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Cluster Definitions

Cluster Defintions for apiVersion "vlabs"

Here are the cluster definitions for apiVersion "vlabs":


Name Required Description
apiVersion yes The version of the template. For "vlabs" the value is "vlabs"


orchestratorProfile describes the orchestrator settings.

Name Required Description
orchestratorType no Defaults to "Kubernetes"; a legacy property to accommodate previously supported orchestrators (e.g., DC/OS)
orchestratorRelease no Specifies the orchestrator release for the cluster
orchestratorVersion no Specifies the orchestrator version for the cluster

Here are the valid values for the orchestrator types:

  1. Kubernetes - this represents the Kubernetes orchestrator.

To learn more about supported versions, run the get-versions command:

$ aks-engine get-versions


kubernetesConfig describes Kubernetes specific configuration.

Name Required Description
addons no Configure various Kubernetes addons configuration. See addons configuration below
components no Configure core Kubernetes components. See components configuration below
apiServerConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for apiserver. See apiServerConfig below
cloudControllerManagerConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for cloud-controller-manager. See cloudControllerManagerConfig below
clusterSubnet no The IP subnet used for allocating IP addresses for pod network interfaces. The subnet must be in the VNET address space. With Azure CNI enabled, the default value is Without Azure CNI, the default value is
containerRuntime no The container runtime to use as a backend. The default is docker. Also supported is containerd. Windows support for containerd is Experimental - see Windows ContainerD
containerRuntimeConfig no A map of key-value pairs to drive configuration of the container runtime. Currently accepts a single key, "dataDir", which configures the root data directory for the container runtime. dataDir must be an absolute path. This is only implemented on Linux. See an example which places docker on the tmp disk of a Linux VM.
controllerManagerConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for controller-manager. See controllerManagerConfig below
customWindowsPackageURL no Configure custom windows Kubernetes release package URL for deployment on Windows. The format of this file is a zip file with multiple items (binaries, cni, infra container) in it. This setting will be deprecated in a future release of aks-engine where the binaries will be pulled in the format of Kubernetes releases that only contain the kubernetes binaries.
WindowsNodeBinariesURL no Windows Kubernetes Node binaries can be provided in the format of Kubernetes release (example: This setting allows overriding the binaries for custom builds.
WindowsContainerdURL no (for development only) Experimental - see Windows ContainerD
WindowsSdnPluginURL no (for development only) Experimental - see Windows ContainerD
dnsServiceIP no IP address for coredns or kube-dns to listen on. If specified must be in the range of serviceCidr
mobyVersion no (for development only) Enables an explicit moby version, e.g. 3.0.3. Default is 3.0.5. This kubernetesConfig property is for development only, and applies only to cluster creation: aks-engine upgrade will always statically set mobyVersion to the default version at the time of upgrade, to ensure that upgraded clusters have the most recent, validated version of moby.
linuxMobyURL no (for development only) Allow the use of custom moby package for Linux nodes.
containerdVersion no (for development only) Enables an explicit containerd version, e.g. 1.1.4. Default is 1.1.5. This kubernetesConfig property is for development only, and applies only to cluster creation: aks-engine upgrade will always statically set containerdVersion to the default version at the time of upgrade, to ensure that upgraded clusters have the most recent, validated version of containerd. This value is currently ignored for Windows. It is also ignored when linuxContainerdURL is defined.
linuxContainerdURL no (for development only) Allow the use of custom containerd package for Linux nodes.
dockerBridgeSubnet no The specific IP and subnet used for allocating IP addresses for the docker bridge network created on the kubernetes master and agents. Default value is This value is used to configure the docker daemon using the --bip flag
enableAggregatedAPIs no Enable Kubernetes Aggregated APIs. enableRbac must be set to true to use aggregated APIs. Aggregated API functionality is required by Service Catalog. (boolean - default is true)
enableDataEncryptionAtRest no Enable kubernetes data encryption at rest.This is currently an alpha feature. (boolean - default == false)
enableEncryptionWithExternalKms no Enable kubernetes data encryption at rest with external KMS. This is currently a beta feature. (boolean - default == false). If enableEncryptionWithExternalKms is enabled, then you must also configure your cluster with either service principals or user-assigned identity in order to use aks-engine upgrade. If you use system-assigned identity, then you will not be able to upgrade your cluster using aks-engine upgrade. See useManagedIdentity and userAssignedID below for a more thorough description of user-assigned and system-assigned identity
enablePodSecurityPolicy no Deprecated, see the pod-security-policy addon for a description of the AKS Engine-configured PodSecurityPolicy spec that is bootstrapped as a Kubernetes addon
enableRbac no Enable Kubernetes RBAC (boolean - default == true) RBAC support is required for Kubernetes 1.15.0 and greater, so enableRbac=false is not an allowed configuration for clusters >= 1.15.0. If you upgrade a cluster to 1.15.0 or greater from a version less than 1.15, and RBAC is disabled, the cluster configuration will be statically modified to enable RBAC as a result of running aks-engine upgrade.
etcdDiskSizeGB no Size in GB to assign to etcd data volume. Defaults (if no user value provided) are: 256 GB for clusters up to 3 nodes; 512 GB for clusters with between 4 and 10 nodes; 1024 GB for clusters with between 11 and 20 nodes; and 2048 GB for clusters with more than 20 nodes
etcdStorageLimitGB no Size in GB to limit etcd data storage to. Defaults to 2, maximum is 8. See here for more information.
etcdEncryptionKey no Enryption key to be used if enableDataEncryptionAtRest is enabled. Defaults to a random, generated, key
etcdVersion no (for development only) Enables an explicit etcd version, e.g. 3.2.23. Default is 3.3.25. This kubernetesConfig property is for development only, and recommended only for ephemeral clusters. However, you may use aks-engine upgrade on a cluster with an API model that includes a user-modified etcdVersion value. If aks-engine upgrade determines that the user-modified version is greater than the current AKS Engine default, aks-engine upgrade will not replace the newer version with an older version. However, if aks-engine upgrade determines that the user-modified version is older than the current AKS Engine default, it will build the newly upgraded master node VMs with the newer, AKS Engine default version of etcd.
gcHighThreshold no Sets the --image-gc-high-threshold value on the kublet configuration. Default is 85. See kubelet Garbage Collection
gcLowThreshold no Sets the --image-gc-low-threshold value on the kublet configuration. Default is 80. See kubelet Garbage Collection
kubeletConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for kubelet. See kubeletConfig below
kubeReservedCgroup no The name of a systemd slice to create for containment of both kubelet and the container runtime. When this value is a non-empty string, a file will be dropped at /etc/systemd/system/$KUBE_RESERVED_CGROUP.slice creating a systemd slice. Both kubelet and docker will run in this slice. This should not point to an existing systemd slice. If this value is unspecified or specified as the empty string, kubelet and the container runtime will run in the system slice by default.
