- 👋 Hi, I’m René,
Writing software has been a passion and hobby for me since 1986 and I have done it with great joy and ambitions in parallel to my career as IT project leader, PMO manager, innovation and change leader for Swiss and international organizations across several industries.
- 👀 I’m currently interested in better communication interfaces for forums, blogs, chats, chatbots etc. I am currently exploring the Remark42.com discussion framework where I am looking for ideas and concepts about how we can improve existing and add additional features, logics and analytics to have more relevant and actionable conversations.
My favorite discussion platform is Kialo.com where I am spending some time and suggesting for improvements.
🌱 I’m currently refreshing my Typescript-skills, improving on my CI/CD cycles and am getting more professional on everything Webpack related.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Ideas on how to improve (political and technical) discussions in general.
📫 You can reach me on LinkedIn under https://www.linkedin.com/feed/