A playbook to deploy a web application on Azure using containers.
- azure_resource_group: (Required) Resource group on/from which the web application resources will reside.
- azure_region: An Azure location for the resources. Default:
- migrate_app: Flag for migrating from VM / creating from scratch. Default:
- azure_virtual_network: The name of the virtual network for VMs. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-vnet
- azure_vnet_address_prefixes_cidr: The virtual network CIDR address prefixes. Default:
- azure_subnet: The name of the subnet inside the virtual network. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-subnet
- azure_subnet_address_prefixes_cidr: The subnet CIDR address prefixes. Default:
- azure_security_group: The network security group name. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-nsg
- azure_load_balancer: Object used to provide details for a load balancer. Contains the following:
- name: Name of the load balancer. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-lb
- public_ip_name: Name of load balancer's public ip. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-lb-public-ip
- backend_address_pool: Name of backend address pools where network interfaces can be attached. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group }}-vm-pool
- name: Name of the load balancer. Default:
- azure_app_force_update: Whether to force update of existing instance when creating container instance. Default:
- azure_vm_os: Container instance OS type. Default:
- azure_postgresql_name: The name of the PostgreSQL server. Default:
{{ azure_resource_group | regex_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-') }}-dbserver
- azure_postgresql_admin_username: The database server admin user. Default:
- azure_postgresql_admin_password: The database server admin user password. Default:
- azure_postgresql_database_instances: The list of database instances. Default:
[{'name': 'pyapp', 'charset': 'UTF8'}]
- azure_app_image: Application Docker image. Default:
- azure_app_container_name: Application container name: Default:
{{ azure_resource_group | regex_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-') }}-container
- azure_app_mem: Application memory. Default:
- azure_app_ports: Application ports: Default:
- azure_app_env_vars: Application environment variables.
- name: FLASK_APP value: /app/pyapp - name: FLASK_ENV value: development - name: DATABASE_HOST value: "{{ azure_postgresql_name }}" - name: DATABASE_INSTANCE value: "{{ azure_postgresql_database_instances[0].name }}" - name: DATABASE_USER value: "{{ azure_postgresql_admin_username }}" - name: DATABASE_PASSWORD value: "{{ azure_postgresql_admin_password }}" - name: ADMIN_USER value: admin - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD value: admin