kubernetesImageBase no Specifies the default image base URL (everything preceding the actual image filename) to be used for all kubernetes-related containers such as hyperkube, cloud-controller-manager, kube-addon-manager, etc. e.g.,
loadBalancerSku no Sku of Load Balancer and Public IP. Candidate values are: basic and standard. If not set, it will be default to "standard". NOTE: Because VMs behind standard SKU load balancer will not be able to access the internet without an outbound rule configured with at least one frontend IP, AKS Engine creates a Load Balancer with an outbound rule and with agent nodes added to the backend pool during cluster creation, as described in the Outbound NAT for internal Standard Load Balancer scenarios doc
loadBalancerOutboundIPs no Number of outbound IP addresses (e.g., 3) to use in Standard LoadBalancer configuration. If not set, AKS Engine will configure a single outbound IP address. You may want more than one outbound IP address if you are running a large cluster that is processing lots of connections. See here for more documentation about how adding more outbound IP addresses can increase the number of SNAT ports available for use by the Standard Load Balancer in your cluster. Note: this value is only configurable at cluster creation time, it can not be changed using aks-engine upgrade.
networkPlugin no Specifies the network plugin implementation for the cluster. Valid values are:
"azure" (default), which provides an Azure native networking experience
"kubenet" for k8s software networking implementation.
"cilium" for using the default Cilium CNI IPAM (requires the "cilium" networkPolicy as well)
"antrea" for using the Antrea network plugin (requires the "antrea" networkPolicy as well)
networkPolicy no Specifies the network policy enforcement tool for the cluster (currently Linux-only). Valid values are:
"calico" for Calico network policy.
"cilium" for cilium network policy (uses the "cilium" networkPlugin exclusively).
"antrea" for Antrea network policy (uses the "antrea" networkPlugin exclusively).
"azure" (experimental) for Azure CNI-compliant network policy (note: Azure CNI-compliant network policy requires explicit "networkPlugin": "azure" configuration as well).
See network policy examples for more information.
privateCluster no Build a cluster without public addresses assigned. See privateClusters below.
schedulerConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for scheduler. See schedulerConfig below
serviceCidr no IP range for Service IPs, Default is "". This range is never routed outside of a node so does not need to lie within clusterSubnet or the VNET
useInstanceMetadata no Use the Azure cloudprovider instance metadata service for appropriate resource discovery operations. Default is true
useManagedIdentity no Defaults to true. Includes and uses MSI identities for all interactions with the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API. Instead of using a static service principal written to /etc/kubernetes/azure.json, Kubernetes will use a dynamic, time-limited token fetched from the MSI extension running on master and agent nodes. When creating your cluster using either aks-engine deploy or az group deployment create (or equivalent), your ARM deployment will require a service principal that can create role assignment resources in the resource group. If you use this configuration by itself (without including a userAssignedID value, see below), that is a system-assigned identity configuration, derived from the VM itself that Kubernetes runtime is installed onto.
userAssignedID no When useManagedIdentity is set to true, including a userAssignedID value indicates that user-assigned identity will be the type of managed identity used for cluster nodes, and appropriate pods. If the string value of "userAssignedID" is a fully qualified resource ID (e.g., "/subscriptions/7a8f2518-7462-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003/resourceGroups/my-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/my-user-assigned-identity"), then the cluster will re-use that pre-existing user assigned managed identity resource; if the string value of "userAssignedID" is a simple string (e.g., "my-new-user-assigned-identity"), then a new user assigned managed identity resource will be created in the cluster resource group, with a name that matches that string value.
azureCNIURLLinux no Deploy a private build of Azure CNI on Linux nodes. This should be a full path to the .tar.gz
azureCNIURLWindows no Deploy a private build of Azure CNI on Windows nodes. This should be a full path to the .tar.gz
maximumLoadBalancerRuleCount no Maximum allowed LoadBalancer Rule Count is the limit enforced by Azure Load balancer. Default is 250
kubeProxyMode no kube-proxy --proxy-mode value, either "iptables" or "ipvs". Default is "iptables". See for further reference.
outboundRuleIdleTimeoutInMinutes no Specifies a value for IdleTimeoutInMinutes to control the outbound flow idle timeout of the agent standard loadbalancer. This value is set greater than the default Linux idle timeout (15.4 min):
cloudProviderBackoff no Use the Azure cloudprovider exponential backoff implementation when encountering retry-able errors from the Azure API. Defaults to true for Kubernetes v1.14.0 and greater.
cloudProviderBackoffMode no Which version of the Azure cloudprovider backoff implementation to use: the options are "v1" or "v2" (Kubernetes v1.14.0 or greater only). "v2" is a more recent backoff implementation which better honors Azure API HTTP headers to align backoff timings with the Azure API. Defaults to "v2" for Kubernetes v1.14.0 and greater, and "v1" for earlier versions of Kubernetes.
cloudProviderBackoffRetries no How many backoff retries before terminally failing the original Azure API operation. Defaults to 6.
cloudProviderBackoffJitter no Only available in the "v1" cloudProviderBackoffMode: how much random variation to inject in retry timings, to better distribute stacked retries. Defaults to 1 when using cloudProviderBackoffMode "v1", which effectively disables jitter.
cloudProviderBackoffDuration no The base duration, in seconds, in between retry attempts. Defaults to 5.
cloudProviderBackoffExponent no Only available in the "v1" cloudProviderBackoffMode: the factor to multiply cloudProviderBackoffDuration by for each retry iteration. Defaults to 1.5 when using cloudProviderBackoffMode "v1".
cloudProviderRateLimit no Use the Azure cloudprovider rate limiter to reduce the rate of calls to Azure APIs. Defaults to true.
cloudProviderRateLimitBucket no The size of the overflow read request queue when cloudProviderRateLimit is enabled. Defaults to the calculation "100 * number of agent pools in cluster configuration.
cloudProviderRateLimitQPS no QPS for Azure cloudprovider read request rate limiter enforcement. Defaults to a minimum factor of 0.1 (i.e., 10%) of the cloudProviderRateLimitBucket (e.g., given a cloudProviderRateLimitBucket of 100, cloudProviderRateLimitQPS defaults to 10), or 3, whichever is greater.
cloudProviderRateLimitBucketWrite no The size of the overflow write request queue when cloudProviderRateLimit is enabled. Follows the same defaults calculation as cloudProviderRateLimitBucket.
cloudProviderRateLimitQPSWrite no QPS for Azure cloudprovider write request rate limiter enforcement. Follows the same defaults calculation as cloudProviderRateLimitQPS.
cloudProviderDisableOutboundSNAT no For clusters w/ Standard LB only: enforces the disabling of outbound NAT for that load balancing rule. See here for more details. Defaults to false.
microsoftAptRepositoryURL no You may configure certain Microsoft-curated apt packages to be sourced from a custom repository so long as it acts as a mirror to the data at "" (the default value).
enableMultipleStandardLoadBalancers no Using multiple standard load balancers per cluster. The loadBalancerSku must be standard. Default to false.
tags no Specify the tags which will be applied to all of the resources managed by the cloud provider, with the format a=b,c=d.


addons is an interface to define user-configurable Kubernetes componentry. It is a child property of kubernetesConfig. Below is a list of currently available addons:

Name of addon Enabled by default? How many pods Description
tiller false 1 Delivers the Helm server-side component: tiller. See for more info
kubernetes-dashboard false 1 Deprecated. We recommend installing dashboard manually, see: for more info.
rescheduler false 1 Deprecated, no longer available after aks-engine v0.60.0.
cluster-autoscaler false 1 Delivers the Kubernetes cluster autoscaler component. See for more info; only supported for VMSS clusters on the first agent pool.
nvidia-device-plugin Enabled by default if you have at least one N-series VM node pool. You may explicitly disable this addon if you want to manage your own GPU driver implementation, for example using the nvidia gpu-operator solution. 1 Delivers the Kubernetes NVIDIA device plugin component. See for more info.
container-monitoring false 1 Delivers the Kubernetes container monitoring component
blobfuse-flexvolume false as many as linux agent nodes Access virtual filesystem backed by the Azure Blob storage (Note: Blobfuse FlexVolume driver is in maintenance mode.)
smb-flexvolume false as many as linux agent nodes Access SMB server by using CIFS/SMB protocol (Note: CIFS/SMB FlexVolume driver is in maintenance mode.)
keyvault-flexvolume false as many as linux agent nodes Access secrets, keys, and certs in Azure Key Vault from pods. This solution is DEPRECATED in favor of csi-secrets-store addon
aad-pod-identity false 1 + 1 on each linux agent nodes Assign Azure Active Directory Identities to Kubernetes applications. (Note: this addon is no longer maintained. We recommend using the official helm chart to install and maintain aad-pod-identity on your aks-engine cluster.)
scheduled-maintenance false 1 + 1 on each linux agent nodes Cordon and drain node during planned/unplanned azure maintenance
azuredisk-csi-driver true if using a Kubernetes cluster (v1.13+) with useCloudControllerManager enabled 1 + 1 on each linux agent nodes Allows Kubernetes to use Azure Disk volume
azurefile-csi-driver true if using a Kubernetes cluster (v1.13+) with useCloudControllerManager enabled 1 + 1 on each linux agent nodes Allows Kubernetes to use Azure File volume
azure-policy false 2 Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper with Azure Policy integration
node-problem-detector false as many as linux agent nodes Reports problems on Kubernetes nodes to kube-apiserver
kube-dns false; if set to true, coredns must be set to false, i.e., only one cluster DNS addon may be used on a given cluster 1 Cluster DNS services
coredns true; if set to false, kube-dns must be set to true, i.e., you need at least one (and only one) of kube-dns or coredns enabled. For more configuration info, see coredns configuration below 1 Cluster DNS services
kube-proxy true 1 a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster
pod-security-policy required for Kubernetes v1.15+; defaults to false for Kubernetes 1.14 and earlier 0 a cluster-level resource that controls security-sensitive aspects of the pod specification
audit-policy true 0 defines rules about what events should be recorded and what data they should include
azure-cloud-provider true 0 Delivers required ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, and StorageClass resources required for running the Azure cloudprovider runtime. May not be disabled.
aad true if adminGroupID is specified in the aadProfile configuration 0 ClusterRoleBinding specification that adds an admin group matching the adminGroupID
calico true if networkPolicy is "calico"; 6 A NetworkPolicy implementation by the Calico project (currently supports v3.8)
cilium true if networkPolicy is "cilium"; currently validated against Kubernetes v1.13, v1.14, and v1.15 0 A NetworkPolicy CRD implementation by the Cilium project (currently supports v1.4)
csi-secrets-store false as many as linux agent nodes Integrates secrets stores (Azure keyvault) via a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume. (Note: this addon is no longer maintained. We recommend using the official helm chart to install and maintain secrets-store-csi on your aks-engine cluster.)
azure-arc-onboarding false 7 Attaches the cluster to Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes.

To give a bit more info on the addons property: We've tried to expose the basic bits of data that allow useful configuration of these cluster features. Here are some example usage patterns that will unpack what addons provide:

To enable an addon (using "tiller" as an example):

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
            "name": "tiller",
            "enabled" : true

As you can see above, addons is an array child property of kubernetesConfig. Each addon that you want to add custom configuration to would be represented as an object item in the array. For example, to disable the "azuredisk-csi-driver" addon:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
            "name": "azuredisk-csi-driver",
            "enabled" : false

More usefully, let's add some custom configuration to an addon. The example below customizes the "cluster-autoscaler" addon:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
            "name": "cluster-autoscaler",
            "enabled": true,
            "containers": [
                "name": "cluster-autoscaler",
                "image": "myDockerHubUser/cluster-autoscaler:v1.20.1-alpha",
                "cpuRequests": "500m",
                "memoryRequests": "800Mi",
                "cpuLimits": "500m",
                "memoryLimits": "800Mi"
            "config": {
              "max-nodes": "5",
              "min-nodes": "1",
              "scan-interval": "10s"

The above example includes specific resource limit values across the following dimensions:

  • cpuRequests
  • memoryRequests
  • cpuLimits
  • memoryLimits

See for more on Kubernetes resource limits.

Additionally above, we specified a custom docker image to use, let's say we want to build a cluster and test an alpha version of cluster-autoscaler in it. Important note! customizing the image is not sticky across upgrade/scale, to ensure that AKS Engine always delivers a version-curated, known-working addon when moving a cluster to a new version. Considering all that, providing a custom image reference for an addon configuration should be considered for testing/development, but not for a production cluster. If you'd like to entirely customize one of the addons available, including across scale/upgrade operations, you may include in an addon's spec a base64-encoded string of a Kubernetes yaml manifest. E.g.,

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
            "name": "kube-proxy",
            "enabled": true,

The reason for the unsightly base64-encoded input type is to optimize delivery payload, and to squash a human-maintainable yaml file representation into something that can be tightly pasted into a JSON string value without the arguably more unsightly carriage returns / whitespace that would be delivered with a literal copy/paste of a Kubernetes manifest.


The coredns addon includes integration with the cluster-proportional-autoscaler project to automatically scale out coredns pod replicas according to node, or core count. More information at the official docs here. The AKS Engine default configuration tunes the autoscaler thresholds to "32" nodes, and "512" cores (whichever threshold is crossed first engages scaling behaviors), with a minimum replica count of "1". The scale thresholds are higher than those seen in example docs due to observed (not catastrophic) increases in per-DNS resolution response times. In other words, for smaller clusters that aren't coredns pod-constrained, a single coredns pod is more responsive. These configurations are entirely user-configurable: you may tune them according to the operational DNS characteristics of your environment. E.g.:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
          "name": "coredns",
          "enabled": true,
          "config": {
            "cores-per-replica": "512",
            "min-replicas": "3",
            "nodes-per-replica": "32"


The calico addon includes configurable verbosity via the logSeverityScreen configuration property. The default is "info". To override that default, (e.g., to "error"), see this example:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
          "name": "calico-daemonset",
          "enabled": true,
          "config": {
            "logSeverityScreen": "error"

Available options for logSeverityScreen are documented here.


The nvidia-device-plugin addon installs a nvidia driver listener via a daemonset for nodes backed by the docker container runtime. The daemonset will install itself as a pod container on each node that has GPU support (i.e., nodes backed by N-series VMs). For example a pod running on a GPU-enabled node:

$ kubectl logs nvidia-device-plugin-w8vnt -n kube-system
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Loading NVML
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Starting FS watcher.
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Starting OS watcher.
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Retreiving plugins.
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Starting GRPC server for ''
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Starting to serve '' on /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/nvidia.sock
2021/04/08 18:38:05 Registered device plugin for '' with Kubelet

This addon will be enabled automatically if the cluster is configured for docker, and has at least one N-series VM-configured node pool.

If you're using one or more N-series node pools and using containerd, then this addon will not be installed, as containerd-backed clusters require the user to bring his or her own GPU drivers solution. The AKS Engine project recommends the official nvidia gpu-operator solution for containerd GPU solutions. See here:

The gpu-operator solution is regularly tested against N-series node pool clusters backed by containerd.

If you're using docker and would like to provide your own GPU drivers solution, you may disable the nvidia-device-plugin addon manually:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "addons": [
          "name": "nvidia-device-plugin",
          "enabled": false

Available options for logSeverityScreen are documented here.


components is an interface to allow for user-configurable core Kubernetes component implementations. Normally, you won't need to modify this configuration, as AKS Engine will use the best, known-working component implementations validated against Azure for all supported versions of Kubernetes. To support the rapid development of Azure + Kubernetes (e.g., Azure cloudprovider), this configuration vector may be useful for validating a custom build or configuration of the various core components on a running Azure Kubernetes cluster. Again, as with addons, this configurable vector is designed for cluster creation only. Using aks-engine upgrade on a cluster will override the original, user-configured settings during the upgrade operation, rendering an upgraded cluster with the AKS Engine defaults for kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager, kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-addon-manager.

components is a child property of kubernetesConfig. Below is a list of components you may provide.:

Name of addon Enabled by default? How many pods Description
kube-controller-manager true 1 per master node The Kubernetes controller manager is a daemon that embeds the core control loops shipped with Kubernetes. Official docs here.
cloud-controller-manager false 1 per master node The Cloud controller manager is a daemon that embeds the cloud specific control loops shipped with Kubernetes. Official docs here.
kube-apiserver true 1 per master node The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and others. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster's shared state through which all other components interact. Official docs here.
kube-scheduler true 1 per master node The Kubernetes scheduler is a policy-rich, topology-aware, workload-specific function that significantly impacts availability, performance, and capacity. The scheduler needs to take into account individual and collective resource requirements, quality of service requirements, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, inter-workload interference, deadlines, and so on. Official docs here.
kube-addon-manager true 1 per master node Addon manager provides a standard way to deliver additional Kubernetes componentry. The addons supported by AKS Engine (documented above) are installed into the cluster using Addon manager. Official docs here.
cluster-init false n/a This is an interface to deliver Kubernetes resource configuration that may be tightly coupled to an ARM deployment. For example, if you use AKS Engine in an automated pipeline and you can scale up a cluster quickly by loading a Kubernetes specification immediately after bootstrapping the control plane, give the base64-encoded YAML representation of that spec to cluster-init. That data is decoded at cluster creation time to the path /opt/azure/containers/cluster-init.yaml on the first master VM, and then loaded into the cluster via kubectl apply -f. Seekubectl apply for more documentation on how to specify the source YAML. Note: the cluster-init spec is ignored during aks-engine upgrade and aks-engine scaleoperations.

To give a bit more info on the components property: Currently, there are two configuration vectors available for use. Firstly, you have the option to pass in a custom image reference for the container that the AKS Engine-provided specs implement (all components are implemented as single-container Pod resources); in addition you may provide an alternate command string to execute inside the container. E.g.:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "components": [
            "name": "kube-controller-manager",
            "enabled" : true,
            "containers": [
                    "name": "kube-controller-manager",
                    "image": "myDockerHubUser/custom-controller-manager-build:v1.17.2-dirty",
            "config": {
                "command": "kube-controller-manager-custom"

In addition, a component may be disabled by setting "enabled": false. This only makes practical sense for cloud-controller-manager, which is an optional Kubernetes control plane implementation that runs the Azure-specific control plane runtime in a separate pod from kube-controller-manager. For all other components, if they are disabled, then AKS Engine will not by itself create a functional Kubernetes cluster. This configuration is made available for development purposes only, and is not recommended for users building functional Kubernetes clusters using AKS Engine.

Note: kube-addon-manager does not support a command string, as that configuration isn't appropriate for Addon Manager, which only defines a container image as configurable input.

For each Kubernetes component (with the exception of kube-addon-manager), the args to the command are provided via the equivalent "<component>Config" property. E.g.:

See for more on Kubernetes resource limits.

As with addons, you may include an entirely custom component spec as a base64-encoded string of a Kubernetes yaml manifest. E.g.,

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "components": [
            "name": "kube-controller-manager",
            "enabled": true,
            "data": "YXBpVmVyc2lvbjogdjEKa2luZDogUG9kCm1ldGFkYXRhOgogIG5hbWU6IGt1YmUtY29udHJvbGxl

The above is the pattern we use to pass in a cluster-init spec for loading at cluster bootstrap time. E.g.:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "components": [
            "name": "cluster-init",
            "enabled": true,
            "data": "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"


kubeletConfig declares runtime configuration for the kubelet running on all master and agent nodes. It is a generic key/value object, and a child property of kubernetesConfig. The kubeletConfig configuration under kubernetesConfig will be inherited by a similar kubeletConfig configuration under the masterProfile configuration object, and by each agentPoolProfile in the agentPoolProfiles array. Specific master and per-pool kubelet configurations should be applied there. An example custom kubelet config:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "kubeletConfig": {
        "--eviction-hard": "memory.available<250Mi,nodefs.available<20%,nodefs.inodesFree<10%"

See here for a reference of supported kubelet options.

Below is a list of kubelet options that AKS Engine will configure by default:

kubelet option default value
"--cadvisor-port" "0"
"--cloud-config" "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json"
"--cloud-provider" "azure"
"--cluster-domain" "cluster.local"
"--event-qps" "0"
"--pod-infra-container-image" "pause-amd64:version"
"--network-plugin" "cni"
"--max-pods" "30", or "110" if using kubenet --network-plugin (i.e., "networkPlugin": "kubenet")
"--eviction-hard" "memory.available<750Mi,nodefs.available<10%,nodefs.inodesFree<5%"
"--node-status-update-frequency" "10s"
"--image-gc-high-threshold" "85"
"--image-gc-low-threshold" "80"
"--non-masquerade-cidr" "" (unless ip-masq-agent is disabled, in which case this is set to the value of kubernetesConfig.ClusterSubnet )
"--azure-container-registry-config" "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json"
"--pod-max-pids" "-1" (need to activate the feature in --feature-gates=SupportPodPidsLimit=true)
"--image-pull-progress-deadline" "30m"
"--feature-gates" No default (can be a comma-separated list). On agent nodes Accelerators=true will be applied in the --feature-gates option for k8s versions before 1.11.0
"--enforce-node-allocatable" "pods"
"--streaming-connection-idle-timeout" "4h"
"--rotate-certificates" "true" (this default is set for clusters >= 1.11.9 )
"--authentication-token-webhook" "true" (this default is set for clusters >= 1.16.0 )
"--read-only-port" "0" (this default is set for clusters >= 1.16.0 )
"--register-with-taints" "" (masterProfile only; Note: you may add your own master-specific taints in the kubeletConfig under masterProfile, which will augment the built-in "" taint, which will always be present.)
"--container-runtime" "remote" if in a containerd configuration, otherwise this configuration is not passed to kubelet runtime
"--runtime-request-timeout" "15m" if in a containerd configuration, otherwise this configuration is not passed to kubelet runtime
"--container-runtime-endpoint" "unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock" if in a containerd configuration, otherwise this configuration is not passed to kubelet runtime

Below is a list of kubelet options that are not currently user-configurable, either because a higher order configuration vector is available that enforces kubelet configuration, or because a static configuration is required to build a functional cluster:

kubelet option default value
"--address" ""
"--allow-privileged" "true"
"--anonymous-auth" "false"
"--authorization-mode" "webhook"
"--client-ca-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
"--cluster-dns" "" (if ipv4, or "fd00::10" if using ipv6)
"--pod-manifest-path" "/etc/kubernetes/manifests"
"--node-labels" (based on Azure node metadata)
"--cgroups-per-qos" "true"
"--kubeconfig" "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"
"--keep-terminated-pod-volumes" "false"
"--tls-cert-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/kubeletserver.crt"
"--tls-private-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/kubeletserver.key"
"--v" "2"
"--volume-plugin-dir" "/etc/kubernetes/volumeplugins"


controllerManagerConfig declares runtime configuration for the kube-controller-manager daemon running on all master nodes. Like kubeletConfig it is a generic key/value object, and a child property of kubernetesConfig. An example custom controller-manager config:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "controllerManagerConfig": {
        "--node-monitor-grace-period": "40s",
        "--pod-eviction-timeout": "5m0s",
        "--route-reconciliation-period": "10s"
        "--terminated-pod-gc-threshold": "5000"

See here for a reference of supported controller-manager options.

Below is a list of controller-manager options that AKS Engine will configure by default:

controller-manager option default value
"--node-monitor-grace-period" "40s"
"--pod-eviction-timeout" "5m0s"
"--route-reconciliation-period" "10s"
"--terminated-pod-gc-threshold" "5000"
"--feature-gates" No default (can be a comma-separated list)

Below is a list of controller-manager options that are not currently user-configurable, either because a higher order configuration vector is available that enforces controller-manager configuration, or because a static configuration is required to build a functional cluster:

controller-manager option default value
"--kubeconfig" "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"
"--allocate-node-cidrs" "false"
"--cluster-cidr" uses clusterSubnet value
"--cluster-name" auto-generated using API model properties
"--root-ca-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
"--cluster-signing-cert-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
"--cluster-signing-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.key"
"--service-account-private-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key"
"--leader-elect" "true"
"--v" "2"
"--profiling" "false"
"--use-service-account-credentials" "false" ("true" if kubernetesConfig.enableRbac is true)


cloudControllerManagerConfig declares runtime configuration for the cloud-controller-manager daemon running on all master nodes in a Cloud Controller Manager configuration. Like kubeletConfig it is a generic key/value object, and a child property of kubernetesConfig. An example custom cloud-controller-manager config:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "cloudControllerManagerConfig": {
        "--route-reconciliation-period": "1m"

See here for a reference of supported controller-manager options.

Below is a list of cloud-controller-manager options that AKS Engine will configure by default:

controller-manager option default value
"--route-reconciliation-period" "10s"

Below is a list of cloud-controller-manager options that are not currently user-configurable, either because a higher order configuration vector is available that enforces controller-manager configuration, or because a static configuration is required to build a functional cluster:

controller-manager option default value
"--kubeconfig" "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"
"--allocate-node-cidrs" "false"
"--cluster-cidr" uses clusterSubnet value
"--cluster-name" auto-generated using API model properties
"--cloud-provider" "azure"
"--cloud-config" "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json"
"--leader-elect" "true"
"--v" "2"


apiServerConfig declares runtime configuration for the kube-apiserver daemon running on all master nodes. Like kubeletConfig and controllerManagerConfig it is a generic key/value object, and a child property of kubernetesConfig. An example custom apiserver config:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "apiServerConfig": {
        "--request-timeout": "30s"

Or perhaps you want to customize/override the set of admission-control flags passed to the API Server by default, you can omit the options you don't want and specify only the ones you need as follows:

"orchestratorProfile": {
      "orchestratorRelease": "1.8",
      "kubernetesConfig": {
        "apiServerConfig": {
          "--admission-control":  "NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota,AlwaysPullImages"

See here for a reference of supported apiserver options.

Below is a list of apiserver options that AKS Engine will configure by default:

apiserver option default value
"--anonymous-auth" "false"
"--admission-control" "NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota" (Kubernetes versions prior to 1.9.0)
"--enable-admission-plugins"* "NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,DefaultTolerationSeconds,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota,ExtendedResourceToleration" (Kubernetes versions 1.9.0 and later)
"--authorization-mode" "Node", "RBAC" (the latter if enabledRbac is true)
"--audit-log-maxage" "30"
"--audit-log-maxbackup" "10"
"--audit-log-maxsize" "100"
"--feature-gates" No default (can be a comma-separated list)
"--oidc-username-claim" "oid" (if has AADProfile)
"--oidc-groups-claim" "groups" (if has AADProfile)
"--oidc-client-id" calculated value that represents OID client ID (if has AADProfile)
"--oidc-issuer-url" calculated value that represents OID issuer URL (if has AADProfile)
"--service-account-issuer" "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" (Kubernetes v1.20.0 and greater only)
"--service-account-signing-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key" (Kubernetes v1.20.0 and greater only)
"--v" "2"

* In Kubernetes versions 1.10.0 and later the --admission-control flag is deprecated and --enable-admission-plugins is used instead.

Below is a list of apiserver options that are not currently user-configurable, either because a higher order configuration vector is available that enforces apiserver configuration, or because a static configuration is required to build a functional cluster:

apiserver option default value
"--bind-address" ""
"--advertise-address" calculated value that represents listening URI for API server
"--allow-privileged" "true"
"--audit-log-path" "/var/log/apiserver/audit.log"
"--insecure-port" "0"
"--secure-port" "443"
"--service-account-lookup" "true"
"--etcd-cafile" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
"--etcd-certfile" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/etcdclient.crt"
"--etcd-keyfile" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/etcdclient.key"
"--etcd-servers" calculated value that represents etcd servers
"--profiling" "false"
"--repair-malformed-updates" "false" (deprecated in v1.14)
"--tls-cert-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.crt"
"--tls-private-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key"
"--client-ca-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
"--service-account-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key"
"--kubelet-client-certificate" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/client.crt"
"--kubelet-client-key" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/client.key"
"--service-cluster-ip-range" see serviceCIDR
"--storage-backend" calculated value that represents etcd version
"--encryption-provider-config" "/etc/kubernetes/encryption-config.yaml" (if enableDataEncryptionAtRest is true)
"--encryption-provider-config" "/etc/kubernetes/encryption-config.yaml" (if enableEncryptionWithExternalKms is true)
"--requestheader-client-ca-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/proxy-ca.crt" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--proxy-client-cert-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/proxy.crt" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--proxy-client-key-file" "/etc/kubernetes/certs/proxy.key" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--requestheader-allowed-names" "" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--requestheader-extra-headers-prefix" "X-Remote-Extra-" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--requestheader-group-headers" "X-Remote-Group" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--requestheader-username-headers" "X-Remote-User" (if enableAggregatedAPIs is true)
"--cloud-provider" "azure" (unless useCloudControllerManager is true)
"--cloud-config" "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json" (unless useCloudControllerManager is true)


schedulerConfig declares runtime configuration for the kube-scheduler daemon running on all master nodes. Like kubeletConfig, controllerManagerConfig, and apiServerConfig it is a generic key/value object, and a child property of kubernetesConfig. An example custom apiserver config:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "schedulerConfig": {
        "--v": "2"

See here for a reference of supported kube-scheduler options.

Below is a list of scheduler options that AKS Engine will configure by default:

kube-scheduler option default value
"--v" "2"
"--feature-gates" No default (can be a comma-separated list)

Below is a list of kube-scheduler options that are not currently user-configurable, either because a higher order configuration vector is available that enforces kube-scheduler configuration, or because a static configuration is required to build a functional cluster:

kube-scheduler option default value
"--kubeconfig" "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"
"--leader-elect" "true"
"--profiling" "false"

We consider kubeletConfig, controllerManagerConfig, apiServerConfig, and schedulerConfig to be generic conveniences that add power/flexibility to cluster deployments. Their usage comes with no operational guarantees! They are manual tuning features that enable low-level configuration of a kubernetes cluster.

Custom YAML for Kubernetes component manifests

Custom YAML specifications can be configured for kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager and kube-apiserver in addition to the addons described above. You will need to pass in a base64-encoded string of the kubernetes manifest YAML file to KubernetesComponentConfig["data"] . For example, to pass a custom kube-scheduler config, do the following:

"kubernetesConfig": {
    "schedulerConfig": {
            "data" : "<base64-encoded string of your k8s manifest YAML>"

NOTE: Custom YAML for addons is an experimental feature. Since Addons.Data allows you to provide your own scripts, you are responsible for any undesirable consequences of their errors or failures. Use at your own risk.


The sysctldConfig configuration interface allows generic Linux kernel runtime configuration that will be delivered to sysctl. Use at your own risk! It is a generic key/value object, and a child property of both masterProfile and node pool configurations under agentPoolProfiles, for tuning the Linux kernel parameters on master and/or node pool VMs, respectively. An example custom sysctl config that tunes the control plane VMs:

"masterProfile": {
    "sysctldConfig": {
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time": "120",
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl": "75",
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes": "9"

And, here's that same config override example on a node pool named "my-custom-node-pool":

"agentPoolProfiles": [
    "name": "my-custom-node-pool",
    "sysctldConfig": {
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time": "120",
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl": "75",
        "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes": "9"

Kubernetes kernel configuration varies by distro, so please validate that the kernel parameter and value works for the Linux flavor you are using in your cluster.

Below is a list of sysctl configuration that AKS Engine will configure by default for both Ubuntu 16.04-LTS and 18.04-LTS, for both master and node pool VMs:

kernel parameter default value
"net.ipv4.tcp_retries2" "8"
"net.core.somaxconn" "16384"
"net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog" "16384"
"net.core.message_cost" "40"
"net.core.message_burst" "80"
"net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1" "4096"
"net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2" "8192"
"net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3" "16384"


privateCluster defines a cluster without public addresses assigned. It is a child property of kubernetesConfig.

Name Required Description
enabled no Enable Private Cluster (boolean - default == false)
jumpboxProfile no Configure and auto-provision a jumpbox to access your private cluster. jumpboxProfile is ignored if enabled is false. See jumpboxProfile below
enableHostsConfigAgent no Enable config agent to config /etc/hosts file for AKS private clusters


jumpboxProfile describes the settings for a jumpbox deployed via aks-engine to access a private cluster. It is a child property of privateCluster.

Name Required Description
name yes This is the unique name for the jumpbox VM. Some resources deployed with the jumpbox are derived from this name
vmSize yes Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes
publicKey yes The public SSH key used for authenticating access to the jumpbox. Here are instructions for [generating a public/private key pair][ssh]
osDiskSizeGB no Describes the OS Disk Size in GB. Defaults to 30
storageProfile no Specifies the storage profile to use. Valid values are ManagedDisks or StorageAccount. Defaults to ManagedDisks
username no Describes the admin username to be used on the jumpbox. Defaults to azureuser


masterProfile describes the settings for master configuration.

Name Required Description
count yes Masters have count value of 1, 3, or 5 masters
dnsPrefix yes The dns prefix for the master FQDN. The master FQDN is used for SSH or commandline access. This must be a unique name. (bring your own VNET examples)
subjectAltNames no An array of fully qualified domain names using which a user can reach API server. These domains are added as Subject Alternative Names to the generated API server certificate. NOTE: These domains will not be automatically provisioned.
firstConsecutiveStaticIP only required when vnetSubnetId specified and when MasterProfile is not VirtualMachineScaleSets The IP address of the first master. IP Addresses will be assigned consecutively to additional master nodes. When MasterProfile is using VirtualMachineScaleSets, this value will be determined by an offset from the first IP in the vnetCidr. For example, if vnetCidr is, then firstConsecutiveStaticIP will be
vmsize yes Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores and 100GB of disk space
storageProfile no Specifies the storage profile to use. Valid values are ManagedDisks or StorageAccount. Defaults to ManagedDisks
osDiskSizeGB no Describes the OS Disk Size in GB
osDiskCachingType no Which disk caching type configuration to use for the OS disk on master VMs. Allowed configurations are "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", or "None". Default is "ReadWrite".
vnetSubnetId only required when using custom VNET Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples). When MasterProfile is set to VirtualMachineScaleSets, this value should be the subnetId of the master subnet. When MasterProfile is set to AvailabilitySet, this value should be the subnetId shared by both master and agent nodes.
extensions no This is an array of extensions. This indicates that the extension be run on a single master. The name in the extensions array must exactly match the extension name in the extensionProfiles
vnetCidr no Specifies the VNET cidr when using a custom VNET (bring your own VNET examples). This VNET cidr should include both the master and the agent subnets. no The name of the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below. (For information on setting this for Windows nodes see WindowsProfile)
imageReference.resourceGroup no Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above
imageReference.subscriptionId no ID of subscription containing the Linux OS image. Applies only to Shared Image Galleries. All of name, resourceGroup, subscription, gallery, image name, and version must be specified for this scenario. no Name of Shared Image Gallery containing the Linux OS image. Applies only to Shared Image Galleries. All of name, resourceGroup, subscription, gallery, image name, and version must be specified for this scenario.
imageReference.version no Version containing the Linux OS image. Applies only to Shared Image Galleries. All of name, resourceGroup, subscription, gallery, image name, and version must be specified for this scenario.
distro no Specifies the masters' Linux distribution. Currently supported values are: ubuntu-18.04, ubuntu-18.04-gen2 (Ubuntu 18.04-LTS running on a Generation 2 VM), and aks-ubuntu-18.04. For Azure Public Cloud, Azure US Government Cloud, and Azure China Cloud, defaults to aks-ubuntu-18.04. For other Sovereign Clouds, the default is ubuntu-18.04. aks-ubuntu-18.04 is a custom image based on ubuntu-18.04 that comes with pre-installed software necessary for Kubernetes deployments. Note: the ubuntu and aks-ubuntu-16.04 distro values may be used if you have a reason to use the EOL (End of Life) Ubuntu 16.04-LTS OS; we do not recommend using Ubuntu 16.04-LTS, as the OS will no longer be receiving security and other critical patches as of April 30, 2021.
customFiles no The custom files to be provisioned to the master nodes. Defined as an array of JSON objects with each defined as "source":"absolute-local-path", "dest":"absolute-path-on-masternodes".See examples
availabilityProfile no Supported values are AvailabilitySet (default) and VirtualMachineScaleSets (not recommended: you may not upgrade a cluster built with a VMSS control plane). If you do use a VirtualMachineScaleSets configuration for your control plane: all node pools require a "availabilityProfile": "VirtualMachineScaleSets" configuration; and, to SSH into a control plane node, you need to use ssh -p 50001 instead of port 22.
agentVnetSubnetId only required when using custom VNET and when MasterProfile is using VirtualMachineScaleSets Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet for all the agent pool nodes. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples). When MasterProfile is using VirtualMachineScaleSets, this value should be the subnetId of the subnet for all agent pool nodes.
availabilityZones no To protect your cluster from datacenter-level failures, you can enable the Availability Zones feature for your master VMs. Check out Availability Zones README for more details.
cosmosEtcd no True: uses cosmos etcd endpoint instead of installing etcd on masters
auditDEnabled no Enable auditd enforcement at the OS layer for each node VM. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an Ubuntu-backed distro, e.g., the default "aks-ubuntu-18.04" distro, or the "ubuntu-18.04" distro. Defaults to false
ultraSSDEnabled no Enable UltraSSD feature for each node VM. More details about Ultra disk.
customVMTags no Specifies a list of custom tags to be added to the master VMs or Scale Sets. Each tag is a key/value pair (ie: "myTagKey": "myTagValue").
sysctldConfig no Configure Linux kernel parameters via /etc/sysctl.d/. See sysctldConfig below
proximityPlacementGroupID no Specifies the resource id of the Proximity Placement Group (PPG) to be used for master VMs. Please find more details about PPG in this Azure blog. Note that the PPG should be created in advance. The following Azure CLI documentation explains how to create a PPG.
kubeletConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for kubelet running on master nodes. See kubeletConfig above


A cluster can have 0 to 12 agent pool profiles. Agent Pool Profiles are used for creating agents with different capabilities such as VMSizes, VMSS or Availability Set, Public/Private access, user-defined OS Images, attached storage disks, attached managed disks, or Windows.

