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🌱 seed papers

# Title Author ACM IEEE SCOPUS Triage Initial Selection Final Selection
3501 the role ofworking memory in program tracing Crichton, W., Agrawala, M., Hanrahan, P. SCOPUS
3502 the scent of a smell an extensive comparison between textual and structural smells Palomba, F., Panichella, A., Zaidman, A., Oliveto, R., De Lucia, A. SCOPUS ✔️
3503 the semantics of abstract program slicing Zanardini, D. SCOPUS
3504 the seven turrets of babel a taxonomy of langsec errors and how to expunge them Momot, F.D., Bratus, S., Hallberg, S.M., Patterson, M.L. SCOPUS
3505 the sextant software exploration tool Thorsten Schafer, Michael Eichberg, Michael Haupt, Mira Mezini ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3506 the signal code structure selection in the communication channels in the wireless sensor networks V. V. Fedorenko; D. V. Aldushchenko; N. V. Listova; I. V. Samoylenko; V. V. Samoylenko IEEE SCOPUS
3507 the software developers view on product metrics a surveybased experiment Siket, I., Gyimóthy, T. SCOPUS
3508 the solid* toolset for software visual analytics of program structure and metrics comprehension from research prototype to product Dennie Reniers, Lucian Voinea, Ozan Ersoy, Alexandru Telea ACM SCOPUS
3509 the sparamat approach to automatic comprehension of sparse matrix computations Christoph W. Kessler, Craig H. Smith ACM
3510 the study of migration technology for message communication mechanism between heterogeneous platforms Xu, J., Dai, H., Xie, Y.-Q., Xiao, M., Liu, B.-S. SCOPUS
3511 the symbolic execution debugger (sed) a platform for interactive symbolic execution, debugging, verification and more Martin Hentschel, Richard Bubel, Reiner Hähnle ACM SCOPUS
3512 the systematized data structures oriented towards diagnosis and prediction Hetmańczyk, M.P., Świder, J., Wszołek, G. SCOPUS
3513 the use of code reading in teaching programming Teresa Busjahn, Carsten Schulte ACM SCOPUS
3514 the use of domain knowledge in program understanding Spencer Rugaber ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3515 the use of eye tracking in software development Sharif, B., Shaffer, T. SCOPUS
3516 the use of reading technique and visualization for program understanding Porto, D., Mendonça, M., Fabbri, S. SCOPUS ✔️
3517 the user interface and program structure of a graphical vlsi layout editor Kevin S. B. Szabó, Mohamed I. Elmasry ACM
3518 the viterbi decoding algorithm of differential frequency hopping system with equivalent convolutional code structure Y. Baofeng; S. Yuehong IEEE
3519 the vivide programming environment connecting runtime information with programmers system knowledge Marcel Taeumel, Bastian Steinert, Robert Hirschfeld ACM SCOPUS
3520 the zark library of utility functions Bergquist, G.A. SCOPUS
3521 theories and techniques of program understanding Santanu Paul, Atul Prakash, Erich Buss, John Henshaw ACM ✔️
3522 theories, methods and tools in program comprehension past, present and future Margaret-Anne Storey ACM IEEE ✔️
3523 theories, tools and research methods in program comprehension past, present and future Margaret-Anne Storey ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3524 theory and practice of middleout programming to support program understanding K. H. Bennett; M. P. Ward IEEE ✔️
3525 theorybased analysis of cognitive support in software comprehension tools Walenstein, A. SCOPUS
3526 theres more to a model than code understanding and formalizing in silico modeling experience Janet Wiles, Nic Geard, James Watson, Kai Willadsen, John Mattick, Daniel Bradley, Jennifer Hallinan ACM
3527 theseus understanding asynchronous code Tom Lieber ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3528 thin slicing Manu Sridharan, Stephen J. Fink, Rastislav Bodik ACM SCOPUS
3529 things structural clones tell that simple clones dont Sidra Haque, Stan Jarzabek, Hamid Abdul Basit, Usman Ali ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3530 thinking aloud about confusing code a qualitative investigation of program comprehension and atoms of confusion Dan Gopstein, Anne-Laure Fayard, Sven Apel, Justin Cappos ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3531 thinking like a developer comparing the attention of humans with neural models of code M. Paltenghi; M. Pradel IEEE SCOPUS
3532 third generation compiler design Zelkowitz, M.V. SCOPUS
3533 threephase induction motor design software Scutaru, G., Negoita, A., Ionescu, R.M. SCOPUS
3534 threshold saturation via spatial coupling why convolutional ldpc ensembles perform so well over the bec Kudekar, S., Richardson, T., Urbanke, R. SCOPUS
3535 thresholdbased improved minimum descriptive length stopping criterion for iterative turbo decoding Zulkefle, M.I.H., Mohamad, R., Suliman, S.I., Kassim, M., Anas, N.M. SCOPUS
3536 through (tracking) their eyes abstraction and complexity in program comprehension Philipp Kather, Rodrigo Duran, Jan Vahrenhold ACM SCOPUS
3537 through a mirror darkly how programmers understand legacy code Carlos L. Burgos, Julie J. C. H. Ryan, Edward Lile Murphree ACM ✔️
3538 tidier an identifier splitting approach using speech recognition techniques Guerrouj, L., Di Penta, M., Antoniol, G., Guéh́eneuc, Y.-G. SCOPUS
3539 time series analysis of programmers eeg for debug state classification Toyomi Ishida, Hidetake Uwano ACM SCOPUS
3540 time/space efficiency of program structures for automatically generated digital signal processing software Morris, L.R. SCOPUS
3541 timetraveling debugging queries faster program exploration M. Willembrinck; S. Costiou; A. Etien; S. Ducasse IEEE
3542 to camelcase or underscore Binkley, D., Davis, M., Lawrie, D., Morrell, C. SCOPUS ✔️
3543 to improve code structure by identifying move method opportunities using frequent usage patterns in sourcecode Singh, R., Kumar, A. SCOPUS
3544 to what extent cognitivedriven development improves code readability Leonardo Ferreira Barbosa, Victor Hugo Pinto, Alberto Luiz Oliveira Tavares de Souza, Gustavo Pinto ACM
3545 tool demonstration elephant tracksgenerating program traces with object death records Ricci, N.P., Guyer, S.Z., Moss, J.E.B. SCOPUS
3546 tool for automated test data generation based on ga Zhao, M., Zhang, Y., Shen, J., Cui, D., Gao, H. SCOPUS
3547 tool support for finegrained software inspection Paul Anderson, Thomas Reps, Tim Teitelbaum, Mark Zarins ACM
3548 toolbased interactive software parallelization a case study A. Wilhelm; F. Cakaric; T. Schuele; M. Gerndt IEEE
3549 tools for making impossible changes experiences with a tool for transforming large smalltalk programs Roberts, D., Bryant, J. SCOPUS
3550 topaz0 a program for computing observables and for fitting cross sections and forwardbackward asymmetries around the z0 peak Montagna, G., Piccinini, F., Nicrosini, O., Passarino, G., Pittau, R. SCOPUS
3551 topdown program comprehension with multilayer clustering based on lda Xiangyue Liu, Xiaobing Sun, Bin Li ACM SCOPUS
3552 topic modeling in software engineering research Silva, C.C., Galster, M., Gilson, F. SCOPUS
3553 topology analysis of software dependencies Martin P. Robillard ACM SCOPUS
3554 topology characters of the linux call graph Wang, Y.-F., Ding, D.-W. SCOPUS
3555 topology structure and centrality in a java source code Ying, L., Ding, D.-W. SCOPUS
3556 toward a constraintsatisfaction framework for evaluating programunderstanding algorithms Alex Quilici, Steven Woods ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3557 toward a constraintsatisfaction frameworkfor evaluating programunderstanding algorithms Alex Quilici, Steven Woods ACM ✔️
3558 toward a dynamic analysis technique to locate framework misuses that cause unexpected side effects I. Kume; M. Nakamura; N. Nitta; E. Shibayama IEEE SCOPUS
3559 toward a framework for conceptual and formal outlines of programs Fraqoise Balmas ACM
3560 toward an accurate method renaming approach via structural and lexical analyses | 一种基于结构和词汇分析的精确重命名方法 Luo, J., Zhang, J., Huang, Z., Xu, Y., Sun, C. SCOPUS
3561 toward an objective measure of developers cognitive activities Sharafi, Z., Huang, Y., Leach, K., Weimer, W. SCOPUS
3562 toward an objective measure of developers’ cognitive activities Zohreh Sharafi, Yu Huang, Kevin Leach, Westley Weimer ACM
3563 toward an understanding of the relationship between the identifier and comment lexicons Brian P. Eddy, Nicholas A. Kraft ACM SCOPUS
3564 toward automatic artifact matching for tool evaluation Yan, L. SCOPUS
3565 toward automatic feedback of coding style for programming courses Wang, Z., Alsam, A., Morrison, D., Strand, K.A. SCOPUS
3566 toward automatic summarization of arbitrary java statements for novice programmers M. Hassan; E. Hill IEEE SCOPUS
3567 toward comprehension of side effects in framework applications as feature interactions Izuru Kume, Masahide Nakamura, Etsuya Shibayama ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3568 toward conjoint analysis of simultaneous eyetracking and fmri data for programcomprehension studies Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Chris Parnin, Sven Apel, André Brechmann ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3569 toward exploratory understanding of software using test suites Dominik Meier, Toni Mattis, Robert Hirschfeld ACM SCOPUS
3570 toward full elasticity in distributed static analysis the case of callgraph analysis Diego Garbervetsky, Edgardo Zoppi, Benjamin Livshits ACM SCOPUS
3571 toward interactionbased evaluation of visualization approaches to comprehending program behavior L. Kaixie; K. Noda; T. Kobayashi IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3572 toward measuring program comprehension with functional magnetic resonance imaging Janet Siegmund, André Brechmann, Sven Apel, Christian Kästner, Jörg Liebig, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3573 toward mining “concept keywords” from identifiers in large software projects Ohba, M., Gondow, K. SCOPUS
3574 toward mining concept keywords from identifiers in large software projects Masaru Ohba, Katsuhiko Gondow ACM
3575 toward program representation and program understanding using process algebras Kostas Kontogiannis ACM ✔️
3576 toward recursion aware complexity metrics Gordana Rakić, Melinda Tóth, Zoran Budimac ACM SCOPUS
3577 toward summary extraction method for functional topic W. Li; Y. Cao; J. Zhao; Y. Zou; B. Xie IEEE SCOPUS
3578 toward understanding how developers recognize features in source code from descriptions Shinpei Hayashi, Takashi Ishio, Hiroshi Kazato, Tsuyoshi Oshima ACM SCOPUS
3579 toward understanding the impact of refactoring on program comprehension G. Sellitto; E. Iannone; Z. Codabux; V. Lenarduzzi; A. De Lucia; F. Palomba; F. Ferrucci IEEE SCOPUS
3580 toward using alpha and theta brain waves to quantify programmer expertise Crk, I., Kluthe, T. SCOPUS
3581 towards a better understanding of web applications Hassan, A.E., Holt, R.C. SCOPUS
3582 towards a catalog of design patterns variants G. Rasool; H. Akhtar IEEE SCOPUS
3583 towards a catalog of gestures for mlearning applications for the teaching of programming Marcolino, A.S., Santos, A., Schaefer, M., Barbosa, E.F. SCOPUS
3584 towards a dynamic visualization of complex reverseengineered object collaboration A. Hongo; N. Nitta IEEE SCOPUS
3585 towards a finegrained analysis of cognitive load during program comprehension T. Sorg; A. Abbad-Andaloussi; B. Weber IEEE SCOPUS
3586 towards a framework for program understanding Scott R. Tilley, Dennis B. Smith, Santanu Paul ACM IEEE ✔️
3587 towards a generalised gpu/cpu shallowflow modelling tool Smith, L.S., Liang, Q. SCOPUS
3588 towards a hybrid approach to build aspectoriented programs Bentrad, S., Khalaf, H.K., Meslati, D. SCOPUS
3589 towards a live, moldable code editor Aliaksei Syrel ACM SCOPUS
3590 towards a model of conceptual transfer for students learning new programming languages Ethel Tshukudu ACM SCOPUS
3591 towards a model to appraise and suggest identifier names A. Peruma IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3592 towards a modeldriven approach for reverse engineering design patterns Alnusair, A., Zhao, T. SCOPUS
3593 towards a multiview trace visualization environment Hamou-Lhadj, A. SCOPUS
3594 towards a new codebased software development concept enabling code patterns Meffert, K., Philippow, I. SCOPUS
3595 towards a precise description of reverse engineering methods and tools S. Jarzabek, I. Woon ACM
3596 towards a reverse engineering dataflow analysis framework for java and c++ Mihancea, P.F. SCOPUS
3597 towards a semantic metrics suite for objectoriented design Letha Etzkorn, Harry Delugach ACM SCOPUS
3598 towards a semanticbased approach for software reusable component classification and retrieval Yao, H., Etzkorn, L. SCOPUS
3599 towards a structural clone based recommender system Abid, S., Basit, H.A. SCOPUS
3600 towards a taxonomy of inline code comment smells Jabrayilzade, E., Gurkan, O., Tuzun, E. SCOPUS
3601 towards a taxonomy of programmingrelated difficulties during maintenance Aiko Yamashita, Leon Moonen ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3602 towards a tool for rigorous, automated code comprehension using symbolic execution and semantic analysis Mark E. M. Stewart ACM IEEE
3603 towards a tool for visualizing pupil dilation linked with source code artifacts C. Ioannou; P. Bækgaard; E. Kindler; B. Weber IEEE SCOPUS
3604 towards a unified software attack model to assess software protections C. Basile; M. Ceccato IEEE SCOPUS
3605 towards a uniform code annotation approach with configurable annotation granularity Juhár, J., Vokorokos, L. SCOPUS ✔️
3606 towards accurate file tracking based on ast differences Fujimoto, A., Higo, Y., Kusumoto, S. SCOPUS
3607 towards accurate knowledge transfer between transformerbased models for code summarization Shi, C., Xiang, Y., Yu, J., Gao, L. SCOPUS
3608 towards an affordable brain computer interface for the assessment of programmers’ mental workload Kosti, M.V., Georgiadis, K., Adamos, D.A., Laskaris, N., Spinellis, D., Angelis, L. SCOPUS
3609 towards an assessment rubric for eipe tasks in secondary education identifying quality indicators and descriptors Renske Weeda, Cruz Izu, Maria Kallia, Erik Barendsen ACM SCOPUS
3610 towards an eassessment approach of algorithmic problemsolving skills using planbased program understanding approach A. Bey; T. Bensebaa IEEE
3611 towards an integrated toolset for program understanding John Mylopoulos, Martin Stanley, Kenny Wong, Morris Bernstein, Renato De Mori, Graham Ewart, Kostas Kontogiannis, Ettore Merlo, Hausi Müller, Scott Tilley, Marijana Tomic ACM ✔️
3612 towards anomaly comprehension using structural compression to navigate profiling calltrees Shen Lin, François Taïani, Thomas C. Ormerod, Linden J. Ball ACM SCOPUS
3613 towards automated code parallelization through program comprehension B. D. Martino; G. Iannello IEEE
3614 towards automated security vulnerability and software defect localization Visalli, N., Deng, L., Al-Suwaida, A., Brown, Z., Joshi, M., Wei, B. SCOPUS
3615 towards automatic evaluation of program understanding degree using eye tracking patterns Hoshino, H., Yagi, D., Matsumoto, K. SCOPUS
3616 towards automatic generation of short summaries of commits S. Jiang; C. McMillan IEEE SCOPUS
3617 towards automatically generating a personalized code formatting mechanism Karanikiotis, T., Chatzidimitriou, K.C., Symeonidis, A.L. SCOPUS
3618 towards automatically generating block comments for code snippets Huang, Y., Huang, S., Chen, H., Chen, X., Zheng, Z., Luo, X., Jia, N., Hu, X., Zhou, X. SCOPUS
3619 towards automatically generating summary comments for java methods Sridhara, G., Hill, E., Muppaneni, D., Pollock, L., Vijay-Shanker, K. SCOPUS
3620 towards behavioral reflexion models Christopher Ackermann, Mikael Lindvall, Rance Cleaveland ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3621 towards better symbol resolution for c/c++ programs a clusterbased solution R. Szalay; Z. Porkoláb; D. Krupp IEEE SCOPUS
3622 towards building a smarter domain knowledge recovery assistant1 Yang Li, Hongji Yang, William C. Chu ACM
3623 towards change propagating test models in autonomic and adaptive systems Akour, M., Jaidev, A., King, T.M. SCOPUS
