a webserver (Caddy or Traefik), sets up directories and permissions to use Let's Encrypt certificates.
In case node or mongo already installed, it uses already installed versions though confirmation is required.
For node it set v8.11.4 as default in your system, for mongo mmapv1 storage engine and no authentication enabled is required during installation.
If you wish this script to run unattended, provide extra flags to the install option, server URL is required (--root-url).
-h help Display this message
install Install latest RocketChat server version
update Update RocketChat server from current version to latest version
check-updates Check for updates of RocketChat server
upgrade-rocketchatctl Upgrade the rocketchatctl command line tool.
--root-url=ROOT_URL the public URL where RocketChat server will be accessible on the Internet (REQUIRED)
--port=PORT port for the RocketChat server, default value 3000
--webserver=WEBSERVER webserver to install as reverse proxy for RocketChat server, options are caddy/traefik/none (REQUIRED)
--letsencrypt-email=EMAIL e-mail address to use for SSL certificates (REQUIRED if webserver is not none)
--version=VERSION RocketChat server version to install, default latest
--install-node in case node installed, sets node to RocketChat server recommended version, default behavoir cancel RocketChat server installation
--use-mongo in case mongo installed, and storage engine configured is mmapv1, skip mongo installation but uses systems mongo for RocketChat server database, default database name rocketchat
You can run rocketchatctl install
directly curling the script from our website, will download rocketchatctl save it in /usr/local/bin and call rocketchatctl with the install option, this installation will be interactive:
bash -c "$(curl"
In case you want to have an unattended install, use unattended install flags with script like this:
bash -c "$(curl" -s --root-url= --webserver=traefik
If you already have rocketchatctl installed just run:
rocketchatctl install
Or if you want to use your mongo server, change node to the current needed version for Rocket.Chat, listen in a different port, and install another release, you can for example use these command:
rocketchatctl install --root-url= --webserver=none --use-mongo --install-node --port=4000 --version=3.9.0
Check for release updates:
rocketchatctl check-updates
Current update available for RocketChat server: from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0
And update to the latest release:
rocketchatctl update
The update option creates a temporary backup directory, download the latest rocketchat release, starts it and checks that is healthy querying the info api. In case something goes wrong in the startup process, the previous installed version from backup is resotored and a error message is displayed.
This option will download the latest version available for rocketchatctl in the install repo, compare it to your current rocketchatctl and upgrade to the latest version if needed, be sure to check that you are running the latest rocketchactl.
rocketchatctl upgrade-rockectchatctl
Check out our webinar about it here: