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rbong edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 12 revisions

Grouping Custom Commands

Put custom commands in an autogroup in your .vimrc, like so:


augroup flog
  autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> x :<C-U>call flog#run_command('command goes here')<CR>
  " etc.
augroup END


augroup flog
  autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> x :<C-U>call flog#Exec('command goes here')<CR>
  autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> x :<C-U>exec flog#Format('command goes here')<CR>
  " etc.
augroup END

User-Submitted Commands

Create a Fixup Commit

This will create a fixup commit for the commit under the cursor in normal mode when pressing cf. Fixup commits are automatically applied to other commits when running git rebase --autosquash.


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cf :<C-U>call flog#run_command('Git commit -m "fixup! %h"', 0, 1)<CR>


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cf :<C-U>exec flog#Format('Floggit -u commit -m "fixup! %h"')<CR>

Reset to Commit

This will reset to the selected commit using --mixed with cv, and using --hard with cV.


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cv :<C-U>call flog#run_command("Git reset --mixed %h", 0, 1)<CR>
autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cV :<C-U>call flog#run_command("Git reset --hard %h", 0, 1)<CR>


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cv :<C-U>exec flog#Format("Floggit -u reset --mixed %h")<CR>
autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cV :<C-U>exec flog#Format("Floggit -u reset --hard %h")<CR>

Merge with --no-ff

This changes the cm binding to automatically merge the first local branch under the cursor with the --no-ff binding.


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cm :<C-U>call flog#run_command('Git merge %l --no-ff', 0, 1)<CR>


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cm :<C-U>exec flog#Format('Floggit -u merge %l --no-ff')<CR>

Disable Split While Jumping Refs

By default ]r/[r opens a split after jumping. This disables that behaviour.


autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> <silent> ]r :<C-U>call flog#next_ref()<CR>
autocmd FileType floggraph nno <buffer> <silent> [r :<C-U>call flog#previous_ref()<CR>


This is the default behavior in v2.

Set upstream


Use cuo to set the selected branch's upstream to origin. Use cu<Space> to populate the command line with Floggit -u branch --set-upstream<Space>.

au FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cuo :<C-U>exec flog#Format("Floggit -u branch --set-upstream origin %b")<CR>
au FileType floggraph nno <buffer> cu<Space> :<C-U>Floggit -u branch --set-upstream<Space>
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