Releases: rfidtool/ESP-RFID-Tool
Release v1.1.2
Accessible from the main menu or when viewing a log
- Add ABA to ASCII conversion
- Add Binary to HEX conversion
Release v1.1.1337
- Fix a bug where the leading zeros do not get displayed on the initial PIN brute force landing page
- They were already transmitted properly and tracked properly in the status page this is only a cosmetic fix to avoid confusion.
Release v1.1.1
Release v1.1.0
- ADD allow entering a numeric pin directly into Experimental TX Mode
- ADD toggle to allow disabling of safe mode
- When safe mode is on after every capture/transmission the device reboots
- When safe mode is off the device does not reboot(not always stable)
- The advantage of disabling safe mode would be allowing captures of very fast consecutive keypad entries
- Transition to esp8266 2.4.1 board manager package
- esp8266 board manager package 2.4.1 has some bug fixes but may have also introduced some
- I suggest leaving safe mode on(default) for real world engagements where a physical reboot may be difficult to perform
NOTE: This firmware along with future firmware will be compiled using the latest esp8266 2.4.1 board manager(unless otherwise noted) and may not be 100% stable, please refer to the previous release if you encounter any major issues!
Release v1.0.91
Release 1.0.91 - Add support to automatically decode common 8 bit pincodes
Release v1.0.9
Add the ability to configure the Experimental TX Timings
Wiegand Data Pulse Width (default 40us)
Wiegand Data Interval (default 2ms)
Release v1.0.8
Improved Magstripe Decoding of ABA Track 2 data
Now displays data decoded from both directions instead of making an attempt to choose a direction.
Release v1.0.7
Now attempts to auto convert MagStripe binary to ASCII
if countedBits == 248 then attempt to convert Track 2 ABA encoding to ASCII
Release v1.0.6
Add Magstripe Decode Link if countedBits == 248
Decode Track 2 ABA
Set Default Buffer to 256bit
Release v1.0.5
Software now attempts to auto detect and decode entries from common keypads