This is a template used to generate new solution pattern pages with the same look and feel of the existing solution patterns and main page .
What’s in this:
To create a new solution pattern page:
Access to;
Click on the
Use this template
green button; -
Type the name of your new sp, e.g. "solution-pattern-xy-z".
It’s recommended that you are the owner of the repository during the initial phases of development;
Click on the
Create repository from template
green button You should have a new repository with the required files and configurations to get started with content development.
This section offers a basic tutorial to teach you how to set up the generated project, and preview it locally. A more comprehensive can be found in the documentation at
To preview and bundle the default UI, you need the following software on your computer:
git (command: git)
Node.js (commands: node and npm)
Gulp CLI (command: gulp)
In this guide, we’ll be installing Node.js 10.
While you can install Node.js from the official packages, we strongly recommend that you use {url-nvm}[nvm] (Node Version Manager) to manage your Node.js installation(s). Follow the {url-nvm-install}[nvm installation instructions] to set up nvm on your machine.
Once you’ve installed nvm, open a new terminal and install Node.js 10 using the following command:
$ nvm install 10
You can switch to this version of Node.js at any time using the following command:
$ nvm use 10
To make Node.js 10 the default in new terminals, type:
$ nvm alias default 10
Now that you have Node.js installed, you can proceed with installing the Gulp CLI.
You’ll need the Gulp command-line interface (CLI) to run the build.
The Gulp CLI package provides the gulp
command which, in turn, executes the version of Gulp declared by the project.
You should install the Gulp CLI globally (which resolves to a location in your user directory if you’re using nvm) using the following command:
$ npm install -g gulp-cli
Verify the Gulp CLI is installed and on your PATH by running:
$ gulp --version
Now that you have the prerequisites installed, you can fetch and build the UI project.
Clone the generated project using git.
Use npm to install the project’s dependencies inside the project. In your terminal, execute the following command:
$ npm install
To build and preview the project in a local web server, run:
$ npx gulp
You’ll see a URL listed in the output of this command:
[16:49:17] Requiring external module @babel/register [16:49:18] Using gulpfile ~/your/project/directory/gulpfile.babel.js [16:49:18] Starting 'default'... [16:49:18] Starting 'removeSite'... [16:49:18] Finished 'removeSite' after 20 ms [16:49:18] Starting 'removeCache'... [16:49:18] Finished 'removeCache' after 1.7 ms [16:49:18] Starting 'build'... [16:49:20] Finished 'build' after 2.75 s [16:49:20] Starting 'serve'... [16:49:20] Finished 'serve' after 8.75 ms [16:49:20] Starting 'siteWatch'... [Browsersync] Access URLs: -------------------------------------- Local: http://localhost:3000 External: -------------------------------------- UI: http://localhost:3001 UI External: http://localhost:3001 -------------------------------------- [Browsersync] Serving files from: ./gh-pages
Navigate to this URL to preview the site locally.
While this command is running, any changes you make to the source files will be instantly reflected in the browser.
Press [Ctrl+C]
to stop the preview server and end the continuous build.
To have your solution pattern listed in the top menu, please open a new issue in this project:
Make sure to inform:
Short title
Main category (if appropriate). e.g. "Application modernization", "Edge", etc.
This template is based on the Red Hat Developers scholars courseware template. To learn more, check the build courseware documentation on how folder structure, how to use macros and other gotchas.