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RISC-V Scalar Crypto: Architectural Tests Plan

A plan for developing the riscv architectural tests for the Scalar Crypto Extension.


The point of this test plan is to:

  • Explain what the RISC-V architectural tests try to achieve, both generally and for the scalar crypto instructions in particular.

  • List the kinds of coverage that the architectural tests try to meet, and to explain more and less important coverage cases for different kinds of instruction.

  • Act as a starting point for verification engineers writing verification plans. It describes real-world usage patterns of the instructions which constrained random stimulus generation flows can focus on.

Some useful links:

Stimulus Patterns

Some simple stimulus patterns described here and referred too later when talking about individual instructions.

  • single-bit-1 - Each source register input has a single bit set. Test for all bits 0⇐i<XLEN. Likewise, have single-bit-0. These are sometimes also referred too as walking ones or walking zeros.

  • uniform-random - Each source register input is a uniform random number, XLEN-bits long.

  • byte-count - Each source register input is divided into bytes, and each byte is incremented individually, starting at zero. Hence, for RV32, the first two input patterns would be 0x03020100 and 0x07060504.

Where some unknown number of test vectors will be needed to hit coverage, this is usually left as N, which can be tuned later. E.g. "generate N uniform random numbers…​".

Coverage Points

These are coverage points relevant for single instructions, and act as a bare minimum standard to hit for every instruction.

Register addresses

  • Have all values of rd, rs1 and rs2 been covered where applicable?

  • Have we seen:

    • rd==rs1, rd!=rs1

    • rd==rs2, rd!=rs2

    • rs1==rs2, rs1!=rs2


  • The immediates for all of the scalar crypto instructions are either 2 or 4 bits, so we should aim for complete coverage of these.

Input values

  • Have we seen every bit set for each register input?

  • Have we seen every bit clear for each register input?

  • For instructions with an SBox (AES,SM4), do we have complete input coverage for each input to the SBox? For all instructions, this is just 0..255 for each input byte.

Cross Coverage

No intra or inter instruction cross coverage is defined yet. Some cross coverage is implicitly discussed in real world usage patterns described below.

RV32 Instructions

The RV32 instructions have been put into groups of instructions which are similar from a coverage and stimulus perspective.

AES and SM4

aes32dsi    rt, rs2, bs
aes32dsmi   rt, rs2, bs
aes32esi    rt, rs2, bs
aes32esmi   rt, rs2, bs
sm4ed       rt, rs2, bs
sm4ks       rt, rs2, bs

All of these instructions have the same basic input patterns, and apply an SBox to a single byte of rs2. The bs immediate is 2 bits, and is used to select a byte of rs2 for further processing.

The aes32* and sm4* instructions read and write the rt register. It can be thought of as both rs1 and rd.
  • Test pattern 1: SBox Testing

    • This uses the byte-count pattern described above.

    • Generate a 256-byte sequence 0..255 and pack the sequence into 32-bit words.

    • Each word in the sequence is the rs2 input. The rs1 input is set to zero so we do not alter the SBox output value.

    • For each input word, generate 4 instructions, with bs=0..3. This will mean that every possible SBox input pattern is tested.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform Random

    • Generate uniform random values for rs1, rs2 and bs.

    • Let register values be un-constrained: 0..31.

    • Repeat N times for each instruction until sufficient coverage is reached.

  • Test pattern 3: real-world patterns:

    • Execute 4 of each instruction adjacently. Each instruction has the same rd and rs1 value, a different rs2 and a different bs value. This mimics how the instructions will appear in real-world code, and tests things like pipeline forwarding.

      li  a0, <random>
      li  a1, <random>
      li  a2, <random>
      li  a3, <random>
      li  a4, <random>
      aes32* a4, a0, 0 // This is the expected use-case sequence
      aes32* a4, a1, 1 // for these instructions.
      aes32* a4, a2, 2
      aes32* a4, a3, 3
These instructions are un-likely to ever appear interleaved with one another, so this pattern is left out for now. Forwarding between like-instructions is much more common.

SHA2-256 and SM3

sha256sig0  rd, rs1
sha256sig1  rd, rs1
sha256sum0  rd, rs1
sha256sum1  rd, rs1
sm3p0       rd, rs1
sm3p1       rd, rs1

These instructions are all designed to accelerate hash functions, and essentially perform rotations and/or shifts of rs1 by several different constants, before xor’ing the results together.

  • Test pattern 1: Single bit testing

    • For each instruction, generate XLEN inputs with a single bit set.

    • For each instruction, generate XLEN inputs with a single bit clear.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform random.

    • For each instruction, generate N XLEN bit uniform random inputs.

  • Test pattern 3: Real-world usage.

    • Check forwarding result of add/xor/not/andn/add instruction into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding result of these instructions into add/xor/not/andn/add instructions.

    • Check load-to-use hazard into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding of these instructions into rs1 of sw instruction.


sha512sig0h rd, rs1, rs2
sha512sig0l rd, rs1, rs2
sha512sig1h rd, rs1, rs2
sha512sig1l rd, rs1, rs2
sha512sum0r rd, rs1, rs2
sha512sum1r rd, rs1, rs2

These instructions are similar to the SHA2-256 and SM3 instructions. The rs1 and rs2 operands are shifted left/right by several constants, then xor’d together.

