bash import directive, like in Golang.
source "vendor/"
import:use "path/to/any/lib.bash"
import.bash will look into vendor directory and, if vendor missing, will try to clone it.
Then, file named same as last part of the import name will be sourced.
source "vendor/"
import:use ""
declare -a args
declare -A opts
opts:parse opts args -a -b: -- "${@}"
echo "-a: ${opts[-a]}"
echo "-b: ${opts[-b]}"
echo "args: ${args[@]}"
See reference at
- types.bash — type check functions;
- opts.bash — easy to use arguments parser;
- — library for writing integration tests for any tool;
- test-runner.bash — test-runner for;
- progress.bash — progress indicators;
- coproc.bash — golang-style routiness in bash;
- go-test.bash — collecting coverage from runs of golang binaries;
- vim-test.bash — framework for writing tests for vim plugins;
- classes.bash — classes implementation in bash;
- blank.bash — helpers for writing tests using blankd;
- tmux.bash — helpers for managing tmux instances (like, for tests);
- containers.bash — helpers for managing containers in tests;
- hastur.bash — helpers for using hastur;