Completed submission for modul "Belajar Aplikasi Android Intermediate" in program "Magang dan studi independen bersertifikat" (MSIB) batch 3 Kampus merdeka X Dicoding Indonesia.
This repository is created for sharing and educational purposes only. Plagiarism is unacceptable and is not my responsibility as the author.
There are several stages for application installation.
Star this repository.
Cloning this repository to android studio.
git clone
Create your Google Maps api key and Geoapify key.
You can find tutorial get api key Google Maps Api key and Geoapify.
After getting the api key You can create file for Geoapify like so:
geoapify_api_key = PUT_HERE
And create file values api_keys.xml for Google api key like so :
<string name="GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY">PUT_HERE</string>
clean and assemble
- Navigation Component
- Keyboard event listener
- Geoapify
- Dots Indicator
- Camerax
- Coil
- Retrofit
- Datastore
- etc