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[Data] Add a dict to dataset with add_column
and update it with map
, but get wrong result.
This is because in this line:
the same dict object is used in for each element in the resulting list. After updating this to:
I get the following expected result:
Please feel free to re-open the issue if I missed anything. |
@scottjlee Thank you so much. It works for me. |
3 tasks
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What happened + What you expected to happen
to add a empty dictmeta
to dataset and then usemap
to update themeta
dict, but get a wrong dataset.But I get :
RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 python test.py
Versions / Dependencies
Package Version Editable project location
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Reproduction script
Source code in test.py
Issue Severity
Medium: It is a significant difficulty but I can work around it.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: