diff --git a/modules/sync-narration.md b/modules/sync-narration.md
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+# Synchronized Narration Module
+* Laurent Le Meur ([EDRLab](https://www.edrlab.org))
+## Introduction
+The Synchronized Narration Module defines how the content of a given textual resource can be synchronized with the content of an alternative audio resource.
+While the main use of this Module is an audio narration synchonized with text highlights in a textual publication, it may also be used "in reverse mode" for enhancing an audiobook experience with textual subtitles.
+## Status of this document
+This is a draft document from the Readium community. It is currently implemented in Readium Desktop.
+A useful evolution would be to extend this structure with a proper support for still and moving images. A textual publication could then be enhanced with the apparition of small illustrations or sign-language videos explaining words or utterances, upon manual selection of those textual segments. This feature would be very useful for cognitive disabled people, but also for children or people learning a new language. Such feature also has the advantage of being 100% descriptive (no javascript involved in the publication).
+## Structure of a Synchronized Narration document
+The Synchronized Narration object is defined as:
+| Key | Definition | Format | Required? |
+| ---- | -----------| -------| ----------|
+| `textRef` | The absolute or relative URL of the textual resource which participates to the synchronized narration | URL | At the top level only |
+| `audioRef` | The absolute or relative URL of the audio resource which participates to the synchronized narration | URL | At the top level only |
+| `narration` | A recursive array of synchronization objects | Array of Synchronization Item or Sub Narration | Yes |
+The Sub Narration object is defined as:
+| Key | Definition | Format | Required? |
+| ---- | -----------| -------| ----------|
+| `role` | Semantic information relative to the role of the object in the publication | [EPUB Structural Semantics](#references) | No |
+| `narration` | A recursive array of synchronization objects | Array of Synchronization Item or Sub Narration | Yes |
+The Synchronization Item object is defined as:
+| Key | Definition | Format | Required? |
+| ---- | -----------| -------| ----------|
+| `text` | The fragment identifier of the textual fragment which participates to the synchronized narration | URI Fragment Identifier | Yes |
+| `audio` | The fragment identifier of the audio fragment which participates to the synchronized narration | Media Fragment URI | Yes |
+Structural semantics offer a way to selectively filter out content based on semantics ("skippability" in the DAISY world)
+The recursive structure offers a way to jump out of complex structures and back into the reading flow ("escapability" in the DAISY world).
+In case we decide to extend the structure to image and video, using `image` and `video` would be consistent with the [latest work of the W3C CG](https://w3c.github.io/sync-media-pub/sync-media.html).
+## Example
+ "textRef": "/text/chapter1.html",
+ "audioRef": "/audio/chapter1.mp3",
+ "narration": [
+ {
+ "text": "#id1",
+ "audio": "#t=0.0,1.2"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "#id2",
+ "audio": "#t=1.2,3.4"
+ },
+ {
+ "role": "footnote",
+ "text": "#id3",
+ "audio": "#t=3.4,5.6"
+ },
+ {
+ "role": "aside",
+ "narration": [
+ {
+ "text": "#id4",
+ "audio": "#t=5.6,7.8"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "#id5",
+ "audio": "#t=7.8,9.1"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "#id6",
+ "audio": "#t=9.1,10.2"
+ }
+ ]
+## Mime Type and file extension
+This specification introduces a dedicated media type value to identify a Synchronized Narration document: `application/vnd.syncnarr+json`.
+When saved as a file, a Synchronized Narration document should have the following extension: `.json`.
+## Declaring Synchronized Narration documents in a Manifest
+Each Synchronized Narration document used in a publication must be declared in the Readium Webpub Manifest as an `alternate` resource with the proper media type.
+The duration of the entire audio narration may also be declared in the alternate item.
+It is not an error if only some items in the reading order have a Synchronized Narration document attached.
+ "...": "...",
+ "readingOrder": [{
+ "href": "OPS/c001.xhtml",
+ "type": "application/xhtml+xml",
+ "title": "Chapter 1",
+ "alternate": [{
+ "href": "sync/c001.json",
+ "type": "application/vnd.syncnarr+json",
+ "duration": 850.5
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "href": "OPS/c002.xhtml",
+ "type": "application/xhtml+xml",
+ "title": "Chapter 2",
+ "alternate": [{
+ "href": "sync/c002.json",
+ "type": "application/vnd.syncnarr+json",
+ "duration": 1001
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "href": "/audio/c001.mp3",
+ "type": "audio/mp3"
+ },
+ {
+ "href": "/audio/c002.mp3",
+ "type": "audio/mp3"
+ }
+ ]
+## Associating Style Information
+The manifest may contain metadata indicating how textual content should be highlighted.
+A `media-overlays` property may be added to the set of metadata included in the manifest. This object is defined as:
+| Key | Definition | Format | Required? |
+| ---- | -----------| -------| ----------|
+| `active-class` | The author-defined CSS class name to apply to the selected textual segment. | string | No |
+| `playback-active-class` | The author-defined CSS class name to apply to the selected textual segment when playback is active. | string | No |
+ "@context": "https://readium.org/webpub-manifest/context.jsonld",
+ "metadata": {
+ "@type": "http://schema.org/Book",
+ "duration": 1403.5,
+ "media-overlay": {
+ "active-class": "-epub-media-overlay-active"
+ },
+ "...":"..."
+ }
+## Processing a Synchronized Narration object
+If one or more Synchronized Narration objects are detected in a Manifest, the reading system should present to the user a way to activate / deactivate the synchronized narration.
+At the time it is processing a Synchronized Narration object, the reading system should check that the `textRef` and `audioRef` properties reference existing resources in the manifest and that their media type is correct.
+In case of error in the processing of a Synchronized Narration object, the object should be skipped.
+## References
+### Normative References
+- [URI fragment identfier](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt), IETF, 2005.
+- [Media Fragments URI 1.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/), W3C Recommendation, 2012.
+- [EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary](https://idpf.github.io/epub-vocabs/structure/), IDPF, 2019
+### Non normative Reference
+- [W3C Synchronized Narration](https://w3c.github.io/sync-media-pub/archived/synchronized-narration.html), W3C, archived, 2019.
+This specification was discussed in 2019 by the W3C Synchronized Media for Publications Community Group - which included EDRLab - and was used as an inspiration for our document; but it was then archived by the W3C community group and replaced by an XML based proposal which does not fit the needs of the Readium Architecture.
diff --git a/profiles/epub.md b/profiles/epub.md
index 2cbf6a6..fe4946b 100644
--- a/profiles/epub.md
+++ b/profiles/epub.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ This profile relies on:
* the definition of additional [collection roles](#3-collection-roles),
* the definition of additional [Link properties](#4-link-properties),
* the use of the [encryption module](../modules/encryption.md).
+* the use of the [Synchronized Narration module](../modules/sync-narration.md).
## 1. Declaring conformance with the EPUB Profile