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File metadata and controls

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Django Sales Stat Manager

This is a django project with user authentication system for generating sales statistics in an insightful way. The statistics are generated using Pandas module. We will also see the visual representation of the data which will be powered by Matplotlib and Seaborn modules. We will also have a way to compile the stats into a pdf and view it or download it as we like. The authenticated users can also upload data from the client site as form inputs or as a csv file.

Environment setup

  1. Setup a virtual environment first using virtualenv <your environment name> and then activate it by running <env name>\scripts\activate on Windows or source bin/activate on Mac on Linux.

  2. Copy the requirements.txt in the working directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt on your terminal to install all the necessary Python modules.

  3. Run django-admin startproject core . to create a Django project in the working directory. The . creates the project in the root directory of the project.

  4. In core/ file, add the following settings:

STATIC_URL = '/static/' # already existing
STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / 'static'] # new

MEDIA_URL = '/media/' # new
MEDIA_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'media' # new
  1. Update 'DIRS': [BASE_DIR / 'templates'], for the TEMPLATES setting. Change the database name if you want, as I changed it as stats_db.sqlite3.

  2. Run python migrate to initialize the database and then create a super user by running python createsuperuser which will prompt you to provide necessary credentials.

  3. Run python runserver to check whether the environment setup has been successful. If everything works fine, you should see the default django template on the browser, add /admin/ at the end of the URL to visit the admin site.

With this, your environment setup is completed and you are ready to start building all the apps.

Models construction

  1. For almost any Django project, the first thing we do is to create an app and add models in the spawned file. In our project, we will first create 5 apps, include them in the settings.INSTALLED_APPS option, and then create necessary models in each of those apps.

  2. Run python startapp <App name> command with "App name" as customers, products, profiles, reports, sales to create 5 apps. This will create 5 directories in our project with the corresponding app names.

  3. Write some models in the files of each app as in the repository. There are some additional files in profiles and sales app. We have a file in the profiles app, and in the sales app.

  4. The in profiles app contains a function which is called when a new user is created. This function creates a profile for the new user automatically. For that, the ready method is overriden in the file local to the app. Then the file is modified with adding the line default_app_config = 'profiles.apps.ProfilesConfig' to it.

  5. The in sales app contains a function which is called when a new sales record is created. This function calculates the total price for all the items selected automatically. For that, the ready method is overriden in the file local to the app. Then the file is modified with adding the line default_app_config = 'sales.apps.SalesConfig' to it.

  6. The file in sales app contains a utility function called generate_code. This function uses the uuid module to generate a 12-character transaction ID for our sales records automatically. This is called from the overriden save method that we wrote in the Sale model.

Generate HTML from Pandas dataframe

  1. We will create the necessary links in respective scripts and create some function-based and class-based views in respective scripts. In our Home View, let's make a database call using Django ORM methods and pass the retrieved queryset values into Pandas.DataFrame method. This method converts any list type object in Pandas dataframe.

  2. Call the to_html method on the dataframe object to generate suitable HTML snippet for the dataframe object. This HTML snippet is generated as <table> HTML element which is then passed as context in the render method to populate the template file and a response is created. This response is then viewed on the client browser.

Create png image from bytes stream

  1. Matplotlib uses different kinds of backends to create images using the data we provide. For our case, we need to display the charts as png images on the frontend; and Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) backend is the most suitable for this purpose. The bytes stream will be encoded into base64 object as png format. This can later be decoded as utf-8. This can then safely displayed on the template and rendered on the webpage as normal png image which can be viewed and downloaded as well.

  2. For generating graphs and charts using matplotlib and seaborn, and then rendering their bytes stream as png format string, we use two functions called get_chart and get_graph in our sales/ script. The get_chart function is called from the home_view using necessary parameters, the function then uses the parameters to generate to graph image in the IO stream.

  3. The get_chart function then calls the get_image function which uses the IO stream to capture the image as png file and sent to the template to be viewed on the website.

Generate and store reports

  1. Using AJAX calls, send form data to the backend with details to include in a report. Create local static directory for reports app. Then put home.js in static/reports directory. This file contains javascript to handle sending AJAX requests and receiving JSON reponse and then puting the data from JSON response on the client browser.

  2. Use the ReportForm ModelForm inside reports/ to take necessary inputs for the report object. Then use the view create_report_view to store the form data in the database and return JSON response.

  3. Create reports/ file to include additional support functions for the app. In this case, create a function get_report_image to create a png file from raw binary data stream and return the image url after storing it.

View reports & download as pdf

  1. Create templates for report list and individual report items. Place the templates into templates/reports directory. Create urls for retrieving these templates using class-based views written inside reports/ file.

  2. The pdf is generated using xhtml2pdf python module. For details, look into the xhtml2pdf Documentation for Django. By default, the link generated is for direct download. For our applicaiton, we want to view the pdf using url on the browser. Modify the Content-Disposition key of the response object and get rid of the attachment option to achieve this.

Upload sales data with csv file

  1. Upload csv formatted file with schema Pos,Transaction id,Product,Quantity,Customer,Date to insert multiple sales records at once. These records then can be used just like the other records inserted manually. Note that, the schema must be identical to the above one.

  2. Uploading files has been handled using dropzone.js, look at the reports/upload.js file to understand how the uploading works. The database insertion logics are handled in the csv_upload_view function of reports/ script.

  3. Add 2 urls in the reports/ - one for uploader page handled with class-based view UploadTemplateView, another for handling the upload url in the upload.js which calls the csv_upload_view and passes all the data.

Improve the file upload mechanism

  1. Update the sales/ file in the CSV model to avoid uploading same file twice. Handle the logic in csv_upload_view function.

  2. Remove previous data from the csvs, positions and sales table to perform migrations, perform the migrations and verify.

  3. Add alerts to the uploader page on successful upload to notify the user whether file records were stored in the database.

User profile and authentication

  1. The views functions for user authentication, i.e., login and logout (we deliberately excluded registration as this is not a public website), are put inside a scripts inside the project directory or the core directory. A login.html template has been also created inside templates/auth directory. Note that the templates directory here is the root templates directory.

  2. Decorators and Mixins are included in all views functions and classes that are required to be private only the authenticated users.

  3. LOGIN_URL has been added to the script which is used to redirect any non-authenticated user to the login page.

  4. Create a profile information page profiles/main.html in the profiles app templates directory, and this template is rendered using the my_profile_view view function in the profiles/ script.

Attach the Navigation bar

  1. Finally, complete the navbar.html to create a navigation bar for the website so that you can browse through different pages of the site at ease. Polish up the looks of the navbar using custom css.

  2. Fix JavaScript mistakes in home.js, add few codes to clean up after form submission.

Post scriptum

If you find any mistakes, please make a pull request and let us know about the mistake so that we can make amendment to the repository. If you don't understand something, reach out to me using:


Thank you!!!