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Source files of documentation for Registry Operator.

GitHub License Contributor Covenant GitHub issues GitHub release

Join the community to discuss ongoing operator development and usage in #registry-operator channel on the CNCF Slack.

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Setting Up Environment

Ensure you have Python and Poetry installed on your system.

poetry install

Code Formatting and Linting

To ensure code consistency and quality, use the following commands:

poetry run black .
poetry run isort --profile=black .
poetry run mypy .

Previewing Documentation Locally

To preview the documentation locally, run the following command:

poetry run mkdocs serve


Automated Release with release-please

The release-please tool automates the release process by generating release PRs with version bumps and changelogs.

Automated Release from main branch

Each commit to the main branch is automatically released to the main tag on the page.

Manual Release from Main Branch

To manually release from the main branch, follow these steps:

poetry run publish