#Rikulo EL
Rikulo EL is an implementation of the Unified Expression Language specification plus enhancements for and in Dart.
Rikulo EL is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
##Install from Dart Pub Repository
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
(or create it):
Then run the Pub Package Manager (comes with the Dart SDK):
pub install
##Install from Github for Bleeding Edge Stuff
To install stuff that is still in development, add this to your pubspec.yam
git: git://github.com/rikulo/el.git
For more information, please refer to Pub: Dependencies.
Using Rikulo EL is straightforward.
import 'dart:mirrors' show reflect;
import 'package:rikulo_el/el.dart';
class Person {
String name;
void main() {
//Prepare an expression factory.
ExpressionFactory ef = new ExpressionFactory();
//Prepare the expression script
//expression inside #{...} is to be evaluated
String script = 'Hello, #{person.name}!';
//Prepare an expression context.
ELContext ctx = new ELContext();
ef.createVariable(new Person('Rikulo')));
//Parse the script and create a value expression which expect a String type
ValueExpression ve = ef.createValueExpression(ctx, script, reflect('').type);
//Evaluate the expression and return the evaluated result
print(ve.getValue(ctx)); //'Hello, Rikulo!'
For more examples, please refer to here, here and here.
##Notes to Contributors
###Test and Debug
You are welcome to submit bugs and feature requests. Or even better if you can fix or implement them!
###Create Addons
Rikulo is easy to extend. The simplest way to enhance Rikulo is to create a new repository and add your own great widgets and libraries to it.
###Fork Rikulo
If you'd like to contribute back to the core, you can fork this repository and send us a pull request, when it is ready.
Please be aware that one of Rikulo's design goals is to keep the sphere of API as neat and consistency as possible. Strong enhancement always demands greater consensus.
If you are new to Git or GitHub, please read this guide first.