barrans saga riddle test
run with your favorite IDE, or run manually:
- open cmd/terminal, change directory to [program-directory]/src/main/java and compile program using command 'javac'.
- run program with 'java BarransSagaRiddle'
- insert AgeOfDeath Person A, YearOfDeath Person A, AgeOfDeath Person B, YearOfDeath Person B.
- output will shown in cmd/terminal. after compiling, the program can be run without re-compiling the program.
to do the test, go to [program-directory]/src/test/java/ then compile and run to see/edit test cases, open/edit CSV file in [program-directory]/src/test/resources.
columns in testcases.csv : testCase | ageDeathA | yearDeathA | ageDeathB | yearDeathB | expectedOutput