FreeCodeCamp: An increasingly popular resource with excellent content from the open-source community of self-taught developers who enjoy contributing to non-profit organizations. Their videos cover a nice range of topics:
Languages and Frameworks
Game Development
A Day in The Life Of...
Live Coding sessions
Fundamentals (Computer Science and Programming)
Hitesh Choudhary: An informative young man educates the user when it comes to programming languages as well as information security, along with the occasional vlog.
Joe Parys Academy: Joe Parys's channel features free content from his own website and Udemy, including, but not limited to, tutorials for various programming languages, cryptocurrency, growing an online business, videography, and Final Cut Pro X (A macOSe-exclusive video-editing software).
LevelUpTuts: Scott Tolinski – producer and maintainer of the channel, friends with the people behind LearnCode.academy, Josh Owens' Space Dojo, DevTips, and Wes Bos - aims to offer current, accessible, in-depth, high-quality content on all things web development and design with over 840+ video tutorials and counting.
mmtuts: mmtuts (a.k.a MultiMedia Tutorials) aims to provide tutorials spanning the gamut of programming, video editing/production, animation, and graphic design.
sentdex: It's all about Python here folks. From learning the fundamentals to the advanced work, Harrison Kinsley walks you through areas where Python is concerned, namely: machine learning, finances, data analysis, web development, game development, robotics, and more.
The Coding Train: A seeming Jack of All Trades, Daniel Shiffman walks you through a wide range of topics like p5.js (JS, HTML, CSS), Neural Networks and Machine Learning, The Nature of Code (Simulating Natural Systems with Processing), etc. He seems to have a nice grasp on Full-Stack development and computer science.
Thenewboston: Bucky Roberts' immensely popular channel features over 4,200 video tutorials, diving through the vast expanses known as programming, web design, game development, graphic design, and networking. For those interested, he also delves into other asides like the sciences (biology, math, physics) and DIY projects (how to build a computer, Go Kart, Beer, etc.)
Traversy Media: Brad Traversy, the man behind this channel/company, explores Full-Stack web development with his current tutorials on all things JavaScript (React, Redux, Node, Express, Vue, Angular, Gatsby), Python (Django), Ruby (Rails), Apollo, GraphQL, Docker, and more. He also features a Developer Discussion where he talks about the 'soft' side of programming, namely, dealing with your emotions, psychology, and motivation.
Colt Steele: Colt is a developer with a serious love for teaching. Colt spent a few years teaching people to program at 2 different immersive bootcamps where he helped hundreds of people become web developers and changed their lives. His graduates work at companies like Google, Salesforce, and Square. In 2016 Colt launched his Web Developer Bootcamp course, which has since gone on to become one of the best selling and top rated courses on Udemy. He was also voted Udemy’s Best New Instructor of 2016.
Computerphile: A channel that focuses on more abstract/theoretical topics in computer science. Is less of a tutorial channel and more for those with an interest in theory, etc.
Crash Course Computer Science: A very thorough and upbeat channel covering everything within the computer science world: from it's history to the design decisions that went into computers, how operating systems work (or don't work), how the internet works, how our smartphones are getting smarter, and the more mysterious subjects, like quantum computing or the present-day hacking. It also discusses algorithms and data structures, cryptography and cyber security, machine learning, and the singularity. Well-worth the lookup.
CS50: Welcome to Harvard University's Intro to the fundamentals of computer science and the art of programming, taught with languages such as Scratch, C, and Python.
GeeksforGeeks: GeeksforGeeks is one of the largest portal for computer science students and professional housing nearly every concept in great detail in data structure, algorithms, operating systems, languages like C++, Java etc. Check out the website GeekforGeeks
CS Dojo: CS Dojo is a channel with mostly programming and computer science videos. CS Dojo
Siraj Raval: Siraj Raval is on a mission of data literacy. Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Science, Technology, he simplfies these topics to help you understand how they work. Using his knowledge you can build wealth and live a happier, more meaningful life. He is the part of the fastest growing AI community in the world! He is also a Data Scientist, AI Educator, Rapper, Author, Speaker, and Founder of the School of AI.
