Regular expression (Regex) for matching github shorthand (user/repo#branch).
npm i --save github-short-url-regex
npm test
- github shorthands
- where thing after hash (#) represent release, tag or branch
- npm shorthands
Find github shorthand url (user/repo#branch)
{String} every valid RegExp flag, defaultundefined
For more use-cases see the tests
var regex = require('github-short-url-regex');
regex().test('gh tunnckoCore/npmls#master here');
//=> false
regex({flags: 'g'}).test('gh tunnckoCore/npmls#master here');
//=> false
regex({flags: 'g', exact: false}).test('gh tunnckoCore/npmls#master here');
//=> true
regex({flags: 'g', exact: true}).test('gh tunnckoCore/npmls#master here');
//=> false
'gh tunnckoCore/npmls#test here user/repo#branch yea'.match(regex({flags: 'g'}));
//=> null
'gh tunnckoCore/npmls#test here user/repo#branch yea'.match(regex({flags: 'g', exact: false}));
//=> ['tunnckoCore/npmls#test', 'user/repo#branch']
'gh tunnckoCore/npmls#test here user/repo#branch yea'.match(regex({exact: false}))[0];
//=> 'tunnckoCore/npmls#test'
'gh tunnckoCore/npmls#test here user/repo#branch yea'.match(regex({exact: true}));
//=> null
'tunnckoCore/npmls#test'.match(regex({exact: true}))[0];
//=> 'tunnckoCore/npmls#test'
- regex-cache: Memoize the results of a call to the RegExp constructor, avoiding repetitious runtime compilation of the same string and options, resulting in dramatic speed improvements.
- utils: Fast, generic JavaScript/node.js utility functions.
- helper-related: Template helper for generating a list of links to the homepages of related GitHub/npm projects.
Charlike Mike Reagent
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Charlike Mike Reagent, contributors.
Released under the MIT
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