scrap list of groups on http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/qui/modifications.asp
scrap daily list of MPs for each group
build list of MPs such as:
"nom": "",
"id": "",
"id_an": "",
"slug": "",
"mandat_debut": "",
"mandat_fin": "",
"anciens_mandats": [{
"debut": "",
"fin": ""
}, ...],
"groupe_sigle": "",
"groupes_historique": [{
"sigle": "",
"debut": "",
"fin": ""
}, ...]
}, ...]
check debuts/fin mandat
check doubles appartenances à une meme date
check missing/extra periodes
fix missing deputes listed as senateurs
fix still missing deputes (ex P. Roy)
use AN OpenData instead of all of this mess...
create missing _groupe_acronyme fields in ND mysql on Amendement/ParlAmendement/Intervention/ParlementaireTexteLoi/Presence/QuestionEcrite
generate sql commands by MP by period to fill _groupe_acronyme for authored object with date included
check objects with info not filled
- 2007-2012
- 2012-2017
run sql in prod and check objects again
use fields in API
build data repartition_deputes by day