The plan for these instructions is identical to the one for SHA2-256 and SM3, but with an additional register input to cover.
  • Test pattern 1: Single bit testing

    • For each instruction, generate XLEN inputs with a single bit set. Do this for each rs1 and rs2.

    • For each instruction, generate XLEN inputs with a single bit clear. Do this for each rs1 and rs2.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform random.

    • For each instruction, generate N XLEN bit uniform random inputs for rs1 and rs2.

  • Test pattern 3: Real-world usage.

    • Check forwarding result of add/xor/not/andn/add instruction into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding result of these instructions into add/xor/not/andn/add instructions.

    • Check load-to-use hazard into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding of these instructions into rs1 of sw instruction.

RV64 Instructions

The RV64 instructions have been put into groups of instructions which are similar from a coverage and stimulus perspective.

AES: Round instructions

aes64ds     rd, rs1, rs2
aes64dsm    rd, rs1, rs2
aes64es     rd, rs1, rs2
aes64esm    rd, rs1, rs2
  • Test pattern 1: SBox Testing

    • This uses the byte-count pattern described above.

    • Generate a 256-byte sequence 0..255 and pack the sequence into 64-bit words.

    • For each pair of 64-bit words i and j, where j=i+1:

    • Execute two of each instruction. One where rs1=i, rs2=j, and one where rs1=j and rs2=i. Store the results of each instruction to the signature.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform Random Testing

    • For rs1 and rs2, generate uniform random values and store the results to the signature.

  • Test pattern 3: Real-world usage

    • Execute two adjacent instructions of the same type, with:

      • Different destination registers.

      • The first instruction has rs1=x, rs2=y, and the second instruction has rs1=y, rs2=x.

      • This is the most common usage pattern for the instructions.

    • Forward the result of an xor instruction into the instructions and vice-versa.

AES: aes64ks1

aes64ks1i   rd, rs1, rcon

This instruction applies the AES Forward SBox to the low 32-bits of rs1, with an optional rotation and xor depending on rcon. rcon is 4-bits wide, with only values 0⇐rcon⇐0xA permitted.

  • Test pattern 1: SBox coverage

    • Uses the byte-count pattern described above.

    • Generate 64 double-word inputs, such that the low 4 bytes of each double-word completely cover the 0..255 SBox input space.

    • Execute one instruction per double-word input to get complete SBox input coverage.

    • The rcon immediate should be set to 0xA for this, to avoid it altering the SBox output value and make debugging easier.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform Random testing

    • Generate random 64-bit values for rs1 and random 4-bit values for rcon, where 0⇐rcon⇐0xA. Record each result to the signature.

AES: aes64ks2

aes64ks2    rd, rs1, rs2

This instruction simply performs xor operations between high and low words of rs1 and rs2 to produce a result.

  • Test pattern 1: Single bit testing

    • Generate XLEN inputs with a single bit set.

    • Generate XLEN inputs with a single bit clear.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform random.

    • Generate N XLEN bit uniform random inputs.

SHA2, SM3 and aes64im

sha256sig0  rd, rs1
sha256sig1  rd, rs1
sha256sum0  rd, rs1
sha256sum1  rd, rs1
sha512sig0  rd, rs1 (RV64 Only)
sha512sig1  rd, rs1 (RV64 Only)
sha512sum0  rd, rs1 (RV64 Only)
sha512sum1  rd, rs1 (RV64 Only)
sm3p0       rd, rs1
sm3p1       rd, rs1
aes64im     rd, rs1 (RV64 Only)

The SHA256 and SM3 instructions listed here are very similar to the RV32 SHA and SM3 listed instructions, but with zero extended 32-bit outputs and they ignore the high 32-bits of their inputs.

The SHA512 instructions are similar to the SHA256 instructions, but work across the entire 64-bits of the input.

The aes64im instruction implements the AES Inverse MixColumn transform on each 32-bit word of rs1.

  • Test pattern 1: Single bit testing

    • Generate XLEN inputs with a single bit set.

    • Generate XLEN inputs with a single bit clear.

  • Test pattern 2: Uniform random.

    • Generate N XLEN bit uniform random inputs.

  • Test pattern 3: Real-world usage - SHA and SM3

    • Check forwarding result of add/xor/not/andn/add instruction into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding result of these instructions into add/xor/not/andn/add instructions.

    • Check load-to-use hazard into these instructions.

    • Check forwarding of these instructions into rs1 of sw instruction.


sm4ed       rt, rs2, bs
sm4ks       rt, rs2, bs
These instructions are identical to the RV32 versions, but are also available on RV64. On RV64, they ignore the high 32-bits of their register inputs, and zero extend the low 32-bits of their outputs. The same test plan may be used, accounting for the wider registers on RV64.

Entropy Source

It is worth having a copy of the specification ready for this.

