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File metadata and controls

40 lines (27 loc) · 5.52 KB

DataStore is a new and improved data storage solution aimed at replacing SharedPreferences. Built on Kotlin coroutines and Flow, DataStore provides two different implementations: Proto DataStore, that stores typed objects (backed by protocol buffers) and Preferences DataStore, that stores key-value pairs. Data is stored asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally, overcoming some of the drawbacks of SharedPreferences.

Often you might find yourself needing to store small or simple data sets. For this, in the past, you might have used SharedPreferences but this API also has a series of drawbacks. Jetpack DataStore library aims at addressing those issues, creating a simple, safer and asynchronous API for storing data. It provides 2 different implementations:

  • Preferences DataStore
  • Proto DataStore
Feature SharedPreferences PreferencesDataStore ProtoDataStore
Async API ✅ (only for reading changed values, via listener) ✅ (via Flow and RxJava 2 & 3 Flowable) ✅ (via Flow and RxJava 2 & 3 Flowable)
Synchronous API ✅ (but not safe to call on UI thread)
Safe to call on UI thread ❌1 ✅ (work is moved to Dispatchers.IO under the hood) ✅ (work is moved to Dispatchers.IO under the hood)
Can signal errors
Safe from runtime exceptions ❌2
Has a transactional API with strong consistency guarantees
Handles data migration
Type safety ✅ with Protocol Buffers

1 SharedPreferences has a synchronous API that can appear safe to call on the UI thread, but which actually does disk I/O operations. Furthermore, apply() blocks the UI thread on fsync(). Pending fsync() calls are triggered every time any service starts or stops, and every time an activity starts or stops anywhere in your application. The UI thread is blocked on pending fsync() calls scheduled by apply(), often becoming a source of ANRs.

2 SharedPreferences throws parsing errors as runtime exceptions.

Preferences vs Proto DataStore

While both Preferences and Proto DataStore allow saving data, they do this in different ways:

  • Preference DataStore, like SharedPreferences, accesses data based on keys, without defining a schema upfront.
  • Proto DataStore defines the schema using Protocol buffers. Using Protobufs allows persisting strongly typed data. They are faster, smaller, simpler, and less ambiguous than XML and other similar data formats. While Proto DataStore requires you to learn a new serialization mechanism, we believe that the strongly typed advantage brought by Proto DataStore is worth it.

Room vs DataStore

If you have a need for partial updates, referential integrity, or large/complex datasets, you should consider using Room instead of DataStore. DataStore is ideal for small or simple datasets and does not support partial updates or referential integrity.

Now that you migrated to Preferences DataStore let's recap what we've learned:

  • SharedPreferences comes with a series of drawbacks - from synchronous API that can appear safe to call on the UI thread, no mechanism of signaling errors, lack of transactional API and more.
  • DataStore is a replacement for SharedPreferences addressing most of the shortcomings of the API.
  • DataStore has a fully asynchronous API using Kotlin coroutines and Flow, handles data migration, guarantees data consistency and handles data corruption.