Releases: riatelab/osrm
Releases · riatelab/osrm
CRAN Version
Minor changes
- set the grid size for computing isochrones in osrmIsochrone (more precise isopleth maps)
- fix osrmTrip
CRAN Version
Minor changes
- Enable changing the profile via options(osrm.profile = "name.of.the.profile")(driving is set by default).
- Small fixes and adaptations to the API (in osrmTrip mainly)
CRAN Version
This is a major release. Changes have been made to reflect the evolution of the OSRM routing service/engine.
The backward compatibility is not ensured. The osrm package works with the version 5.0.0 of the OSRM API.
Major changes:
- osrmViaroute is suppressed, use osrmRoute with
overview = FALSE
instead. - osrmViarouteGeom is replaced by osrmRoute. osrmRoute offers simplified or detailed (full) route geometry via
parameter. - Functions now accept sp objects and data.frames.
- Add osrmIsochrone. This function computes a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of isochrones.
- Add osrmTrip. This function gets the travel geometry between multiple unordered points.
- Under the hood: some function now use google encoded polylines via gepaf package.
CRAN Version
This is a major release. Changes have been made to reflect the evolution of the OSRM routing service/engine.
The backward compatibility is not ensured. The osrm package works with the version 4.9.0 of the OSRM API.
Major changes:
- Supression of osrmTableOD and osrmTableErrors
- Different parameters names and output in each functions
- XML and reshape2 packages are no longer imported
CRAN Version
- Install instruction in README
- Add a SpatialLinesDataFrame export to the osrmViaRouteGeom
- Add the \dontrun{} instruction to all examples due to potential public API downtime and to prevent excessive use of the public API via regular checks.
CRAN Version
1st release on the CRAN