3624 towards classification of loop idioms automatically extracted from legacy systems J. Okada; T. Ishio; Y. Sakata; K. Inoue IEEE SCOPUS
3625 towards comparing and combining pointsto analyses Gutzmann, T., Khairova, A., Lundberg, J., Löwe, W. SCOPUS
3626 towards conceptaware programming environments for guiding software modularity Toni Mattis, Patrick Rein, Stefan Ramson, Jens Lincke, Robert Hirschfeld ACM SCOPUS
3627 towards decoupling nullability semantics from indirect access in pointer use Szalay, R. SCOPUS
3628 towards deductive verification of c11 programs with eventb and prob Dalvandi, M., Dongol, B. SCOPUS
3629 towards detecting inconsistent comments in java source code automatically Stulova, N., Blasi, A., Gorla, A., Nierstrasz, O. SCOPUS
3630 towards developing a metamodel for comprehending software adaptability Mehdi Amoui, Sen Li, Edson A. Oliveira Jr., Ladan Tahvildari ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3631 towards empirical validation of design notations for web applications an experimental framework Tonella, P., Ricca, F., Di Penta, M., Torchiano, M. SCOPUS
3632 towards empirically validated software architecture visualization Jens Knodel, Dirk Muthig, Matthias Naab, Dirk Zeckzer ACM SCOPUS
3633 towards evidencebased recommendations to guide the evolution of componentbased product families Leon Moonen ACM SCOPUS
3634 towards evidencesupported, questiondirected collaborative program comprehension Benjamin Chu, Kenny Wong ACM SCOPUS
3635 towards experimental evaluation of code obfuscation techniques Ceccato, M., Di Penta, M., Nagra, J., Falcarin, P., Ricca, F., Torchiano, M., Tonella, P. SCOPUS
3636 towards gamifying software structure comprehension in virtual reality Oberhauser, R., Lecon, C. SCOPUS
3637 towards generating plausible distractors for code comprehension multiplechoice questions M. J. Srinivas; M. M. Roy; V. Kumar IEEE SCOPUS
3638 towards generating summaries for lexically confusing code through code erosion Yan, F., Li, M. SCOPUS
3639 towards generation of visual attention map for source code Itoh, T.D., Kubo, T., Ikeda, K., Maruno, Y., Ikutani, Y., Hata, H., Matsumoto, K., Ikeda, K. SCOPUS
3640 towards improving introductory computer programming with an its for conceptual learning Xhakaj, F., Aleven, V. SCOPUS
3641 towards intelligent search support for web services evolution identifying the right abstractions T. Reichherzer; E. El-Sheikh; N. Wilde; L. White; J. Coffey; S. Simmons IEEE SCOPUS
3642 towards interactive mining of understandable state machine models from embedded software Wasim Said, Jochen Quante, Rainer Koschke ACM SCOPUS
3643 towards learning visual semantics Haipeng Cai, Shiv Raj Pant, Wen Li ACM SCOPUS
3644 towards logging optimization for dynamic object process graph construction Ishio, T., Wakisaka, H., Manabe, Y., Inoue, K. SCOPUS
3645 towards open source software system architecture recovery using design metrics Eleni Constantinou, George Kakarontzas, Ioannis Stamelos ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3646 towards optimally hiding protected assets in software applications Regano, L., Canavese, D., Basile, C., Lioy, A. SCOPUS
3647 towards prioritizing documentation effort P. W. McBurney; S. Jiang; M. Kessentini; N. A. Kraft; A. Armaly; M. W. Mkaouer; C. McMillan IEEE SCOPUS
3648 towards promoting design and uml modeling practices in the open source community Abdullah Aldaeej, Omar Badreddin ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3649 towards providing automated supports to developers on writing logging statements Li, Z. SCOPUS
3650 towards reliable ai for source code understanding Sahil Suneja, Yunhui Zheng, Yufan Zhuang, Jim A. Laredo, Alessandro Morari ACM SCOPUS
3651 towards reusing hints from past fixes an exploratory study on thousands of real samples Zhong, H., Meng, N. SCOPUS
3652 towards spatial complexity measures for comprehension of java programs Chhabra, J.K., Gupta, V. SCOPUS ✔️
3653 towards standard for experiments in program comprehension Vaclav Rajlich, George S. Cowan ACM IEEE ✔️
3654 towards supporting software assurance assessments by detecting security patterns Bunke, M., Sohr, K. SCOPUS
3655 towards the extraction of domain concepts from the identifiers Surafel Lemma Abebe, Paolo Tonella ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3656 towards tool support for analyzing legacy systems in technical domains C. Klammer; J. Pichler IEEE SCOPUS
3657 towards trace based model synthesis for program understanding and test automation Teemu Kanstren ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3658 towards understandable guards of extracted state machines from embedded software W. Said; J. Quante; R. Koschke IEEE SCOPUS
3659 towards understanding code readability and its impact on design quality Umme Ayda Mannan, Iftekhar Ahmed, Anita Sarma ACM SCOPUS
3660 towards understanding programs by counting objects E. Tempero; P. Ralph IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3661 towards understanding programs through wearbased filtering Robert DeLine, Amir Khella, Mary Czerwinski, George Robertson ACM
3662 towards using visual, semantic and structural features to improve code readability classification Mi, Q., Hao, Y., Ou, L., Ma, W. SCOPUS
3663 trace construction using enhanced performance monitoring Serrano, M.J. SCOPUS
3664 trace driven data structure transformations Janjusic, T., Kavi, K.M., Kartsaklis, C. SCOPUS
3665 trace visualization for program comprehension a controlled experiment B. Cornelissen; A. Zaidman; A. van Deursen; B. van Rompaey IEEE SCOPUS
3666 trace visualization within the software city metaphor a controlled experiment on program comprehension V. Dashuber; M. Philippsen IEEE SCOPUS
3667 trace visualization within the software city metaphor controlled experiments on program comprehension Veronika Dashuber, Michael Philippsen ACM SCOPUS
3668 traceability between function point and source code Vianna Ferreira, P.J.A., Barros, M.D.O. SCOPUS
3669 traceability recovery by modeling programmer behavior Giuliano Antoniol, Aniello Cimitile, Gerardo Casazza ACM
3670 traceability recovery in rad software systems M. Di Penta, S. Gradara, G. Antoniol ACM
3671 traceable multimedia fingerprinting based on the multilevel user grouping Lin, Y.-T., Wu, J.-L. SCOPUS
3672 traceguided synthesis of reactive behavior models of programmable logic controllers Roland Schatz, Herbert Prähofer ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3673 tracerefiner an automated technique for refining coarsegrained requirementtoclass traces Hammoudi, M., Mayr-Dorn, C., Mashkoor, A., Egyed, A. SCOPUS
3674 tracing objectoriented code into functional requirements G. Antoniol, G. Canfora, A. de Lucia, G. Casazza, E. Merlo ACM
3675 tracing of state machine execution in the modeldriven development framework Derezinska, A., Szczykulski, M. SCOPUS ✔️
3676 tracing requirements to tests with high precision and recall C. Ziftci; I. Krueger IEEE SCOPUS
3677 tracking csp computations Llorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S. SCOPUS
3678 tracking null checks in opensource java systems Osman, H., Leuenberger, M., Lungu, M., Nierstrasz, O. SCOPUS
3679 tralfamadore unifying source code and execution experience Geoffrey Lefebvre, Brendan Cully, Michael J. Feeley, Norman C. Hutchinson, Andrew Warfield ACM
3680 transaction mapping based approach for mining software specifications Jeevarathinam, R., Thanamani, A.S. SCOPUS ✔️
3681 transformation and patternbased state machine mining from embedded c code Grosche, A., Igel, B., Spinczyk, O. SCOPUS
3682 transforming haskell for tracing Chitil, O., Runciman, C., Wallace, M. SCOPUS
3683 transforming procedural program structures to objectoriented class structures for the purpose of populating a common software repository Sneed, H.M. SCOPUS
3684 treematching object concept assignment to support program comprehension Chen Hua; Qian Jianfei; Chen Qi; Yu Ruizhao IEEE
3685 trend analysis on the metadata of program comprehension papers M. Sulír; J. Porubän IEEE SCOPUS
3686 triade a threefactor trace segmentation method to support program comprehension R. Khoury; A. Hamou-Lhadj; M. I. Rahim; S. Hallé; F. Petrillo IEEE SCOPUS
