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File metadata and controls

124 lines (92 loc) · 7.88 KB

In this codelab, you'll learn how to use the LiveData builder to combine Kotlin coroutines with LiveData in an Android app. We'll also use Coroutines Asynchronous Flow, which is a type from the coroutines library for representing an async sequence (or stream) of values, to implement the same thing.

You'll start with an existing app, built using Android Architecture Components, that uses LiveData to get a list of objects from a Room database and display them in a RecyclerView grid layout.

Here are some code snippets to give you an idea of what you'll be doing. Here is the existing code to query the Room database:

val plants: LiveData<List<Plant>> = plantDao.getPlants()

The LiveData will be updated using the LiveData builder and coroutines with additional sorting logic:

val plants: LiveData<List<Plant>> = liveData<List<Plant>> {
   val plantsLiveData = plantDao.getPlants()
   val customSortOrder = plantsListSortOrderCache.getOrAwait()
   emitSource( { plantList -> plantList.applySort(customSortOrder) })

You'll also implement the same logic with Flow:

private val customSortFlow = plantsListSortOrderCache::getOrAwait.asFlow()

val plantsFlow: Flow<List<Plant>>
   get() = plantDao.getPlantsFlow()
       .combine(customSortFlow) { plants, sortOrder ->

A flow is an asynchronous version of a Sequence, a type of collection whose values are lazily produced. Just like a sequence, a flow produces each value on-demand whenever the value is needed, and flows can contain an infinite number of values.

So, why did Kotlin introduce a new Flow type, and how is it different than a regular sequence? The answer lies in the magic of asynchronicity. Flow includes full support for coroutines. That means you can build, transform, and consume a Flow using coroutines. You can also control concurrency, which means coordinating the execution of several coroutines declaratively with Flow.

Flow can be used in a fully-reactive programming style. If you've used something like RxJava before, Flow provides similar functionality. Application logic can be expressed succinctly by transforming a flow with functional operators such as map, flatMapLatest, combine, and so on.

Flow also supports suspending functions on most operators. This lets you do sequential async tasks inside an operator like map. By using suspending operations inside of a flow, it often results in shorter and easier to read code than the equivalent code in a fully-reactive style.

In this codelab, we're going to explore using both approaches.

How does flow run

To get used to how Flow produces values on demand (or lazily), take a look at the following flow that emits the values (1, 2, 3) and prints before, during, and after each item is produced.

fun makeFlow() = flow {
   println("sending first value")
   println("first value collected, sending another value")
   println("second value collected, sending a third value")

scope.launch {
   makeFlow().collect { value ->
       println("got $value")
   println("flow is completed")

If you run this, it produces this output:

sending first value
got 1
first value collected, sending another value
got 2
second value collected, sending a third value
got 3
flow is completed

You can see how execution bounces between the collect lambda and the flow builder. Every time the flow builder calls emit, it suspends until the element is completely processed. Then, when another value is requested from the flow, it resumes from where it left off until it calls emit again. When the flow builder completes, the Flow is cancelled and collect resumes, letting and the calling coroutine prints "flow is completed."

The call to collect is very important. Flow uses suspending operators like collect instead of exposing an Iterator interface so that it always knows when it's being actively consumed. More importantly, it knows when the caller can't request any more values so it can cleanup resources.

When does a flow run

The Flow in the above example starts running when the collect operator runs. Creating a new Flow by calling the flow builder or other APIs does not cause any work to execute. The suspending operator collect is called a terminal operator in Flow. There are other suspending terminal operators such as toList, first and single shipped with kotlinx-coroutines, and you can build your own.

By default Flow will execute:

  • Every time a terminal operator is applied (and each new invocation is independent from any previously started ones)
  • Until the coroutine it is running in is cancelled
  • When the last value has been fully processed, and another value has been requested

Because of these rules, a Flow can participate in structured concurrency, and it's safe to start long-running coroutines from a Flow. There's no chance a Flow will leak resources, since they're always cleaned up using coroutine cooperative cancellation rules when the caller is cancelled.

Lets modify the flow above to only look at the first two elements using the take operator, then collect it twice.

scope.launch {
   val repeatableFlow = makeFlow().take(2)  // we only care about the first two elements
   println("first collection")
   println("collecting again")
   println("second collection completed")

Running this code, you'll see this output:

first collection
sending first value
first value collected, sending another value
collecting again
sending first value
first value collected, sending another value
second collection completed

The flow lambda starts from the top each time collect is called. This is important if the flow performed expensive work like making a network request. Also, since we applied the take(2) operator, the flow will only produce two values. It will not resume the flow lambda again after the second call to emit, so the line "second value collected..." will never print.