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MIRAGE - a Music Information Retrieval System for Live Art Applications


This is the official Github Repo for Music Information Retrieval system for Art and Graphic Experiences (MIRAGE), a live music information retrieval (MIR) system that combines real-time emotion recognition and music visualization, seamlessly integrating performance and art into audio applications. MIRAGE is designed to extract high level and low level features from audio in real time and transmit them to an external program responsible for visualization, offering a holistic and immersive experience for both musicians and audiences.

What is MIRAGE?

MIRAGE is a complete music information retrieval system that is capable of extracting both low-level and high-level features from music with the purpose of using them in artistic installations. The aim of MIRAGE is to provide a complete standalone MIR system that can be attached to any artistic installation that is driven by audio features.

How does it work?

The general workflow of the application is quite simple:

  1. Read audio from an input sound card (or from a file).
  2. (In parallel with 3) Extract low-level feature separately for each input channel of the input sound card (or for each track file of a song).
  3. (In parallel with 2) Extract high-level features from the overall signal (the sum of all tracks).
  4. Send OSC messages containing the extracted features to an external application.

Extracted Features

In order to fully understand the features provided by MIRAGE, we must first define and distinguish between the concepts of High-level Features and Low-level Features. Low-level features (also referred to as instantaneous features), are extracted from a short frame (or time block) of the audio signal, and produce a value for each frame. These features usually represent essential aspects of an audio signal and may be retrieved simply by applying straightforward techniques. High-level Features, on the other hand, are representations of music that are not generated by the audio content of the signal. These can also be called as symbolic representation of music.

Low-level Features

With the purpose of obtaining a meaningful representation of music in terms of its most tangible and straight-forward characteristics, we opted for the extraction of the following instantaneous features:

  • Spectral Centroid: It is sometimes described by analogy with the centre of mass: it represents the power distribution of a signal over frequency in the way that centre of mass represents the mass distribution over position.
  • Spectral Bandwidth: The Wavelength interval in which a radiated spectral quantity is not less than half its maximum value.
  • Spectral Flatness: Spectral flatness (or tonality coefficient) is a measure to quantify how much noise-like a sound is, as opposed to being tone-like 1. A high spectral flatness (closer to 1.0) indicates the spectrum is similar to white noise.
  • Spectral Roll-off: The roll-off frequency is defined for each frame as the center frequency for a spectrogram bin such that at least roll-percent of the energy of the spectrum in this frame is contained in this bin and the bins below.
  • Pitches: frequency peaks calculated polyphonically by pitch tracking on thresholded parabolically-interpolated STFT.

High-level Features

The main functionality advantage of MIRAGE stands in its ability to capture high-level features with high accuracy and, most importantly, with relatively low latency. The system uses a highly efficient, trained neural network to guess the mood of the music currently being played in periods of 0.5 seconds. This mood value is represented as the coordinates of a point on the Valence-Arousal plane.

How features are sent

Low-level features and high-level features are sent separately with OSC messages of different contents. Moreover, low-level features are sent separately for each input track of audio source, on a OSC address that contains the track number which the message is referring to. Follows a specific description of the OSC messages that you are expected to receive when using MIRAGE.

Low-level Feature Message

  • Description: For every track of the sound card (or track of the song if using recorded audio), a Low-level Feature message is sent for every audio frame processed for features. The track corresponding to the message can be individuated by the number at the end of the message's OSC Address
  • OSC Address: "/Lfmsg_chn", where n is the number of the track from which the message is coming from
  • Args
    • Spectral Centroid: float
    • Spectral Bandwidth: float
    • Spectral Flatness: float
    • Spectral Rolloff: float
    • 4 * Pitches: 4 arguments containing the 4 most prominent pitches found as frequencies: float
  • How often it's sent: Between 5 to 20 times per second depending on the chunk size of the processed audio

High-level Feature Message

  • Description: High-level features are computed over the sum of all the tracks, so the corresponding OSC Messages are not differentiated based on the track number like Low-level feature messages are.
  • OSC Address: "/Hfmsg_ch0"
  • Args
    • Amount of Arousal: float from -1 (not arousing at all) to 1 (very arousing)
    • Amount of Valence: float from -1 (very sad) to 1 (very happy)
  • How often it's sent: 1 Message is sent every 0.5 to a few seconds
  • KEEP IN MIND the valence and arousal values are limited to -1 and 1, but will always be smaller than those values (they are usually between -0.5 and 0.5)

Setup and use MIRAGE

Here is a complete walkthrough on how to run the python script in order to test the visualization program. We'll see if we can provide an executable in the near future, so that this process will be easier to manage, but in the meantime here are the steps.

Step 0 - Preparation

Here is everything that you have to do in order to be able to use the application.

a) Install Python

To run the python script you need Python, version >= 3.8, <= 3.10 (it might work with other versions, those are the ones we tested). If you have Python already installed, you can check the version by running one of the following commands:

python -V
python --version
python3 -V
python3 --version

If your python version is below version 3.8, we recommend updating or installing to version 3.8. If your python version is above 3.10, you can try to run the script and if it doesn't work you will have to downgrade to a version of python / install another one between 3.8 and 3.10 included.

