The data this week comes from Rosie Baillie and Dr. Sara Stoudt.
Beyoncé's top 100 - Billboard. Taylor Swift's top 100 - Billboard.
Rosie put together a wonderful analysis of Taylor Swift lyrics! Can you do some similar work with Beyoncé's work?
Text analysis guides in tidytext
or Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R
# Get the Data
# Read in with tidytuesdayR package
# Install from CRAN via: install.packages("tidytuesdayR")
# This loads the readme and all the datasets for the week of interest
# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2020-09-29')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2020, week = 40)
beyonce_lyrics <- tuesdata$beyonce_lyrics
# Or read in the data manually
beyonce_lyrics <- readr::read_csv('')
taylor_swift_lyrics <- readr::read_csv('')
sales <- readr::read_csv('')
charts <- readr::read_csv('')
variable | class | description |
line | character | Lyric line |
song_id | double | Song ID |
song_name | character | Song Name |
artist_id | double | Artist ID |
artist_name | character | Artist Name |
song_line | double | Song line number |
variable | class | description |
Artist | character | Artist |
Album | character | Album name |
Title | character | Title of song |
Lyrics | character | Lyrics |
variable | class | description |
artist | character | Artist name |
title | character | Song title |
country | character | Country for sales |
sales | double | Sales in dollars |
released | character | released date |
re_release | character | Re-released date |
label | character | Label released under |
formats | character | Formats released as |
variable | class | description |
artist | character | Artist name |
title | character | Song title |
released | character | released date |
re_release | character | Re-released date |
label | character | Label released under |
formats | character | Formats released as |
chart | character | Country Chart |
chart_position | character | Highest Chart position |
ts_url <- ""
raw_ts_html <- ts_url %>%
ts_raw <- raw_ts_html %>%
html_node("#mw-content-text > > table:nth-child(10)") %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
data.frame() %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
tibble() %>%
slice(-1, -nrow(.)) %>%
mutate(album_details = str_split(album_details, "\n"),
sales = str_split(sales, "\n"),
) %>%
select(-certifications) %>%
unnest_longer(album_details) %>%
separate(album_details, into = c("album_detail_type", "album_details"), sep = ": ") %>%
mutate(album_detail_type = if_else(album_detail_type == "Re-edition", "Re-release", album_detail_type)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = album_detail_type, values_from = album_details) %>%
select(-`na`) %>%
ts_sales <- ts_raw %>%
unnest_longer(sales) %>%
separate(sales, into = c("country", "sales"), sep = ": ") %>%
mutate(sales = str_trim(sales),
sales = parse_number(sales)) %>%
select(title, country, sales, released:formats) %>%
mutate(artist = "Taylor Swift", .before = title)
ts_chart <- ts_raw %>%
select(title, released:formats, contains("peak_chart")) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = contains("peak_chart"), names_to = "chart", values_to = "chart_position") %>%
chart = str_remove(chart, "peak_chart_positions"),
chart = case_when(
chart == "" ~ "US",
chart == "_1" ~ "AUS",
chart == "_2" ~ "CAN",
chart == "_3" ~ "FRA",
chart == "_4" ~ "GER",
chart == "_5" ~ "IRE",
chart == "_6" ~ "JPN",
chart == "_7" ~ "NZ",
chart == "_8" ~ "SWE",
chart == "_9" ~ "UK",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
) %>%
mutate(artist = "Taylor Swift", .before = title)
# Beyonce -----------------------------------------------------------------
bey_url <- ""
raw_bey_html <- bey_url %>%
bey_raw <- raw_bey_html %>%
html_node("#mw-content-text > > table:nth-child(14)") %>%
#mw-content-text > > table:nth-child(14) > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > th > i > a
html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
data.frame() %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
tibble() %>%
slice(-1, -nrow(.)) %>%
mutate(album_details = str_split(album_details, "\n"),
sales = str_split(sales, "\n"),
) %>%
select(-certifications) %>%
unnest_longer(album_details) %>%
separate(album_details, into = c("album_detail_type", "album_details"), sep = ": ") %>%
mutate(album_detail_type = if_else(album_detail_type == "Re-edition", "Re-release", album_detail_type)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = album_detail_type, values_from = album_details) %>%
bey_sales <- bey_raw %>%
unnest_longer(sales) %>%
separate(sales, into = c("country", "sales"), sep = ": ") %>%
mutate(sales = str_trim(sales),
sales = parse_number(sales)) %>%
select(title, country, sales, released:label, formats = format) %>%
mutate(artist = "Beyoncé", .before = title)
bey_chart <- bey_raw %>%
select(title, released:label, formats = format, contains("peak_chart")) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = contains("peak_chart"), names_to = "chart", values_to = "chart_position") %>%
chart = str_remove(chart, "peak_chart_positions"),
chart = case_when(
chart == "" ~ "US",
chart == "_1" ~ "AUS",
chart == "_2" ~ "CAN",
chart == "_3" ~ "FRA",
chart == "_4" ~ "GER",
chart == "_5" ~ "IRE",
chart == "_6" ~ "JPN",
chart == "_7" ~ "NZ",
chart == "_8" ~ "SWE",
chart == "_9" ~ "UK",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
) %>%
mutate(artist = "Beyoncé", .before = title)
all_sales <- bind_rows(ts_sales, bey_sales)
all_charts <- bind_rows(ts_chart, bey_chart)
write_csv(all_sales, "2020/2020-09-29/sales.csv")
write_csv(all_charts, "2020/2020-09-29/charts.csv")