Name Required Description
availabilityProfile no Supported values are VirtualMachineScaleSets (default, except for Kubernetes clusters before version 1.10) and AvailabilitySet.
count yes Describes the node count
availabilityZones no To protect your cluster from datacenter-level failures, you can enable the Availability Zones feature for your node pool. Check out Availability Zones README for more details.
singlePlacementGroup no Supported values are true (default) and false. A value of true: A VMSS with a single placement group and has a range of 0-100 VMs. A value of false: A VMSS with multiple placement groups and has a range of 0-1,000 VMs. For more information, check out virtual machine scale sets placement groups. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an "availabilityProfile" value of "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
scaleSetPriority no Supported values are Regular (default), Low (DEPRECATED) and Spot. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an "availabilityProfile" value of "VirtualMachineScaleSets". Enables the usage of Low-priority VMs on Scale Sets or Azure Spot VMs.
scaleSetEvictionPolicy no Supported values are Delete (default) and Deallocate. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an "availabilityProfile" value of "VirtualMachineScaleSets" and a "scaleSetPriority" value of "Low" or "Spot".
spotMaxPrice no Supported values are -1 (default) or any decimal value greater than zero. Only valid on an agent pool with an "availabilityProfile" value of "VirtualMachineScaleSets" and scaleSetPriority value of "Spot". Specifies the maximum price you are willing to pay for a Azure Spot VM/VMSS. This price is in US Dollars. This price will be compared with the current Azure Spot price for the VM size. Also, the prices are compared at the time of create/update of Azure Spot VM/VMSS and the operation will only succeed if the maxPrice is greater than the current Azure Spot price. The maxPrice will also be used for evicting a Azure Spot VM/VMSS if the current Azure Spot price goes beyond the maxPrice after creation of VM/VMSS. You can set the maxPrice to -1 to indicate that the Azure Spot VM/VMSS should not be evicted for price reasons. Also, the default max price is -1 if it is not provided by you
diskSizesGB no Describes an array of up to 4 attached disk sizes. Valid disk size values are between 1 and 1024
dataDiskCachingType no Which disk caching type configuration to use for the data disks on master VMs. Allowed configurations are "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", or "None". Default is "ReadOnly".
dnsPrefix Required if agents are to be exposed publically with a load balancer The dns prefix that forms the FQDN to access the loadbalancer for this agent pool. This must be a unique name among all agent pools. Not supported for Kubernetes clusters
name yes This is the unique name for the agent pool profile. The resources of the agent pool profile are derived from this name
ports only required if needed for exposing services publically Describes an array of ports need for exposing publically. A tcp probe is configured for each port and only opens to an agent node if the agent node is listening on that port. A maximum of 150 ports may be specified. Not supported for Kubernetes clusters
storageProfile no Specifies the storage profile to use. Valid values are ManagedDisks, StorageAccount, or Ephemeral. Defaults to ManagedDisks. Ephemeral is an experimental feature - please read more on the feature status page
vmsize yes Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores
osDiskSizeGB no Describes the OS Disk Size in GB
osDiskCachingType no Which disk caching type configuration to use for the OS disk on master VMs. Allowed configurations are "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", or "None". Default is "ReadWrite".
vnetSubnetId no Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples) no The name of a a Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below
imageReference.resourceGroup no Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above
osType no Specifies the agent pool's Operating System. Supported values are Windows and Linux. Defaults to Linux
distro no Specifies the agent pool's Linux distribution. Currently supported values are: ubuntu-18.04, aks-ubuntu-18.04, ubuntu-18.04-gen2 (Ubuntu 18.04-LTS running on a Generation 2 VM), and flatcar (Flatcar support is currently experimental - Example of Flatcar Master with Flatcar Agents). For Azure Public Cloud, Azure US Government Cloud, and Azure China Cloud, defaults to aks-ubuntu-18.04. For Sovereign Clouds, the default is ubuntu-18.04. aks-ubuntu-18.04 is a custom image based on ubuntu-18.04 that comes with pre-installed software necessary for Kubernetes deployments. Note: the ubuntu and aks-ubuntu-16.04 distro values may be used if you have a reason to use the EOL (End of Life) Ubuntu 16.04-LTS OS; we do not recommend using Ubuntu 16.04-LTS, as the OS will no longer be receiving security and other critical patches as of April 30, 2021.
acceleratedNetworkingEnabled no Use Azure Accelerated Networking feature for Linux agents (You must select a VM SKU that supports Accelerated Networking). Defaults to true if the VM SKU selected supports Accelerated Networking
acceleratedNetworkingEnabledWindows no Use Azure Accelerated Networking feature for Windows agents (You must select a VM SKU that supports Accelerated Networking). Defaults to false. Setting it to true requires the base Windows vm images contains the right drivers to support accelerated networking.
vmssOverProvisioningEnabled no Use Overprovisioning with VMSS. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an "availabilityProfile" value of "VirtualMachineScaleSets". Defaults to false
enableVMSSNodePublicIP no Enable creation of public IP on VMSS nodes (must use "availabilityProfile": "VirtualMachineScaleSets"). This configuration is only valid on a cluster running a "Basic" LoadBalancer SKU ("loadBalancerSku": "Basic", see: kubernetesConfig). Defaults to false
LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolIDs no Enables automatic placement of the agent pool nodes into existing load balancer's backend address pools. Each element value of this string array is the corresponding load balancer backend address pool's Azure Resource Manager(ARM) resource ID. By default this property is not included in the API model, which is equivalent to an empty string array.
auditDEnabled no Enable auditd enforcement at the OS layer for each node VM. This configuration is only valid on an agent pool with an Ubuntu-backed distro, e.g., the default "aks-ubuntu-18.04" distro, or the "ubuntu-18.04" distro. Defaults to false
customVMTags no Specifies a list of custom tags to be added to the agent VMs or Scale Sets. Each tag is a key/value pair (ie: "myTagKey": "myTagValue").
diskEncryptionSetID no Specifies ResourceId of the disk encryption set to use for enabling encryption at rest (ie: "/subscriptions/{subs-id}/resourceGroups/{rg-name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{diskEncryptionSet-name}"). More details about Server side encryption of Azure managed disks.
ultraSSDEnabled no Enable UltraSSD feature for each node VM. More details about Ultra disk.
extensions no Specifies list of extensions to enable for the agent profile. More details about agentPoolProfiles extensions
preProvisionExtension no Specifies an extension to be run before the cluster is brought up. More details about agentPoolProfiles extensions
sysctldConfig no Configure Linux kernel parameters via /etc/sysctl.d/. See sysctldConfig below
proximityPlacementGroupID no Specifies the resource id of the Proximity Placement Group (PPG) to be used for this agentpool. Please find more details about PPG in this Azure blog. Note that the PPG should be created in advance. The following Azure CLI documentation explains how to create a PPG.
kubeletConfig no Configure various runtime configuration for kubelet running on this node pool. See kubeletConfig above


linuxProfile provides the linux configuration for each linux node in the cluster

Name Required Description
adminUsername yes Describes the username to be used on all linux clusters
ssh.publicKeys[].keyData yes The public SSH key used for authenticating access to all Linux nodes in the cluster
secrets no Specifies an array of key vaults to pull secrets from and what secrets to pull from each
enableUnattendedUpgrades no (will be required in a future release) Configure each Linux node VM (including control plane node VMs) to run /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade in the background according to a daily schedule. If enabled, the default unattended-upgrades package configuration will be used as provided by the Ubuntu distro version running on the VM. More information here. By default, enableUnattendedUpgrades is set to true. We encourage you to declare an explicit configuration for enableUnattendedUpgrades and a warning will be logged if you do not. In a future release of aks-engine, we may default this to false, requiring the user to self-maintain OS package and security updates.
runUnattendedUpgradesOnBootstrap no Invoke an unattended-upgrade when each Linux node VM comes online for the first time. In practice this is accomplished by performing an apt-get update, followed by a manual invocation of /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade, to fetch updated apt configuration, and install all package updates provided by the unattended-upgrade facility, respectively. Defaults to true for public Azure clouds, and to false for Azure Stack Hub and other non-public, custom cloud environments. no describes the search domain to be used on all linux clusters
customSearchDomain.realmUser no describes the realm user with permissions to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS
customSearchDomain.realmPassword no describes the realm user password to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS
customNodesDNS.dnsServer no describes the IP address of the DNS Server
eth0MTU no Allows custom MTU configuration on all Linux node eth0 interfaces. At present, only 1500 and 3900 (JSON type int) are allowed. You may not use this configuration if your cluster is configured for kubenet.