3687 tricorder building a program analysis ecosystem Sadowski, C., Van Gogh, J., Jaspan, C., Söderberg, E., Winter, C. SCOPUS
3688 tris a fast and accurate identifiers splitting and expansion algorithm Latifa Guerrouj, Philippe Galinier, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Giuliano Antoniol, Massimiliano Di Penta ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3689 trust in automated software repair the effects of repair source, transparency, and programmer experience on perceived trustworthiness and trust Ryan, T.J., Alarcon, G.M., Walter, C., Gamble, R., Jessup, S.A., Capiola, A., Pfahler, M.D. SCOPUS
3690 tulipse a visualization framework for userguided parallelization Wong, Y.W., Dubrownik, T., Tang, W.T., Tan, W.J., Duan, R., Goh, R.S.M., Kuo, S.-H., Turner, S.J., Wong, W.-F. SCOPUS
3691 turing obfuscation Wang, Y., Wang, S., Wang, P., Wu, D. SCOPUS
3692 two families of lrcs with availability based on iterative matrix Zhang, M., Li, R. SCOPUS
3693 two module factoring techniques Calliss, F.W., Cornelius, B.J. SCOPUS
3694 two program comprehension tools for automatic parallelization Beniamino Di Martino, Christoph W. Keβler ACM IEEE
3695 two quasiexperiments on cohesion metrics and program comprehension Elienai B. Batista, Cláudio Sant'Anna, Bruno C. da Silva ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3696 two user perspectives in program comprehension end users and developer users Tobias Roehm ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3697 twocategories and program structure data types, refinement calculi, and predicate transformers David Andrew Naumann ACM
3698 twopath limited speculative multithreading processor Baba, T., Yokota, T., Ootsu, K., Yoneda, J., Sato, K., Jutori, H., Yanome, H. SCOPUS
3699 type analysis for javascript Jensen, S.H., Møller, A., Thiemann, P. SCOPUS
3700 type harvesting a practical approach to obtaining typing information in dynamic programming languages Haupt, M., Perscheid, M., Hirschfeld, R. SCOPUS
3701 type highlighting a clientdriven visual approach for class hierarchies reengineering Mihancea, P.F. SCOPUS
3702 types and concept analysis for legacy systems Tobias Kuipers, Leon Moonen ACM
3703 🌱 typographic style is more than cosmetic Oman, P.W., Cook, C.R. SCOPUS ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
3704 udesign enduser design applied tomonitoring and control applications for smart spaces Sousa, J.P., Schmerl, B., Poladian, V., Brodsky, A. SCOPUS
3705 ui screens identification and extraction from mobile programming screencasts Mohammad Alahmadi, Abdulkarim Malkadi, Sonia Haiduc ACM SCOPUS
3706 ultrasmall blockcodes for binary discrete memoryless channels Chen, P.-N., Lin, H.-Y., Moser, S.M. SCOPUS
3707 umlaut debugging deep learning programs using program structure and model behavior Eldon Schoop, Forrest Huang, Bjoern Hartmann ACM SCOPUS
3708 unambiguity of python language elements for static analysis Nagy, B., Brunner, T., Porkolab, Z. SCOPUS
3709 unconstrained edges and their application to branch analysis and testing of programs Bertolino, A. SCOPUS
3710 undergraduate research experience with software development using a large existing code base in a teachingoriented college Jin, W., Marshall, D., Xie, P., Li, J., Stiller, M., Kham, T., Norris, D., Okolocha, I. SCOPUS
3711 understand code style efficient cnnbased compiler optimization recognition system S. Yang; Z. Shi; G. Zhang; M. Li; Y. Ma; L. Sun IEEE SCOPUS
3712 understanding ajax applications by connecting client and serverside execution traces Andy Zaidman, Nick Matthijssen, Margaret-Anne Storey, Arie Deursen ACM SCOPUS
3713 understanding asynchronous interactions in fullstack javascript Saba Alimadadi, Ali Mesbah, Karthik Pattabiraman ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3714 understanding c programs using the combined c graph representation Kinloch, D.A., Munro, M. SCOPUS
3715 understanding class name regularitya simple heuristic and supportive visualization Agouf, N.J., Ducasse, S., Etien, A., Alidra, A., Thiefaine, A. SCOPUS
3716 understanding code architectures via interactive exploration and layout of layered diagrams Vineet Sinha, Elizabeth L. Murnane, Scott W. Kurth, Edy S. Liongosari, Rob Miller, David Karger ACM SCOPUS
3717 understanding collaborative program comprehension interlacing gaze and dialogues Sharma, K., Jermann, P., Nüssli, M.-A., Dillenbourg, P. SCOPUS ✔️
3718 understanding complex multithreaded software systems by using trace visualization Jonas Trümper, Johannes Bohnet, Jürgen Döllner ACM SCOPUS
3719 understanding conceptual transfer for students learning new programming languages Ethel Tshukudu, Quintin Cutts ACM SCOPUS
3720 understanding datasensitive code one piece of the year 2000 puzzle W. Eric Wong, Norman Wilde, Kristin Blackwell, Rendy Justice ACM
3721 understanding digits in identifier names an exploratory study A. Peruma; C. D. Newman IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3722 understanding features in soa some experiences from distributed systems Norman Wilde, Sharon Simmons, Michael Pressel, Joseph Vandeville ACM SCOPUS
3723 understanding how programmers forget Kruger, J., Wiemann, J., Fenske, W., Saake, G., Leich, T. SCOPUS
3724 understanding how the requirements are implemented in source code Wei Zhao, Lu Zhang, Yin Liu, Jing Luo, Jiasu Sun ACM SCOPUS
3725 understanding javascript eventbased interactions Saba Alimadadi, Sheldon Sequeira, Ali Mesbah, Karthik Pattabiraman ACM SCOPUS
3726 understanding javascript eventbased interactions with clematis Saba Alimadadi, Sheldon Sequeira, Ali Mesbah, Karthik Pattabiraman ACM SCOPUS
3727 understanding largescale software – a hierarchical view O. Levy; D. G. Feitelson IEEE ✔️
3728 understanding largescale software systems – structure and flows Omer Levy, Dror G. Feitelson ACM SCOPUS
3729 understanding largescale softwarea hierarchical view Levy, O., Feitelson, D. SCOPUS
3730 understanding log lines using development knowledge Weiyi Shang, Meiyappan Nagappan, Ahmed E. Hassan, Zhen Ming Jiang ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3731 understanding lolita program comprehension in functional languages J. E. Hazan; S. A. Jarvis; R. G. Morgan; R. Garigliano IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3732 🌱 understanding misunderstandings in source code Dan Gopstein, Jake Iannacone, Yu Yan, Lois DeLong, Yanyan Zhuang, Martin K.-C. Yeh, Justin Cappos ACM SCOPUS ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
3733 understanding of heterogeneous multistage metaprograms Štuikys, V., Damaševičius, R., Ziberkas, G., Valinčius, K. SCOPUS
3734 understanding practitioners strategies to handle test smells a multimethod study Santana, R., Fernandes, D., Campos, D., Soares, L., MacIel, R., MacHado, I. SCOPUS
3735 understanding program slices Hajnal, Á., Forgács, I. SCOPUS
3736 understanding program understanding Francoise Balmas, Harald Wertz, Janice Singer ACM IEEE ✔️
3737 understanding programmer language Einar W. Høst ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3738 understanding programming expertise an empirical study of phasic brain wave changes Igor Crk, Timothy Kluthe, Andreas Stefik ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3739 understanding registrationbased abstractions a quantitative user study Nuñez, J.-J., Kiczales, G. SCOPUS
3740 understanding similar code through comparative comprehension J. Middleton; K. T. Stolee IEEE
3741 understanding software application interfaces via string analysis Evan Martin, Tao Xie ACM SCOPUS
3742 understanding software architectures by visualizationan experiment with graphical elements Jens Knodel, Dirk Muthig, Matthias Naab ACM IEEE
3743 understanding software systems using reverse engineering technology perspectives from the rigi project Hausi A. Müller, Scott R. Tilley, Kenny Wong ACM