Here are some websites you can visit to install python on your OS:

Of course, make sure to install the python version we specified earlier (between 3.8 and 3.10 included)

b) Download the code

  • Method 1 (Download Repo) Here on GitHub, download all the repo as a .zip (there is a button for it in the repo page) and extract it to a folder on your PC. For the sake of this tutorial, we extracted the repo to the following path:
  • Method 2 (git clone) If you want to clone the repo so that you can pull all updates that we may release in the future, you can do so by doing the following steps:

    1. Install git on your system (if you haven't already)
    2. Open your terminal app or Windows Powershell on Windows
    3. Navigate to a path were you want to put the cloned repo. In our example, we run:
    cd C:\Users\Pippo\Documents\Polimi
    1. Type on the terminal/shell:
    git clone [url-of-the-github-repo]
    1. It will ask for passwords/permissions
    2. The repo should be cloned! You can now navigate to the repo folder
    3. If the repo failed to installed or git asks for special tokens or keyes, just ask me (Riccardo) what to do as it would be difficult to explain it here (sorry!)

Step 1 - Run the python script

You should now be ready to run the python script. Here is how to do it.

  1. Using the terminal/shell, navigate to the /python folder of the cloned or extracted repo on your pc
  2. Create a new python virtual environment
  3. Activate your new python virtual environment
  4. Install required modules
  5. Run the script

Here is the terminal/shell commands you can use to achieve this (we will use the example folder path from before):

cd C:\Users\Pippo\Documents\Polimi\PolimiGoldsmiths_MAECapstone\python
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 ./src/

Step 2 - Using the python script

Here is everything you have to know to be able to run the python script without issues (hopefully)

a) Initialization

When you start the script, a bunch of different questions will be asked on the console: you have to answer those questions according to how you want to use the application. Here are the questions:

Question 1: Do you want to use live or recorded audio? (l/r):

Type r to use pre-recorded sample songs specifically adjusted to be played on this application (every instrument needs to be on a separate track so you can't just upload your own .wav file unfortunatly)

Question 2: Please select one of the songs (type only the index):

You can choose one of the available songs by typing the corresponding index. Song 1 and 2 have a bunch of synths with many tracks, along with drums, while Song 3 is a one-track song with a piano. More songs will be added eventually.

If you want to add any song to the list of available songs please tell me, I will provide you with a new set of files if i can (just remember that I have to recreate the entire song in the DAW to be able to do this)

Question 3: Do you want to hear the song as its being processed? (y/n):

Type y if you want to hear the song on the background while it's being processed. It is recommended you do so, so you can see the effects of the song on the visualization

Question 4: Choose the track for which you want to assign an instrument (from 0 to 0, leave blank to save):

Here you can just push the enter key and the application will work. This question is intended only for testing, I will provide automatic instrument selection based on the chosen song (since the audio is pre-recorded in this case)

Using external osc controller? (y/n):

Here you can type whatever you want since the osc controller feature is yet to be implemented.

Done! The application should be now up and running and you should see some green text for initialization, and then some other blue text to see the format of the extracted features

Step 3 - Receiving OSC Messages

If you are not familiar with OSC Messages, here is an explemenation of the protocol

Receiving OSC Messages should be easy as long as you make sure that the address and port parameters match those of your application of choice. You will need to implement an OSC Receiver on the visualization end.

Here is a tutorial on how to do this on openframeworks

You will need to set the address and port of the receiver to:

Address: ""
Port: 12345

The OSC messages you will receive while the python script is running are of two types and have different characteristics. Each feature of the messages has its own argument inside the OSC Message.

Project Info

Here are the detailed background specifics of the project from a technical point of view.


  • Python

    • numpy
    • pyaudio
    • librosa
    • python-osc
    • scipy
    • pandas
    • matplotlib
    • keras
    • tensorflow
  • Visualization software capable of receiving OSC messages

    • Max
    • OpenFrameworks
    • ...

Folder Structure

├── docs
│   └── ...
├── src
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── neural_network
│   │   ├── output
│   │   │   ├── test
│   │   │   │   └── test.txt
│   │   │   └── out.txt
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── resources
│   │   ├── nn_models
│   │   │   ├── modelv1.h5
│   │   │   ├── modelv2.h5
│   │   │   ├── modelv3.h5
│   │   │   ├── modelv4.h5
│   │   │   └── modelv5.h5
│   │   ├── test_songs
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   └── test_songs_unzipped (created by program)
│   │       └── ...
│   ├── tests
│   │   └──
│   └──
└── requirements.txt

Group Members

Politecnico di Milano

  • Francesco Piferi
  • Riccardo Rossi
  • Ferdinando Terminiello

Goldsmiths University of London

  • Wing Hui
  • Francesco Angelini
  • Mianlin Hu
  • Xueyi Huang


We would like to express our most heartfelt thanks to the students of the Goldsmiths University of London who dedicated their time and efforts to crafting visually captivating representations of the extracted music features. Their creativity and talent have added a new dimension to the visualization aspect of our system, enhancing its impact and making it visually engaging for the users.

We would also like to acknowledge the guidance and support provided by our professor at Politecnico di Milano and the professors of Goldsmiths University. Their valuable insights and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the intersection between music information retrieval and visualization. Their dedication to the development of this project inspired us into shaping what MIRAGE is and represents.