Releases: raul-martin-dev/Driveup
Auth module refactor
Package updated to improve credential retrieving method (authorize) on auth module supporting info secret dict (variable) apart from current secret file path method.
Major patch for upload_folder, download_folder, upload and download
Major rework for methods and error patching:
- Binary download problem solved (now content bytes download correctly)
- Download counter and progress bar implemented (independent bar for single files and total folder content)
- Binary files now upload with extension
method reworked- Not converted files now upload with extension
method reworked. Now it will correctly find a duplicate file even when it is binary and have an extensionget_update()
method deprecated in favour of newfind_duplicate()
method- 'update' boolean option in
finally reworked for efficiency purpose and to work with the new methods
Download_folder method implemented.
New pre-release incorporing a new method and reworking old ones:
- download_folder method implemented (download all files from a google drive folder by its id)
- download method reworked to work with the new method
- service and utils modules revamped. Functionalities improved.
unformat option improved
unformat option (for methods: df_download and df_update) now removes format from headers aswell to avoid problems
df_download() unformat option added (release correction)
New unformat option added to df_download() for compatibility purpose with df_update() method
df_download() method implemented
New pre-release incorporing a new method:
- df_download() method implemented (downloads google sheet indicated with link - sheetname can be specified too - to a pandas Dataframe object)
This new method takes advantage of the Google Sheets API to download sheets directly to a pandas "df" unlocking all it's possibilities in data manipulation.
This is significantly faster than using the Drive API as it works directly with the values in the file and not the file itself.
Download method now working on shared units
Now download method works on files contained on shared units.
Download method now exporting (working with google docs)
New pre-release incorporing a new method option:
- Download method is now capable of exporting google docs to local files according to it's mimeTypes and extension specified in local path.
New option df_update (unformat option)
New pre-release incorporing a new method option:
- 'unformat' option added to df_update method to clean dataframe format and avoid drive's uploading error (not JSON serializable). Default behaviour: "not activated (False)".
Download method implemented
New pre-release incorporing a new method:
- Download method implemented (downloads google file indicated with link to an specified local path)