The Entropy Source Extension consists of two machine-mode CSRs, and two pseudo-instructions to access them:

  • pollentropy rd: An alias for csrrs rd, mentropy, x0.

  • getnoise rd: An alias for csrrs rd, mentropy, x0.

CSR mnoise

  • It must be possible to read and write mnoise in machine mode.

    • If mnoise is not implemented, it must always return zeros.

    • An implementation can check if mnoise is implemented if it can set and clear bit 31 (NOISE_TEST). This is the only architecturally defined bit.

    • Tests must determine if mnoise is implemented first, before checking any other behaviour, and accommodate this case in the test signature.

  • Accesses to mnoise in any privilege mode other than machine mode must raise an Illegal Opcode Exception.

It is possible that pre-tapeout or pre-validation, mnoise will have different behaviour after post-silicon-validation. This is because it is designed as a validation / certification interface to check that the noise source is functioning correctly. Once the noise source is validated, the interface may be disabled permanently. Tests must account for this in their signature generation.

CSR mentropy

The following tests must be written specifically for the mentropy CSR related behaviour.

  • This is a machine-mode, read-only CSR. Tests should check that it is accessible only in machine mode.

  • Per section 2.1 of the privileged architecture specification: any write to mentropy must raise an Illegal Instruction Exception. Tests must check this for all variants of CSR write instructions.

The following tests must be written to check for behaviour related to values read from the mentropy CSR.

  • If the returned OPST field is not ES16, then the SEED field must be zero. A test may check this by reading pollentropy many times, and setting a bit iff OPST!=ES16 && SEED!=0 is ever seen. Coverage bins should be used to check that pollentropy returned different values of OPST.

  • On RV64, the upper 32-bits of the return value must be zero.

  • When mnoise.NOISE_TEST=1, then pollentropy must always return with OPST=BIST.

Other tests:

  • The wfi instruction must be implemented, and not raise an Illegal Opcode Exception unless the mstatus.TW bit is set. The wfi instruction may be implemented as a nop. It is sufficient to check that wfi executes without raising an Illegal Opcode Exception when mstatus.TW=0 using something like a contrived timer interrupt.

Things not covered by architectural compliance

  • The quality of the randomness returned by pollentropy when OPST=ES16. This should be validated by the implementer as part of the verification effort for the entropy source.

  • Vendor specific mechanisms related to mnoise implementations.

Other Instructions: Integer & Carry-less multiply

The scalar crypto ISE places additional constraints on instructions which are present in the base ISA, or Bitmanip standard extension.

mul     rd, rs1, rs2
mulh    rd, rs1, rs2
mulhu   rd, rs1, rs2
mulhsu  rd, rs1, rs2
mulw    rd, rs1, rs2
clmul   rd, rs1, rs2
clmulh  rd, rs1, rs2

Per section 3.6 of the scalar crypto extension draft specification, all of these instructions must execute in constant time with respect to their inputs when rs1 ⇐ rs2.

If they are not, they create a (remotely) exploitable timing channel and are insecure from a cryptographic perspective. Common micro-architectural performance optimisations for these instructions include early termination and macro-op fusion.

Do we also need to consider operand memoisation for multiplication? Yes: It does introduce a timing channel. No: That timing channel is very hard to exploit.
  • Test pattern 1: Leading Ones

    • For each rs register input, generate a random XLEN input value, and set the most-significant i bits. See the other rs input, pick a random value.

    • Repeat for values 0⇐i⇐XLEN. The i value can be stepped by a value greater than 1 to manage the test size.

  • Test pattern 2: Leading Zeros.

    • Repeat test pattern 1, but clear the top i bits instead.

  • Test pattern 3: Trailing Zeros

    • Repeat test pattern 1, but clear the least-significant i bits instead.

  • Test pattern 4: Trailing Ones

    • Repeat test pattern 1, but set the least-significant i bits instead.

After executing each test input, the time rdcycle instruction is used to record the amount of time taken to execute the relevant multiply instruction. Each execution time is recorded and compared to the previous measurement. If the two are not identical, a fail code is recorded to the test signature, along with the inputs which caused the failure.

It may be more accurate to run several multiplication instructions in sequence, so as to amortise any overhead introduced by rdcycle.

Will this give consistent results on modern micro-architectures? Can we expect rdcycle ordering with respect to the multiplies to be respected? Chapter 10 of the user-level ISA spec has a long discussion on how defining a cycle is hard, and offers no guarantees of portability. Hence, it becomes much easier to identify when multiplication is not constant time (and so insecure), but very hard to portably show that multiplication is constant time. We do not want to artificially limit the range of possible implementations due to un-necessesarily restrictive compliance tests.

As well as individual instructions, recommended fusion pairs must also be tested. These are:

mulhu ra, rs1, rs2  // ra != rs1, rs2
mul   rb, rs1, rs2  // rb != ra, rs1, rs2


clmulh ra, rs1, rs2  // ra != rs1, rs2
clmul  rb, rs1, rs2  // rb != ra, rs1, rs2

The same set of test patterns can be used, treating rs1,rs2 as a single 2*XLEN input.