Coding Tech: A channel dedicated to republishing tech conferences from around the world and content originally published with the Creative Commons Attribution license. It's like JSConf, but much more diverse in topics spanning from things like:
Software Development
Quantum Computing
Web Design
and Web Assembly
JSConf: A channel dedicated purely to JSConfs from around the world, ranging from the practical to the philosophical.
- Fun Fun Function: The sister channel of DevTips – ran by the whimsical, yet informative Mattias Petter Johansson (a.k.a. MPJ) – takes a deep-dive into the realm of JavaScript while also exploring the "soft" side of programming, creativity, motivation, and career.
- Joshua Fluke: A channel targeting junior web developers, providing advice on gaining knowledge and experience in the field, as well as landing your first development job.
BEAM Channel: Follow Zachary Kessin as he shows you how to build powerful web applications using Elixir, a general-purpose programming language, and BEAM, an Erlang virtual machine (Erlang is also a general-purpose programming language).
Derek Banas: (Mostly) A beginner programmer-oriented channel that teaches users the basics or fundamentals of programming languages (C++, JS, Python, etc.)
Dylan Israel: Tutorials + career/industry advice.
Edureka: Features high-quality tutorials and lectures (available also in Hindi and Telugu) where they curate the following topics:
Big Data and Hadoop
Block Chain
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Data Science and Digital Marketing
Logictuts: Featuring web development tutorials in the Hindi language.
LearnCode.academy: Free, current web development tutorials covering the entire development stack (Front-End, Back-End, DevOps, Server Administration, and Deployment Stategies).
Neil Rowe: This channel features more Front-End tutorials (think HTML, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap) than Back-End (Java, building a Windows web server with IIS, PHP, and MySQL).
The Net Ninja: Inspired by the Martial Arts, Shaun focuses on getting you towards 'black-belt' mastery with his deep-dive into Full-Stack web development tutorials, featuring JavaScript (ES6, React & Redux, Vue, Angular, Node), Python (Django), GraphQL, MongoDB, Git & GitHub, HTML5, CSS3, and more.
Programming with Mosh: Code along with Mosh Hamedani – a software engineer with 18 years of experience – in his fun, upbeat, no-fluff video tutorials (free on YouTube, paid on his website codewithmosh) where he explores the fundamental tools needed to become a Full-Stack developer (JavaScript, Node, Angular, React, Redux, Python, C#, ASP.NET, Object-Oriented programming).
ProgrammingKnowledge: This channel covers a huge breadth of languages and frameworks in the context of Full-Stack development, like Git and Github, Bootstrap, Python, JavaScript, Node, Redis, Java, C#, MongoDB, MySQL, Android, ASP.NET, and many more!
DesignCourse: Here you can learn more about making good looking websites via Graphic Design and Front-End Development. This channel also features Full-Stack Development tutorials.
DevTips: The sister-channel of Fun Fun Function, this fun (and funny) design-oriented channel features tutorials and tips/opinions on all things design/front-end related like CSS, JavaScript, React, Adobe XD, and container platforms (think Docker and Kubernetes).
Online Tutorials: Online Tutorials and its sister channel, Creative Creations, is rich with beautiful, modular snippets of HTML5 and CSS3 design tutorials.
Wes Bos: Follow Wes Bos as he teaches you all about Wordpress, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 in his web development tutorials, his javascript30 course in which he builds 30 different projects everyday, is very popular and is recommended by many famous developers on twitter.
Kevin Powell: "With a new video every Wednesday, I'll be bringing you How Tos and Tutorials, and well as simple tips and tricks. I'm mostly looking to help people who are new to the world of web development."
Layout Land: Hosted by Jen Simmons. Learn what's now possible in graphic design on the web — layout, CSS Grid, and more. A series for designers and web developers.
DarkCode: DarkCode is a channel for Learning Web Designs, Websites Building, Ui Designs Using Only HTML5 And CSS3 and some Javascript. If you love creative designs and amazing animations, please do follow him.