Wrapper script around AWS session manager to establish remote shell connections or SSH tunnels
Choose one of the following options:
Install using bpkg:
- Install bpkg:
curl -Lo- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bpkg/bpkg/master/setup.sh" | bash
- sudo bpkg install rewindio/aws-connect
- Install bpkg:
Download the release tarball here.
aws-connect [-a ssh|tunnel|document] [-i <remote host name>] [-d <document name>] [-c <document parameters>] [-g <github access token location>] [-n <instance name>|-t <instance tag>|-m <ssm instance name>] [-r <region>] [-p <profile name>] [-o <port>] [-x <instance id>] [-l] [-s] [-h] [-v]
-a Connect interactive session (ssh), establish tunnel (tunnel), or run an ssm document (document) on an instance (default: ssh)
-i Specify the name of the remote host name to tunnel to. Only needed if running ssm tunnel action (default: localhost)
-d Specify the name of the ssm document to run. Only needed if running ssm document action.
-w Values for the ssm document arguments (Optional)
-g The location in aws ssm parameter store of the github token to use (Optional)
-c The name of the cloudwatch group to store logs in. Required for running documents, defaults to aws-connect
-l Flag if the command is going to be long running(8hrs +)
-n Value for the Name tag of an EC2 instance
-t Specify a tag instead of a name. The tag can be 'key' or 'key=value'
-m Specify the SSM instance name
-r AWS region (default: us-east-1)
-p AWS profile (default: none)
-f Remote tunnel port (only applicable in tunnel mode); Defaults to 22
-o Local tunnel port (only applicable in tunnel mode; default: 9999)
-x override Name tag and connect direct to given instance ID
-s Pick a specific instance ID
-h Display this help
-v Display version
- AWS CLI version 1.16.299 or higher
- AWS session manager plugin (see the install documentation)
- NOTE: Do not install the session manager plugin from brew as it does not grant gatekeeper access on the Mac
- NOTE: SSM Agent version 3.1.1374.0 or later on the managed instances that you are establishing a port forwarding session with is required. Follow this documentation or leverage SSM Fleet Manager to upgrade the SSM Agent
- Establish an interactive shell session with an instance tagged with the Name of my-app in the us-east-2 region using the AWS CLI profile
aws-connect -a ssh -n my-app -r us-east-2 -p staging
NOTE: If there are multiple instances with the same tag, one is chosen
- Establish an interactive shell session with a specific instance tagged with a Name of my-app in the us-east-2 region using the AWS CLI profile
aws-connect -a ssh -n my-app -r us-east-2 -p staging -s
In this case, a list of instance IDs will be provided and one can be chosen to connect to
- Establish an SSH tunnel with an instance tagged with the Name of my-app in the us-east-2 region using the AWS CLI profile
. The local port is 8888
aws-connect -a tunnel -n my-app -r us-east-2 -p staging -o 8888
The SSH tunnel can then be used for things like connecting to an RDS database that the instance may have access to. Just point your DB client to localhost, port 8888 for the SSH forwarding.
- Establish an interactive shell session with a specific instance with a tag CLUSTER (will list all instances with that tag and ask for input)
aws-connect -s -t CLUSTER
- Establish an interactive shell session with a specific instance with a tag CLUSTER=prod (will list all instances with that tag and ask for input)
aws-connect -s -t CLUSTER=prod
- Run SSM Document named shell-script on instance-id i-23323ere3423 in region us-east-1 with default profile and arguments 'param1 param 2'. The cloudwatch log name has been changed to ssm-cloudwatch-logs. Document is required, A github token is required if the SSM document is referencing content in a private github repo. See this AWS blog post on documents referencing private repos:
aws-connect -x i-23323ere3423 -r us-east-1 -a document -d shell-script -p default -w 'param1 "param 2"' -g /devops/github_token -c ssm-cloudwatch-logs
- Run SSM Document named shell-script on instance-id i-23323ere3423 in region us-east-1 with staging profile and no arguments on a public repo. The cloudwatch log name has been changed to ssm-cloudwatch-logs. Document is required but since the repo is public no github token is required:
aws-connect -x i-23323ere3423 -r us-east-1 -a document -d shell-script -p staging -c ssm-cloudwatch-logs
- Run SSM Document named shell-script on instance-id i-23323ere3423 in region us-east-1 with staging profile and no arguments on a public repo. The cloudwatch log name has been changed to ssm-cloudwatch-logs. It is also going to be a long running command so it will need the -l flag. Document is required but since the repo is public no github token is required:
aws-connect -x i-23323ere3423 -r us-east-1 -a document -d shell-script -p staging -c ssm-cloudwatch-logs -l
In this repo under the sample_documents folder there are 3 .yml files. These show samples of what an ssm document might look like for 3 different cases:
- Running a script from a private github repo
- Running a script from a public github repo
- Running an ssm document