GopenPGP is a high-level OpenPGP library built on top of a fork of the golang crypto library.
Table of Contents
This package uses Go Modules, and thus requires Go 1.11+. If you're also using Go Modules, simply import it and start using it (see Set up). If not, run:
go get # or git clone this repository into the following path
cd $GOPATH/src/
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
(After that, the code will also work in Go 1.10, but you need Go 1.11 for the go mod
Setup Go Mobile and build/bind the source code:
Go Mobile repo: Go Mobile wiki:
Install Go:
brew install go
Install Gomobile:
go get -u
Install Gobind:
go install
Install Android SDK and NDK using Android Studio
Set env:
export ANDROID_HOME="/AndroidSDK"
(path to your SDK) -
Init gomobile:
gomobile init -ndk /AndroidSDK/ndk-bundle/
(path to your NDK) -
Copy Go module dependencies to the vendor directory:
go mod vendor
Build examples:
gomobile build -target=android #or ios
Bind examples:
gomobile bind -target ios -o frameworks/name.framework
gomobile bind -target android
The bind will create framework for iOS and jar&aar files for Android (x86_64 and ARM).
If you wish to use, you may need to modify the paths in it.
Interfacing between Go and Swift:
The full documentation for this API is available here:
import ""
import ""
const password = "my secret password"
// Encrypt data with password
armor, err := helper.EncryptMessageWithToken(password, "my message")
// Decrypt data with password
message, err := helper.DecryptMessageWithToken(password, armor)
To use more encryption algorithms:
import ""
import ""
// Encrypt data with password
armor, err := helper.EncryptMessageWithTokenAlgo(password, "my message", constants.ThreeDES)
// Decrypt data with password
message, err := helper.DecryptMessageWithToken(password, armor)
To encrypt binary data, reuse the key multiple times, or use more advanced modes:
import ""
var key = crypto.NewSymmetricKeyFromToken("my secret password", constants.AES256)
var message = crypto.NewPlainMessage(data)
// Encrypt data with password
encrypted, err := key.Encrypt(message)
// Decrypt data with password
decrypted, err := key.Decrypt(password, encrypted)
//Original message in decrypted.GetBinary()
import ""
// put keys in backtick (``) to avoid errors caused by spaces or tabs
const pubkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
const privkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----
-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----` // encrypted private key
const passphrase = `the passphrase of the private key` // what the privKey is encrypted with
// encrypt message using public key
armor, err := helper.EncryptMessageArmored(pubkey, "plain text")
// decrypt armored encrypted message using the private key
decrypted, err := helper.DecryptMessageArmored(privkey, passphrase, armor)
With signatures:
// Keys initialization as before (omitted)
// encrypt message using public key, sign with the private key
armor, err := helper.EncryptSignMessageArmored(pubkey, privkey, passphrase, "plain text")
// decrypt armored encrypted message using the private key, verify with the public key
// err != nil if verification fails
decrypted, err := helper.DecryptVerifyMessageArmored(pubkey, privkey, passphrase, armor)
With binary data or advanced modes:
// Keys initialization as before (omitted)
var binMessage = NewPlainMessage(data)
publicKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(publicKey)
privateKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(privateKey)
err = privateKeyRing.UnlockWithPassphrase(passphrase)
pgpMessage, err := publicKeyRing.Encrypt(binMessage, privateKeyRing)
// Armored message in pgpMessage.GetArmored()
// pgpMessage can be obtained from NewPGPMessageFromArmored(ciphertext)
message, err := privateKeyRing.Decrypt(pgpMessage, publicKeyRing, pgp.GetUnixTime())
// Original data in message.GetString()
// `err` can be a SignatureVerificationError
Keys are generated with the GenerateKey
function, that returns the armored key as a string and a potential error.
The library supports RSA with different key lengths or Curve25519 keys.
var pgp = crypto.GetGopenPGP()
const (
localPart = "name.surname"
domain = ""
passphrase = "LongSecret"
rsaBits = 2048
ecBits = 256
// RSA
rsaKey, err := pgp.GenerateKey(localPart, domain, passphrase, "rsa", rsaBits)
// Curve25519
ecKey, err := pgp.GenerateKey(localPart, domain, passphrase, "x25519", ecBits)
To sign plain text data either an unlocked private keyring or a passphrase must be provided. The output is an armored signature.
const privkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----
-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----` // encrypted private key
const passphrase = "LongSecret"
const trimNewlines = false
var message = NewPlaintextMessage("Verified message")
signingKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(privkey)
signingKeyRing.UnlockWithPassphrase(passphrase) // if private key is locked with passphrase
pgpSignature, err := signingKeyRing.SignDetached(message, trimNewlines)
// The armored signature is in pgpSignature.GetArmored()
// The signed text is in message.GetString()
To verify a signature either private or public keyring can be provided.
var pgp = crypto.GetGopenPGP()
const pubkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
const signature = `-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
message := NewPlaintextMessage("Verified message")
pgpSignature, err := NewPGPSignatureFromArmored(signature)
signingKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(pubkey)
err := signingKeyRing.VerifyDetached(message, pgpSignature, pgp.GetUnixTime())
if err == nil {
// verification success
var pgp = crypto.GetGopenPGP()
const privkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----
-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----` // encrypted private key
const passphrase = "LongSecret"
var message = NewPlainMessage(data)
signingKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(privkey)
signingKeyRing.UnlockWithPassphrase(passphrase) // if private key is locked with passphrase
pgpSignature, err := signingKeyRing.SignDetached(message)
// The armored signature is in pgpSignature.GetArmored()
// The signed text is in message.GetBinary()
To verify a signature either private or public keyring can be provided.
var pgp = crypto.GetGopenPGP()
const pubkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
const signature = `-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
message := NewPlainMessage("Verified message")
pgpSignature, err := NewPGPSignatureFromArmored(signature)
signingKeyRing, err := pgp.BuildKeyRingArmored(pubkey)
err := signingKeyRing.VerifyDetached(message, pgpSignature, pgp.GetUnixTime())
if err == nil {
// verification success
// Keys initialization as before (omitted)
armored, err := SignCleartextMessageArmored(privateKey, passphrase, plaintext)
To verify the message it has to be provided unseparated to the library. If verification fails an error will be returned.
// Keys initialization as before (omitted)
var pgp = crypto.GetGopenPGP()
var verifyTime = pgp.GetUnixTime()
verifiedPlainText, err := VerifyCleartextMessageArmored(publicKey, armored, verifyTime)
// Keys initialization as before (omitted)
symmetricKey := &SymmetricKey{
Key: "RandomTokenabcdef",
Algo: constants.AES256,
keyPacket, err := publicKey.EncryptSessionKey(symmetricKey)
is a []byte
containing the session key encrypted with the private key.
outputSymmetricKey, err := privateKey.DecryptSessionKey(keyPacket)
is an object of type *SymmetricKey
that can be used to decrypt the correspondig message.