3744 understanding software through numbers a metric based approach to program comprehension Harry M. Sneed ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3745 understanding source code differences by separating refactoring effects Sirinut Thangthumachit, Shinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3746 understanding source code through projectional editor J. Juhár; L. Vokorokos IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3747 understanding stack overflow code quality a recommendation of caution Meldrum, S., Licorish, S.A., Owen, C.A., Savarimuthu, B.T.R. SCOPUS
3748 understanding technical debt at the code level from the perspective of software developers Rocha, J.C., Zapalowski, V., Nunes, I. SCOPUS
3749 understanding the architecture of software systems R. Fiutem, E. Merlo, G. Antoniol, P. Tonella ACM ✔️
3750 understanding the behavior of database operations under program control Juan M. Tamayo, Alex Aiken, Nathan Bronson, Mooly Sagiv ACM SCOPUS
3751 understanding the behaviour of hackers while performing attack tasks in a professional setting and in a public challenge Mariano Ceccato, Paolo Tonella, Cataldo Basile, Paolo Falcarin, Marco Torchiano, Bart Coppens, Bjorn De Sutter ACM SCOPUS
3752 understanding the complexity embedded in large routine call traces with a focus on program comprehension tasks Hamou-Lhadj, A., Lethbridge, T.C. SCOPUS
3753 understanding the database manipulation behavior of programs Noughi, N., Mori, M., Meurice, L., Cleve, A. SCOPUS
3754 understanding the dynamics of information systems Hamou-Lhadj, A. SCOPUS ✔️
3755 understanding the gioveb broadcast codes of the galileo system Gao, G.X., Akos, D., Walter, T., Enge, P. SCOPUS
3756 understanding the relevance of microstructures for design patterns detection Arcelli Fontana, F., Maggioni, S., Raibulet, C. SCOPUS
3757 understanding the use of inheritance with visual patterns Denier, S., Sahraoui, H. SCOPUS
3758 understanding understanding source code with functional magnetic resonance imaging Janet Siegmund, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Chris Parnin, Anja Bethmann, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake, André Brechmann ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3759 understanding where requirements are implemented the relationship between requirements traces and method calls in code Burgstaller, B., Egyed, A. SCOPUS
3760 unified abstract syntax tree representation learning for crosslanguage program classification K. Wang; M. Yan; H. Zhang; H. Hu IEEE SCOPUS
3761 unified pretraining for program understanding and generation Ahmad, W.U., Chakraborty, S., Ray, B., Chang, K.-W. SCOPUS
3762 uniformity of environment and computation in map Freeman, Elisabeth, Gelernter, David, Jagannathan, Suresh SCOPUS
3763 unifying theories of program comprehension Sharpe, S. SCOPUS ✔️
3764 union types with disjoint switches Rehman, B., Huang, X., Xie, N., Oliveira, B.C.D.S. SCOPUS
3765 unit under test identification using natural language processing techniques Madeja, M., Porubän, J. SCOPUS
3766 usability challenges that novice programmers experience when using scratch for the first time Jimenez, Y., Kapoor, A., Gardner-Mccune, C. SCOPUS
3767 use of a program understanding taxonomy at hewlettpackard A. Padula IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3768 use of a sequential decoder to analyze convolutional code structure Forney, G.D. SCOPUS
3769 use of a sequential decoder to analyze convolutional code structure (corresp.) G. Forney ACM IEEE
3770 use of program structure information in virtual memory management. Nirmal Jain ACM
3771 use of state diagrams to engineer communications software Chung, P., Gaiman, B. SCOPUS
3772 usecase driven method of architecture recovery for program understanding and reuse reengineering Bojic, Dragan, Velasevic, Dusan SCOPUS
3773 user evaluation of a domain specific program comprehension tool Leon Moonen ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3774 user interface and program structure of a graphical vlsi layout editor. Szabo, Kevin S.B., Elmasry, Mohamed I. SCOPUS
3775 user perspectives on a visual aid to program comprehension A. Cox, M. Fisher, J. Muzzerall ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3776 user‐adaptable prettyprinting Blaschek, G., Sametinger, J. SCOPUS
3777 users perception on the use of metricattitude to perform source code comprehension tasks a focus group study R. Francese; M. Risi; G. Scanniello; G. Tortora IEEE SCOPUS
3778 using a behavioral theory of program comprehension in software engineering Ruven Brooks ACM SCOPUS
3779 using a concept lattice of decomposition slices for program understanding and impact analysis Paolo Tonella ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3780 using a lognormal failure rate distribution for worst case bound reliability prediction Bishop, P.G., Bloomfield, R.E. SCOPUS
3781 using an artificial intelligence approach to build an automated program understanding/fault localization tool Ilene Burnstein, Floyd Saner, Yachai Limpiyakorn ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3782 using an integrated toolset for program understanding Michael Whitney, Morris Bernstein, Renato De Mori, Kostas Kontogiannis, Brain Corrie, Hausi Müller, Scott Tilley, Ettore Merlo, John Mylopoulos, Kenny Wong, J. Howard Johnson, James McDaniel, Martin Stanley ACM ✔️
3783 using aspect orientation in legacy environments for reverse engineering using dynamic analysisan industrial experience report Bram Adams, Kris De Schutter, Andy Zaidman, Serge Demeyer, Herman Tromp, Wolfgang De Meuter ACM SCOPUS
3784 using aspect orientation in understanding legacy cobol code Pu, J., Zhang, Z., Kang, J., Xu, Y., Yang, H. SCOPUS
3785 using background colors to support program comprehension in software product lines J. Feigenspan; M. Schulze; M. Papendieck; C. Kästner; R. Dachselt; V. Köppen; M. Frisch IEEE ✔️
3786 using chaotic 3d watermarking for game design copy right protection Youssef, A.E., Sheta, W. SCOPUS
3787 using cognitive easiness metric for program comprehension M. Yin; B. Li; C. Tao IEEE SCOPUS
3788 using concept maps to assist program comprehension and concept location an empirical study Wilson, L.A., Petrenko, M., Rajlich, V. SCOPUS
3789 using concept maps to evaluate the usability of apis Gerken, J., Jetter, H.-C., Reiterer, H. SCOPUS
3790 using conceptual roles of data for enhanced program comprehension Y. Deng, S. Kothari ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3791 using contexts to extract models from code Duarte, L.M., Kramer, J., Uchitel, S. SCOPUS
3792 using dataflow information for concern identification in objectoriented software systems M. Trifu IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3793 using declarative meta programming for design flaws detection in objectoriented software Mekruksavanich, S., Muenchaisri, P. SCOPUS
3794 using developer eye movements to externalize the mental model used in code summarization tasks Nahla J. Abid, Jonathan I. Maletic, Bonita Sharif ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3795 using discord conversations as program comprehension aid M. Raglianti; C. Nagy; R. Minelli; M. Lanza IEEE SCOPUS
3796 using domain knowledge to improve reverse engineering Gall, H.C., Klösch, R.R., Mittermeir, R.T. SCOPUS
3797 using domain ontologies in a dynamic analysis for program comprehension Javier Belmonte, Philippe Dugerdil ACM SCOPUS
3798 using dynamic information for the iterative recovery of collaborations and roles ACM SCOPUS
3799 using eclipse and intellij with dynamic viewers for program understanding and debugging in java James H. Cross, T. Dean Hendrix ACM
3800 using entropy measures for comparison of software traces Miranskyy, A.V., Davison, M., Reesor, R.M., Murtaza, S.S. SCOPUS
3801 using evolutionary annotations from change logs to enhance program comprehension Daniel M. German, Peter C. Rigby, Margaret-Anne Storey ACM SCOPUS
3802 using evolutionary learning of behavior to find weaknesses in operating systems Denzinger, J̈., Williams, T. SCOPUS
3803 using eye gaze data to recognize taskrelevant source code better and more finegrained Kevic, K. SCOPUS
3804 using eye tracking technology to analyze the impact of stylistic inconsistency on code readability Q. Mi; J. Keung; J. Huang; Y. Xiao IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3805 using eyetracking to evaluate program comprehension Deitelhoff, F., Harrer, A., SCHRÖ DER, B., Hoppe, H.U., Kienle, A. SCOPUS ✔️
