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329 lines (293 loc) · 6.99 KB

File metadata and controls

329 lines (293 loc) · 6.99 KB


A Ruby library of functions to access and manipulate hash data structures.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hash_op'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hash_op


Available operations

Deep Access

HashOp::Deep.fetch({a: {b: {c: 1}}}, :'a.b.c')
=> 1

HashOp::Deep.merge({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, :'a.b.c', 2)
=> {
  :a => {
    :b => {
      :c => 2


hashes = [
  { value: 123, regexp: "itsamatch", proc: "1+1" },
  { value: 123, regexp: "abcdef", proc: "1+2" },
  { value: 234, regexp: "abcdef", proc: "1+2" }
criteria = {
  path: :value,
  matching_object: 123
HashOp::Filter.filter(hashes, { value: 123 })
=> [
  [0] {
      :proc => "1+1",
    :regexp => "itsamatch",
     :value => 123
  [1] {
      :proc => "1+2",
    :regexp => "abcdef",
     :value => 123
HashOp::Filter.filter(hashes, { value: 123, regexp: /match/ })
=> [
  [0] {
      :proc => "1+1",
    :regexp => "itsamatch",
     :value => 123
HashOp::Filter.filter(hashes, { proc: ->(x) { eval(x) == 2 } })
=> [
  [0] {
      :proc => "1+1",
    :regexp => "itsamatch",
     :value => 123

Internally, `HashOp::Filter::filter` uses
`HashOp::Filter::match?(hash, criteria)` which you can
use too.


hash = {a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
mapping = { r: { path: :'a.b.c' } }
HashOp::Mapping.apply_mapping(hash, mapping)
=> {
  :r => 1

hash = {
  raw: { deep: 'raw_value' },
  time: '2015-07-06 03:37:13 +0200',
  mapped_hash: {
    raw: { deep: 'deep_raw_value' },
    time: '2014-07-06 03:37:13 +0200'
  parseable_string: 'a=1;b=2;t=2013-07-06 03:37:13 +0200',
  array: [
    '2015-07-06 03:37:13 +0200',
    '2014-07-06 03:37:13 +0200',
    '2013-07-06 03:37:13 +0200'
mapping = {
  raw: { path: :'raw.deep' },
  time: { path: :time, type: :time },
  raw_from_mapped_hash: {
    path: :'mapped_hash.raw.deep',
  time_from_mapped_hash: {
    path: :'mapped_hash.time',
    type: :time
  values_from_parseable_string: {
    path: :parseable_string,
    type: :parseable_string,
    parsing_mapping: {
      value: { regexp: 'a=(\d)+;' },
      time: {
        regexp: 't=(.*)$',
        type: :time
  times_from_array: {
    type: :array,
    path: :array,
    item_mapping: { type: :time }
HashOp::Mapping.apply_mapping(hash, mapping)
=> {
                           :raw => "raw_value",
          :raw_from_mapped_hash => "deep_raw_value",
                          :time => 2015-07-06 03:37:13 +0200,
         :time_from_mapped_hash => 2014-07-06 03:37:13 +0200,
              :times_from_array => [
    [0] 2015-07-06 03:37:13 +0200,
    [1] 2014-07-06 03:37:13 +0200,
    [2] 2013-07-06 03:37:13 +0200
  :values_from_parseable_string => {
     :time => 2013-07-06 03:37:13 +0200,
    :value => "1"


hashes = [
    grouping_path: 'A',
    value: 1,
    node: { 'deep_grouping_path': 'AA' }
    grouping_path: 'B',
    value: 2,
    node: { 'deep_grouping_path': 'BB' }
    grouping_path: 'A',
    value: 3,
    node: { 'deep_grouping_path': 'AB' }
    grouping_path: 'A',
    value: 4,
    node: { 'deep_grouping_path': 'AA' }
HashOp::Grouping.group_on_path(hashes, :grouping_path)
=> {
  "A" => [
    [0] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
              :value => 1
    [1] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AB"
              :value => 3
    [2] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
              :value => 4
  "B" => [
    [0] {
      :grouping_path => "B",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "BB"
              :value => 2
HashOp::Grouping.group_on_path(hashes, :'node.deep_grouping_path')
=> {
  "AA" => [
    [0] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
              :value => 1
    [1] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
              :value => 4
  "AB" => [
    [0] {
      :grouping_path => "A",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "AB"
              :value => 3
  "BB" => [
    [0] {
      :grouping_path => "B",
               :node => {
        :deep_grouping_path => "BB"
              :value => 2
HashOp::Grouping.group_on_paths(hashes, [:grouping_path, :'node.deep_grouping_path'])
=> {
  "A" => {
    "AA" => [
      [0] {
        :grouping_path => "A",
                 :node => {
          :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
                :value => 1
      [1] {
        :grouping_path => "A",
                 :node => {
          :deep_grouping_path => "AA"
                :value => 4
    "AB" => [
      [0] {
        :grouping_path => "A",
                 :node => {
          :deep_grouping_path => "AB"
                :value => 3
  "B" => {
    "BB" => [
      [0] {
        :grouping_path => "B",
                 :node => {
          :deep_grouping_path => "BB"
                :value => 2

See specs for more details on each operation and operations not documented here.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.



  • Added Read.values_at_path
  • Minor fixes


  • Removed some operations that made no real sense (Math.sum and Math.sum_two).
  • Renamed DeepAccess to Deep.
  • Renamed Merge.merge to Merge.flat and Merge.merge_by_group to Merge.by_group.


Initial version