Here are instructions for [generating a public/private key pair][ssh] for ssh.publicKeys.keyData.

Notes on SSH public keys

At least one SSH key is required, but multiple are supported when deploying Kubernetes.

Here's a minimal example using just one key:

    "linuxProfile": {
      "adminUsername": "azureuser",
      "ssh": {
        "publicKeys": [
            "keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAA...w=="

And an example using two keys.

    "linuxProfile": {
      "adminUsername": "azureuser",
      "ssh": {
        "publicKeys": [
            "keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAA...w=="
            "keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAA...w=="


secrets details which certificates to install on the masters and nodes in the cluster.

A cluster can have a list of key vaults to install certs from.

On linux boxes the certs are saved on under the directory "/var/lib/waagent/". 2 files are saved per certificate:

  1. {thumbprint}.crt : this is the full cert chain saved in PEM format
  2. {thumbprint}.prv : this is the private key saved in PEM format
Name Required Description yes The azure resource manager id of the key vault to pull secrets from
vaultCertificates.certificateUrl yes Keyvault URL to this cert including the version

format for, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{keyvaultname}

format for vaultCertificates.certificateUrl, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: https://{keyvaultname}{secretName}/{version}


windowsProfile provides configuration specific to Windows nodes in the cluster

Name Required Description
adminUsername yes Username for the Windows adminstrator account created on each Windows node
adminPassword yes Password for the Windows adminstrator account created on each Windows node
csiProxyURL no Path to a package containing csi proxy binaries for Windows.
enableAutomaticUpdates no If set to true Windows Update will be configured to automatically apply updates on Windows nodes. Default: false
enableCSIProxy no If set to true the csi-proxy specified by windowsProfile.csiProxyURL will get installed during node provisioning. See Windows Csi Proxy for more details.
provisioningScriptsPackageURL no Path to a package containing provisioning scripts found in /staging/provisioning/windows. Default values will be maintained by aks-engine team and contain script content signed by Microsoft.
windowsPauseImageURL no Path to a Windows pause image. Default values will be maintained by aks-engine team. e.g. ""
alwaysPullWindowsPauseImage no If set to true, it will always pull the Windows pause image from the repo specified. Default: false.
windowsPublisher no Publisher used to find Windows VM to deploy from marketplace. Default: microsoft-aks
windowsOffer no Offer used to find Windows VM to deploy from marketplace. Default: aks-windows
windowsSku no SKU usedto find Windows VM to deploy from marketplace. Default: 2019-datacenter-core-smalldisk
imageVersion no Specific image version to deploy from marketplace. Default: 17763.737.190923. This default is incremented to include the latest Windows patches after being validated by the AKS Engine team.
windowsImageSourceURL no Path to an existing Azure storage blob with a sysprepped VHD. This is used to test pre-release or customized VHD files that you have uploaded to Azure. If provided, the above 4 parameters are ignored. no Name of an Image.
imageReference.resourceGroup no Resource group that contains the Image.
imageReference.subscriptionId no ID of subscription containing a Shared Image Gallery. no Name of a Shared Image Gallery.
imageReference.version no Version of an Image from a Shared Image Gallery.
sshEnabled no If set to true, OpenSSH will be installed on windows nodes to allow for ssh remoting. Only for Windows version 1809/2019 or later. The same SSH authorized public key(s) will be added from linuxProfile.ssh.publicKeys. Default: true
enableAHUB no If set to true, Windows nodepools was licensed as Windows Server on-premises. For more information, see Azure Hybrid Use Benefit for Windows Server
windowsSecureTLSEnabled no If set to true, it will always enable secure TLS protocols on Windows nodes. Default: false.

Windows Images

You can configure the image used for all Windows nodes one of the following ways:


The AKS Engine team produces images that are optimized for and validated against aks-engine-created Kubernetes clusters during the regular development and release process. The latest version of these images at the time of a new release of the aks-engine binary are used as the default images for Windows nodes.

These images are published to the Azure Marketplace under the microsoft-aks publisher and aks-windows offer. Release notes for these images can be found under releases/vhd-notes/aks-windows.

Marketplace Images

Aks-engine also supports running 'vanilla' Windows Server images published by Microsoft. These can be used by advanced users if a release other than Winders Server 2019 is needed.

If you want to choose a specific Windows image, but automatically use the latest - set windowsPublisher, windowsOffer, and windowsSku. If you need a specific version, then add imageVersion too.

You can find all available images with az vm image list --all --publisher MicrosoftWindowsServer --offer WindowsServer --output table, and the contents of these images are described in the knowledge base article Windows Server release on Azure Marketplace update history.

If you want to use a specific image then windowsPublisher, windowsOffer, windowsSku, and imageVersion must all be set:

"windowsProfile": {
            "adminUsername": "...",
            "adminPassword": "...",
            "windowsPublisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
            "windowsOffer": "WindowsServer",
            "windowsSku": "2019-Datacenter-Core-with-Containers-smalldisk",
            "imageVersion": "2019.0.20181107"
Custom Images

Listed in order of precedence based on what is specified in the API model:


To use an image uploaded to an Azure storage account (or any other accessible location) specify windowsImageSourceURL.

Note: URLs containing SAS tokens are not allowed by Azure!

"windowsProfile": {
            "adminUsername": "...",
            "adminPassword": "...",
            "windowsImageSourceURL": "",
Shared Image Gallery

To use an Image from a Shared Image Gallery specify, imageReference.resourceGroup, imageReference.subscriptionId, imageReference.galllery, and imageReference.version.

"windowsProfile": {
            "adminUsername": "...",
            "adminPassword": "...",
            "imageReference": {
              "name": "custom-image",
              "resourceGroup": "windows-images",
              "subscriptionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
              "gallery": "image-gallery",
              "version": "0.1.0"
Azure Image

To use a pre-existing Azure Image specify and imageReference.resourceGroup.

"windowsProfile": {
            "adminUsername": "...",
            "adminPassword": "...",
            "imageReference": {
              "name": "custom-image",
              "resourceGroup": "windows-images"


servicePrincipalProfile describes an Azure Service credentials to be used by the cluster for self-configuration. See service principal for more details on creation.

Name Required Description
clientId yes, for Kubernetes clusters describes the Azure client id. It is recommended to use a separate client ID per cluster
secret yes, for Kubernetes clusters describes the Azure client secret. It is recommended to use a separate client secret per client id
objectId optional, for Kubernetes clusters describes the Azure service principal object id. It is required if enableEncryptionWithExternalKms is true
keyvaultSecretRef.vaultId no, for Kubernetes clusters describes the vault id of the keyvault to retrieve the service principal secret from. See below for format.
keyvaultSecretRef.secretName no, for Kubernetes clusters describes the name of the service principal secret in keyvault
keyvaultSecretRef.version no, for Kubernetes clusters describes the version of the secret to use

format for keyvaultSecretRef.vaultId, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: /subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RG_NAME>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<KV_NAME>. See keyvault params for an example.