3806 using feature modeling for program comprehension and software architecture recovery ACM IEEE
3807 using foldin and foldout in the architecture recovery of software systems Michele Risi, Giuseppe Scanniello, Genoveffa Tortora ACM SCOPUS
3808 using fuzzy reasoning to support automated program understanding Burnstein, I., Saner, F. SCOPUS
3809 using fuzzy rules for identifying key classes in software systems Şora, I., Todinca, D. SCOPUS
3810 using grammar patterns to interpret test method name evolution A. Peruma; E. Hu; J. Chen; E. A. AlOmar; M. W. Mkaouer; C. D. Newman IEEE SCOPUS
3811 using graph matching program recognition of the selection sort algorithm Finkbine, R. SCOPUS
3812 using graph rewriting to specify software architectural transformations Fahmy, H., Holt, R.C. SCOPUS
3813 using hierarchical latent dirichlet allocation to construct feature tree for program comprehension Michele Risi, Xiaobing Sun, Xiangyue Liu, Bin Li, Yucong Duan ACM SCOPUS
3814 using informal and formal techniques for the reverse engineering of c programs G. C. Gannod, B. H. C. Chengs ACM
3815 using information retrieval based coupling measures for impact analysis Poshyvanyk, D., Marcus, A., Ferenc, R., Gyimóthy, T. SCOPUS
3816 using information retrieval to support design of incremental change of software Denys Poshyvanyk, Andrian Marcus ACM SCOPUS
3817 using latent semantic analysis to identify similarities in source code to support program understanding ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3818 using literate programming to teach good programming practices Shum, S., Cook, C. SCOPUS
3819 using locmd to support software change analysis Sun, X.-B., Li, B.-X., Tao, C.-Q. SCOPUS
3820 using metricbased filtering to improve design pattern detection approaches Issaoui, I., Bouassida, N., Ben-Abdallah, H. SCOPUS
3821 using network analysis for recommendation of central software classes Daniela Steidl, Benjamin Hummel, Elmar Juergens ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3822 using nonverbal expressions as a tool in naming research Regev, O., Soloveitchik, M., Feitelson, D.G. SCOPUS ✔️
3823 using ontology fragments in concept location L. A. Wilson IEEE SCOPUS
3824 using ontology reasoning for reverse engineering design patterns Awny Alnusair, Tian Zhao ACM SCOPUS
3825 using paths to measure, explain, and enhance program behavior Ball, T., Larus, J.R. SCOPUS
3826 using program branch probability for the thread parallelisation of branch divergence on the cuda platform Yao, H., Deng, H., Zou, C. SCOPUS
3827 using program structure to achieve prefetching for cache memories G. A. Brent ACM
3828 using psychophysiological measures to assess task difficulty in software development Fritz, T., Begel, A., Müller, S.C., Yigit-Elliott, S., Züger, M. SCOPUS
3829 using reverse engineering techniques to infer a system use case model Enrique A. Miranda, Mario Berón, Germán Montejano, Daniel Riesco ACM SCOPUS
3830 using runtime data for program comprehension Thomas Gschwind, Johann Oberleitner, Martin Pinzger ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3831 using sex differences to link spatial cognition and program comprehension Maryanne Fisher, Anthony Cox, Lin Zhao ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3832 using signaling to aid computer program comprehension Edward M. Gellenbeck ACM
3833 using software metrics tools for maintenance decisions a classroom exercise A. D. Marshall, M. J. Katchabaw, M. A. Bauer ACM
3834 using sound to understand software architecture Lewis I. Berman, Keith B. Gallagher ACM SCOPUS
3835 using specialized procedures and specificationbased analysis to reduce the runtime costs of modularity Vandevoorde, M.T., Guttag, J.V. SCOPUS
3836 using stereotypes in the automatic generation of natural language summaries for c++ methods N. J. Abid; N. Dragan; M. L. Collard; J. I. Maletic IEEE SCOPUS
3837 using structural and textual information to capture feature coupling in objectoriented software Meghan Revelle, Malcom Gethers, Denys Poshyvanyk ACM SCOPUS
3838 using structured queries for source code search Brian P. Eddy, Nicholas A. Kraft ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3839 using the conceptual cohesion of classes for fault prediction in objectoriented systems Marcus, A., Poshyvanyk, D., Ferenc, R. SCOPUS
3840 using the flawed codes in niederreiter cryptocode structure Tsyhanenko, O., Yevseiev, S., Milevskyi, S. SCOPUS
3841 using the kleinberg algorithm and vector space model for software system clustering Giuseppe Scanniello, Anna D'Amico, Carmela D'Amico, Teodora D'Amico ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3842 using the loci framework for automated program and component generation Zhang, Y., Luke, E.A. SCOPUS
3843 using the new jgrasp canvas of dynamic viewers for program understanding and debugging in java courses James H. Cross ACM
3844 using the web for software annotations Rajlich, V., Varadarajan, S. SCOPUS
3845 using topic models to support software maintenance Scott Grant, James R. Cordy, David B. Skillicorn ACM IEEE
3846 using visualization for architectural localization and extraction Dean Jerding, Spencer Rugaber ACM SCOPUS
3847 variable granularity for improving precision of impact analysis Petrenko, M., Rajlich, V. SCOPUS
3848 variable provenance in software systems Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, Ravindra Naik ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3849 variableprecision reaching definitions analysis P. Tonella, G. Antoniol, R. Fiutem, E. Merlo ACM SCOPUS
3850 varsem declarative expression and automated inference of variable usage semantics Liu, Y., Tilevich, E. SCOPUS
3851 vector representation of abstract program tree for assessing algorithm variety for the same purpose Mashima, Y., Takeuchi, K. SCOPUS
3852 verification of ofec code under open roadm standard in 300 gbit/s fpga system | open roadm标准ofec码在300 gbit/s fpga系统中的验证 Wu, J., Xu, K.-F., Li, Y.-B. SCOPUS
3853 verification of ormbased controllers by summary inference Chawla, G., Aman, N., Komondoor, R., Bokil, A., Kharat, N. SCOPUS
3854 verification of the lyee requirement Arai, O., Fujita, H. SCOPUS
3855 verified progress tracking for timely dataflow Brun, M., Decova, S., Lattuada, A., Traytel, D. SCOPUS
3856 verifying concurrent search structure templates Krishna, S., Patel, N., Shasha, D., Wies, T. SCOPUS
3857 verifying the concept of union slices on java programs Szegedi, A., Gergely, T., Beszédes, Á., Gyimóthy, T., Tóth, G. SCOPUS
3858 view definitions for languageindependent multipleview program comprehension and editing Jorma Sajaniemi ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3859 view infinity a zoomable interface for featureoriented software development Michael Stengel, Mathias Frisch, Sven Apel, Janet Feigenspan, Christian Kästner, Raimund Dachselt ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3860 viewing objectoriented software with metricattitude an empirical evaluation R. Francese; M. Risi; G. Scanniello; G. Tortora IEEE SCOPUS
3861 viewing simple clones from structural clones perspective Basit, H.A., Ali, U., Jarzabek, S. SCOPUS
3862 virtual but visible software ACM
3863 virtual reality flythrough of program code structures Roy Oberhauser, Carsten Lecon ACM SCOPUS
3864 vision based intelligent control for mobile robot Gang, P., Xinhan, H., Jian, G., Yi, W. SCOPUS
3865 visiotm a tool for visualizing source code based on topic modeling S. Reddivari; M. S. Khan IEEE SCOPUS
3866 visual approach for change impact analysis a controlled experiment Fernanda M. Delfim, Lilian P. Scatalon, Jorge M. Prates, Rogério E. Garcia ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3867 visual approaches to program comprehension Chunying Zhao, Kang Zhang ACM
3868 visual attention patterns during program debugging with an ide Prateek Hejmady, N. Hari Narayanan ACM SCOPUS
3869 visual behavior on problem comprehension among novice programmers with prior knowledge Zubair Ahsan, Unaizah Obaidellah ACM SCOPUS
3870 visual breakpoint debugging for sum and product formulae O. Moseler; M. Wolz; S. Diehl IEEE SCOPUS
