diff --git a/apps/www/content/primitives/components/chip.mdx b/apps/www/content/primitives/components/chip.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65fb48b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/www/content/primitives/components/chip.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+title: Chip
+description: A compact element for representing an input, attribute, or action.
+## Preview
+ Default
+ Accent
+ With Icon
+ alert("Dismiss clicked")}
+ >Dismissible
+## Usage
+The Chip component is used to represent attributes, tags, or actions in a compact form. It supports various styles, sizes, and can include leading/trailing icons or a dismiss button.
+## Installation
+Install the component from your command line.
+ Label`} border/>
+## Chip Props
+The `Chip` component accepts the following props:
+- `variant`: Visual style variant (`"outline"` | `"filled"`, default: "outline")
+- `size`: Size of the chip (`"small"` | `"large"`, default: "small")
+- `style`: Color style (`"neutral"` | `"accent"`, default: "neutral")
+- `leadingIcon`: ReactNode to display as an icon before the label
+- `trailingIcon`: ReactNode to display as an icon after the label
+- `isDismissible`: Boolean to show a dismiss button (replaces trailingIcon)
+- `onDismiss`: Callback function when dismiss button is clicked
+- `children`: Content to display inside the chip
+- `className`: Additional CSS class names
+- `role`: ARIA role for the chip (default: "status")
+- `ariaLabel`: Custom accessibility label for the chip
+## Variants
+Choose between outline and filled variants to match your design needs.
+ Default
+ Accent
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Filled",
+ code: `
+ Default
+ Accent
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ },
+ ]}
+## Sizes
+The Chip component comes in two sizes:
+- `small`: Compact size with less padding
+- `large`: More spacious with increased padding
+ Small Chip
+ Small Filled
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Large",
+ code: `
+ Large Chip
+ Large Filled
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ },
+ ]}
+## Styles
+Choose between neutral and accent styles to control the visual emphasis.
+ Outline
+ Filled
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Accent",
+ code: `
+ Outline
+ Filled
+ With Icon
+ Dismissible
+ },
+ ]}
+## With Icons
+Chips can include leading and trailing icons to provide additional context or actions.
+ Add Item
+ Selected
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Trailing Icon",
+ code: `
+ Next
+ Open
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Both Icons",
+ code: `
+ Download
+ Edit Profile
+ },
+ ]}
+## Dismissible
+Chips can be made dismissible by adding the isDismissible prop and an onDismiss handler.
+ console.log('dismissed')}
+ ariaLabel="Dismissible chip"
+ >
+ Click to Dismiss
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "With Styles",
+ code: `