3871 visual contract extractor a tool for reverse engineering visual contracts using dynamic analysis Alshanqiti, A., Heckel, R., Kehrer, T. SCOPUS
3872 visual depiction of decision statements what is best for programmers and nonprogrammers Kiper, J.D., Auernheimer, B., Ames, C.K. SCOPUS ✔️
3873 visual depiction of decision statements what is best forprogrammers and nonprogrammers James D. Kiper, Brent Auernheimer, Charles K. Ames ACM
3874 visual exploration of function call graphs for feature location in complex software systems Johannes Bohnet, Jürgen Döllner ACM SCOPUS
3875 visual exploration of largescale evolving software Wettel, R. SCOPUS
3876 visual exploration of program structure, dependencies and metrics with solidsx D. Reniers; L. Voinea; A. Telea IEEE SCOPUS
3877 visual information; amplifying and foraging Knight, C., Munro, M. SCOPUS
3878 visual storytelling of development sessions Minelli, R., Baracchi, L., Mocci, A., Lanza, M. SCOPUS
3879 visual support for incremental abstraction and refinement in ada 95 T. Dean Hendrix, James H. Cross, Larry A. Barowski, Karl S. Mathias ACM SCOPUS
3880 visual support for understanding product lines Janet Feigenspan, Christian Kästner, Mathias Frisch, Raimund Dachselt, Sven Apel ACM IEEE
3881 visualisation of object oriented program execution J. G. Hosking ACM
3882 visualising java coupling and fault proneness Rosner, P., Child, M., Counsell, S. SCOPUS
3883 visualising java uncertainty Knight, C., Munro, M. SCOPUS
3884 visualization in the context of model driven engineering Ian Bull, R., Favre, J.-M. SCOPUS
3885 visualization of binary componentbased program structure with component functional size Hironori Washizaki, Satoru Takano, Yoshiaki Fukazawa ACM
3886 visualization of c++ template metaprograms Zoltan Borok-Nagy, Viktor Majer, Jozsef Mihalicza, Norbert Pataki, Zoltan Porkolab ACM IEEE
3887 visualization of codes and code smells with 3d mushroom farm metaphor Nababan, A.M., Hendradjaya, B. SCOPUS
3888 visualization of exception handling constructs to support program understanding Hina Shah, Carsten Görg, Mary Jean Harrold ACM SCOPUS
3889 visualization of finegrained code change history Y. Yoon; B. A. Myers; S. Koo IEEE SCOPUS
3890 visualization of multithreaded behavior to facilitate maintenance of complex software systems Trümper, J., Bohnet, J., Voigt, S., Döllner, J. SCOPUS
3891 visualization of procedural abstraction Stefan Schaeckeler, Weijia Shang, Ruth Davis ACM SCOPUS
3892 visualization techniques for effective software comprehend E. Aldahari IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3893 visualization techniques for program comprehension a literature review Lemieux, F., Salois, M. SCOPUS
3894 visualization techniques for program comprehensiona literature review François Lemieux, Martin Salois ACM
3895 visualization tools for understanding a complex code from a real application Campos, F., Cortazar, E., Eterovic, Y., Ramirez, L., Tejos, C., Irarrazaval, P. SCOPUS
3896 visualizing and analyzing the structure of aspectj software under the eclipse platform Bentrad, S., Meslati, D. SCOPUS
3897 visualizing call graphs T. D. LaToza; B. A. Myers IEEE SCOPUS
3898 visualizing cochange information with the evolution radar D'Ambros, M., Lanza, M., Lungu, M. SCOPUS
3899 visualizing code bad smells Hammad, M., Alsofriya, S. SCOPUS ✔️
3900 visualizing dataflows in functional programs Weck, T., Tichy, M. SCOPUS
3901 visualizing distributed system executions Ivan Beschastnikh, Perry Liu, Albert Xing, Patty Wang, Yuriy Brun, Michael D. Ernst ACM SCOPUS
3902 visualizing dynamic memory allocations Moreta, S., Telea, A. SCOPUS
3903 visualizing dynamic software system information through highlevel models Robert J. Walker, Gail C. Murphy, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Darin Wright, Darin Swanson, Jeremy Isaak ACM SCOPUS
3904 visualizing interactions in program executions Dean F. Jerding, John T. Stasko, Thomas Ball ACM SCOPUS
3905 visualizing memory graphs Thomas Zimmermann, Andreas Zeller ACM SCOPUS
3906 visualizing of program structures support concepts and implementation Stelovsky, J., Ackermann, D., Conti, P. SCOPUS
3907 visualizing patterns in the execution of objectoriented programs Jerding, Dean F. SCOPUS
3908 visualizing program dependencies an experimental study Panagiotis K. Linos, Philippe Aubet, Laurent Dumas, Yann Helleboid, Patricia Lejeune, Philippe Tulula ACM SCOPUS
3909 visualizing program slices Ball, Thomas, Eick, Stephen G. SCOPUS
3910 visualizing serverless cloud application logs for program understanding K. S. -P. Chang; S. J. Fink IEEE SCOPUS
3911 visualizing software changes S. G. Eick, T. L. Graves, A. F. Karr, A. Mockus, P. Schuster ACM SCOPUS
3912 visualizing software dynamicities with heat maps Benomar, O., Sahraoui, H., Poulin, P. SCOPUS
3913 visualizing software structure understandability Philippe Dugerdil, Mihnea Niculescu ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3914 visualizing software systems as cities Wettel, R., Lanza, M. SCOPUS
3915 visualizing the hidden variables in robot programs D. C. Shepherd; N. A. Kraft; P. Francis IEEE SCOPUS
3916 visualizing the java heap Steven P. Reiss ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3917 visualizing the runtime behavior of embedded network systems a toolkit for tinyos Andrew R. Dalton, Sally K. Wahba, Sravanthi Dandamudi, Jason O. Hallstrom ACM SCOPUS
3918 visualizing the scripts of data wrangling with somnus K. Xiong; S. Fu; G. Ding; Z. Luo; R. Yu; W. Chen; H. Bao; Y. Wu IEEE SCOPUS
3919 visualizing the synchronization of javathreads with uml Katharina Mehner, Annika Wagner ACM
3920 visualizing threads, transactions and tasks Steven P. Reiss, Suman Karumuri ACM SCOPUS
3921 visualizing timebased weighted coupling using particle swarm optimization to aid program comprehension Hendrawan, R.A., Maruyama, K. SCOPUS
3922 visualizing timed, hierarchical code structures in ascograph Burloiu, G., Cont, A. SCOPUS
3923 visualizing trace of java collection apis by dynamic bytecode instrumentation Tufail Muhammad, Zahid Halim, Majid Ali Khan ACM SCOPUS
3924 visualizing traceability information with itrace I. Santiago; J. M. Vara; V. de Castro; E. Marcos IEEE SCOPUS
3925 visually analyzing eye movements on natural language texts and source code snippets Tanja Blascheck, Bonita Sharif ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3926 visually analyzing students gaze on c++ code snippets Cole S. Peterson, Jonathan A. Saddler, Tanja Blascheck, Bonita Sharif ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3927 vitalse visualizing eye tracking and biometric data D. Roy; S. Fakhoury; V. Arnaoudova IEEE SCOPUS
3928 vizslice visualizing large scale software slices Alomari, H.W., Jennings, R.A., Souza, P.V.D., Stephan, M., Gannod, G.C. SCOPUS
3929 volunteers in libraries program structure, evaluation, and theoretical analysis Nicol, E.A., Johnson, C.M. SCOPUS
3930 vpls and novice program comprehension how do different languages compare Judith Good ACM IEEE SCOPUS ✔️
3931 vrml program slicing Maruyama, H., Araki, K. SCOPUS
3932 vtrevolution interactive programming video tutorial authoring and watching system L. Bao; Z. Xing; X. Xia; D. Lo IEEE SCOPUS
3933 wap does reviewer age affect code review performance Murakami, Y., Tsunoda, M., Uwano, H. SCOPUS
3934 wb4sp a tool to build the word base for specific programs Weisong Sun; Xiaobing Sun; Hui Yang; Bin Li IEEE SCOPUS
3935 wcet analysis of componentbased systems using timing traces Betts, A., Marref, A. SCOPUS
3936 we dont do that here how collaborative editing with mentors improves engagement in social q&a communities Ford, D., Lustig, K., Banks, J., Parnin, C. SCOPUS
3937 welcome message from the chairs [No author name available] SCOPUS
3938 what developers (care to) recall an interview survey on smaller systems Kruger, J., Hebig, R. SCOPUS ✔️
3939 what do class comments tell us an investigation of comment evolution and practices in pharo smalltalk Pooja Rani, Sebastiano Panichella, Manuel Leuenberger, Mohammad Ghafari, Oscar Nierstrasz ACM SCOPUS
3940 what do developers consider magic literals a smalltalk perspective Anquetil, N., Delplanque, J., Ducasse, S., Zaitsev, O., Fuhrman, C., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. SCOPUS
3941 what do developers discuss about code comments Rani, P., Birrer, M., Panichella, S., Ghafari, M., Nierstrasz, O. SCOPUS
3942 what do novices learn during program comprehension Corritore, C.L., Wiedenbeck, S. SCOPUS
3943 what do teachers teach in introductory programming Carsten Schulte, Jens Bennedsen ACM SCOPUS
3944 what do we know about readability of test code a systematic mapping study D. Winkler; P. Urbanke; R. Ramler IEEE ✔️
3945 what do we need to know about clones deriving information needs from user goals Basit, H.A., Hammad, M., Jarzabek, S., Koschke, R. SCOPUS
3946 what does this python code do an exploratory analysis of novice students code explanations Van Der Werf, V., Aivaloglou, E., Hermans, F., Specht, M. SCOPUS
3947 what does this python code do an exploratory analysis of novice students’ code explanations Vivian van der Werf, Efthimia Aivaloglou, Felienne Hermans, Marcus Specht ACM ✔️
3948 what drives the reading order of programmers an eye tracking study Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Sven Apel ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3949 what influences dwell time during source code reading analysis of element type and frequency as factors Teresa Busjahn, Roman Bednarik, Carsten Schulte ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3950 what is my program doing program dynamics in programmers terms Steven P. Reiss, Alexander Tarvo ACM SCOPUS ✔️
3951 what kind of questions do developers ask on stack overflow a comparison of automated approaches to classify posts into question categories Beyer, S., Macho, C., Di Penta, M., Pinzger, M. SCOPUS
3952 what makes a reliable program few bugs, or a small failure rate Littlewood, B. SCOPUS
3953 what your ide could do once you understand your code Van Deursen, A. SCOPUS
3954 whats a typical commit a characterization of open source software repositories Alali, A., Kagdi, H., Maletic, J.I. SCOPUS
3955 whats different about tactical executive systems Phillips, W.G. SCOPUS
3956 when are smells indicators of architectural refactoring opportunities a study of 50 software projects Sousa, L., Oizumi, W., Garcia, A., Oliveira, A., Cedrim, D., Lucena, C. SCOPUS
3957 when importless becomes meaningful a call for tagbased namespaces in programming languages Tauber, T. SCOPUS
3958 when more heads are better than one understanding and improving collaborative identification of code smells Oliveira, R. SCOPUS
3959 where does the good stuff go, and why how contextual semantics influences program structure in simple genetic programming David E. Goldberg, Una-May O'Reilly ACM SCOPUS
3960 which programming language should students learn first a comparison of java and python Lo, C.-A., Lin, Y.-T., Wu, C.-C. SCOPUS ✔️
3961 why johnny cant develop a secure application a usability analysis of java secure socket extension api Wijayarathna, C., Arachchilage, N.A.G. SCOPUS
3962 why just boogie translating between intermediate verification languages Ameri, M., Furia, C.A. SCOPUS
3963 why program comprehension is (or is not) affected by surface features Barbee T. Mynatt ACM
3964 why teach reverse engineering Muhammad Raza Ali ACM
3965 widget identification and modification for web 2.0 access technologies (wimwat) Alex Q. Chen ACM
3966 wireless sensor networks with joint networkchannel code optimization Nabih Alaoui, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Pierre Cances ACM SCOPUS
3967 women and men different but equal on the impact of identifier style on source code reading Sharafi, Z., Soh, Z., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Antoniol, G. SCOPUS
3968 wordlattice parsing parallel algorithm Shi, G., Gu, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, X., Yin, A. SCOPUS
3969 work in progress evolution of code reusing practices during a sequence of three cs courses O. Clua; M. Feldgen; R. Wachenchauzer IEEE SCOPUS
3970 work in progress using a visual programming language to bridge the cognitive gap between a novices mental model and program code Smith, B.J., Delugach, H.S. SCOPUS
3971 working session program comprehension and migration strategies for web service and serviceoriented architectures Dennis Smith, Liam O'Brien, Kostas Kontogiannis ACM IEEE
3972 working session program comprehension strategies for web service and serviceoriented architectures ACM IEEE
3973 working session tools for program comprehension building a comprehenders workbench Keith Brian Gallagher ACM
3974 working session tools for program comprehension building a comprehenders workbench [session intro.] K. B. Gallagher IEEE
3975 working session using eyetracking to understand program comprehension Y. -G. Gueheneuc; H. Kagdi; J. I. Maletic IEEE SCOPUS
3976 workinprogress abstract the impact of the period variation on execution time distributions of programs Cucu-Grosjean, L., Bar-Hen, A., Sorel, Y., Clarke, H. SCOPUS
3977 workshop on graphical documentation for programmers Scott Tilley, Ken Wong ACM SCOPUS
3978 workshop on graphical documentation for programmers assessing the efficacy of uml diagrams for program understanding Shihong Huang, Scott Tilley ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3979 workshop on program comprehension through dynamic analysis (pcoda ‘05) O. Greevy; A. Hamou-Lhadj; A. Zaidman IEEE
3980 workshop on program comprehension through dynamic analysis (pcoda 05) Orla Greevy, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Andy Zaidman ACM
3981 workshop on program comprehension through dynamic analysis (pcoda07) Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Andy Zaidman, Orla Greevy ACM IEEE
3982 workshop on program comprehension through dynamic analysis (pcoda08) Andy Zaidman, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Orla Greevy, David Röthlisberger ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3983 workshop on program comprehension through dynamic analysis (pcoda10) Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, David Rothlisberger, Andy Zaidman, Orla Greevy ACM IEEE SCOPUS
3984 workshop on standard exchange format (wosef) Sim, S.E., Holt, R., Koschke, R. SCOPUS
3985 woven coded cpfsk with hierarchical code structure S. Kempf; S. Shavgulidze; M. Bossert IEEE
3986 wpc 96 proceedings of the 4th international workshop on program comprehension (wpc 96) ACM
3987 wpc 97 proceedings of the 5th international workshop on program comprehension (wpc 97) ACM
3988 write great code understanding the machine Randall Hyde ACM
3989 wsc `06 program structure and track coordinators IEEE
3990 wysiwib exploiting finegrained program structure in a scriptable apiusage protocolfinding process Julia L. Lawall, Julien Brunel, Nicolas Palix, René Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller ACM SCOPUS
3991 xmlmate evolutionary xml test generation Havrikov, N., Höschele, M., Galeotti, J.P., Zeller, A. SCOPUS
3992 xray optics shape error evaluation synergy between innovative shape metrology and the traceit 3d raytracing Sironi, G., Citterio, O., Pareschi, G. SCOPUS
3993 yaab (yet another ast browser) using ocl to navigate asts Antoniol, G., Di Penta, M., Merlo, E. SCOPUS
3994 yesterdays weather guiding early reverse engineering efforts by summarizing the evolution of changes Tudor Girba, Stéphane Ducasse, Michele Lanza ACM SCOPUS
3995 yin & yang demonstrating complementary provenance from noworkflow & yesworkflow Pimentel, J.F., Dey, S., McPhillips, T., Belhajjame, K., Koop, D., Murta, L., Braganholo, V., Ludäscher, B. SCOPUS
3996 yinyang concealing the deep embedding of dsls Jovanović, V., Shaikhha, A., Stucki, S., Nikolaev, V., Koch, C., Odersky, M. SCOPUS
3997 you broke my code understanding the motivations for breaking changes in apis Brito, A., Valente, M.T., Xavier, L., Hora, A. SCOPUS
3998 z the 95% program editor Wood, S.R. SCOPUS
3999 zing exploiting program structure for model checking concurrent software Andrews, T., Qadeer, S., Rajamani, S.K., Rehof, J., Xie, Y. SCOPUS

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