- Ctrl + N creates a new note with the current date and time in the name
- Ctrl + ⇧ + F lets you search for notes (in the name of the note and its content)
- Alt + F lets you search for notes in all tags / subfolders
- Alt + ⇧ + P switches to the previous workspace
- Ctrl + ⇧ + E edits an encrypted note
- Alt + R removes the current note
- Alt + ⇧ + U checks for updates
- Ctrl + ⇧ + T opens the todo list
- Ctrl + ⇧ + O opens the current note in an external editor
- Alt + ⇧ + O opens the current note in a view
- Alt + ⇧ + F shows the current note in the file manager
- Alt + Up jumps to the previous visible note
- alternate shortcut is Ctrl + PgUp
- Alt + Down jumps to the next visible note
- alternate shortcut is Ctrl + PgDown
- Ctrl + ⇧ + D toggles the distraction free mode
- you can also close it with Esc
- Ctrl + P prints the current note as text
- Ctrl + ⇧ + P prints the current note as markdown
- Ctrl + ⇧ + V pastes notes, images and html from the clipboard
- Ctrl + , opens the settings
- Alt + ⇧ + A adds a new tag to a note
- Ctrl + ⇧ + R reloads the current note folder
- Ctrl + Alt + F lets you select a different note folder
- Ctrl + ⇧ + S reloads the scripting engine
- Ctrl + ⇧ + M hides or shows the main menu bar
- Ctrl + ⇧ + A lets you search for actions
- Ctrl + S manually saves modified notes
- Alt + ⇧ + I opens the Script repository dialog
- Down or Tab sets the focus to the note list
- Return creates a new note with the text from the search bar as headline
- Ctrl + A selects all notes (to move, copy or remove them with a right click)
- Tab or Return lets you edit the current note
- Ctrl + Click on a link to open it
- Ctrl + F lets you search in the current note
- use the Up and Down keys to jump to the previous and next matches
- use F3 and ⇧ + F3 keys to jump to the previous and next matches even if the search widget doesn't have the focus
- Esc closes the search bar
- Ctrl + R lets you search and replace in the current note
- Ctrl + D duplicates the current line or the selected text
- Ctrl + Alt + Down does the same
- Alt + Backspace deletes the current line
- Ctrl + Backspace deletes the current word
- Ctrl + L opens a dialog to add a link to an other note or an URL (also works on selected text)
- Ctrl + T inserts the current date in ISO 8601 format
- Ctrl + ⇧ + I inserts an image (the image will be copied to the
folder in the current notes folder) - Ctrl + ⇧ + E inserts an attachment (the file will be copied to the
folder in the current notes folder) - Alt + ⇧ + T inserts a table
- Ctrl + ⇧ + C inserts a code block at the current position
- Ctrl + ⇧ + B inserts a block quote at the current position
- Ctrl + B formats the selected text bold
- Ctrl + I formats the selected text italic
- Alt + ⇧ + S strikes out the selected text
- Ctrl + ⇧ + U cycles through the cases of the selected text
- Tab indents the selected text (also works on multiple lines)
- ⇧ + Tab un-indents the selected text
- Tab after an unordered list character indents the list item
- ⇧ + Tab after an unordered list character un-indents the list item
- Return in lists creates a new list item
- Alt + Left jumps back in the note history
- Alt + Right jumps forward in the note history
- Ctrl + ⇧ + 0..9 sets a note bookmark on bookmark slot 0..9
- Ctrl + 0..9 jumps to the note bookmark on bookmark slot 0..9
- Ctrl + + increases the note text font size by one point
- Ctrl + - decreases the note text font size by one point
- Ctrl + / resets the note text font size
- Ctrl + Space tries to solve simple equations like
in front of the cursor, auto-completes text or opens urls - Ctrl + ⇧ + H inserts a headline from the note filename at the top of the note
- Alt + ⇧ + X splits the current note into two notes at the current cursor position
- Alt + ⇧ + W searches for the selected text on the web
- Ctrl + S saves the current todo item
- Ctrl + I saves the current todo item and inserts in into the current note
- Ctrl + R removes the current todo item
- ⌘ + N creates a new note with the current date and time in the name
- ⌘ + ⇧ + F lets you search for notes (in the name of the note and its content)
- Opt + F lets you search for notes in all tags / subfolders
- Opt + ⇧ + P switches to the previous workspace
- ⌘ + ⇧ + E edits an encrypted note
- Opt + R removes the current note
- Opt + ⇧ + U checks for updates
- ⌘ + ⇧ + T opens the todo list
- ⌘ + ⇧ + O opens the current note in an external editor
- Opt + ⇧ + O opens the current note in a view
- Opt + ⇧ + F opens the folder of the current note in Finder
- Opt + Up jumps to the previous visible note
- alternate shortcut is ⌘ + PgUp
- Opt + Down jumps to the next visible note
- alternate shortcut is ⌘ + PgDown
- ⌘ + ⇧ + D toggles the distraction free mode
- you can also close it with Esc
- ⌘ + P prints the current note as text
- ⌘ + ⇧ + P prints the current note as markdown
- ⌘ + Opt + V pastes notes, images and html from the clipboard
- ⌘ + , opens the settings
- Opt + ⇧ + A adds a new tag to a note
- ⌘ + ⇧ + R reloads the current note folder
- ⌘ + Opt + F lets you select a different note folder
- ⌘ + ⇧ + S reloads the scripting engine
- ⌘ + ⇧ + M hides or shows the main menu bar
- ⌘ + ⇧ + A lets you search for actions
- ⌘ + S manually saves modified notes
- Opt + ⇧ + I opens the Script repository dialog
- Down or Tab sets the focus to the note list
- Return creates a new note with the text from the search bar as headline
- ⌘ + A selects all notes (to move, copy or remove them with a right click)
- Tab or Return lets you edit the current note
- ⌘ + Click on a link to open it
- ⌘ + F lets you search in the current note
- use the Up and Down keys to jump to the previous and next matches
- use F3 and ⇧ + F3 keys to jump to the previous and next matches even if the search widget doesn't have the focus
- Esc closes the search bar
- ⌘ + R lets you search and replace in the current note
- ⌘ + D duplicates the current line or the selected text
- ⌘ + Opt + Down does the same
- ⌘ + Backspace deletes the current line
- Opt + Backspace deletes the current word
- ⌘ + L opens a dialog to add a link to an other note or an URL (also works on selected text)
- ⌘ + T inserts the current date in ISO 8601 format
- ⌘ + ⇧ + I inserts an image (the image will be copied to the
folder in the current notes folder) - ⌘ + ⇧ + E inserts an attachment (the file will be copied to the
folder in the current notes folder) - Opt + ⇧ + T inserts a table
- ⌘ + ⇧ + C inserts a code block at the current position
- ⌘ + ⇧ + B inserts a block quote at the current position
- ⌘ + B formats the selected text bold
- ⌘ + I formats the selected text italic
- Opt + ⇧ + S strikes out the selected text
- ⌘ + ⇧ + U cycles through the cases of the selected text
- Tab indents the selected text (also works on multiple lines)
- ⇧ + Tab un-indents the selected text
- Tab after an unordered list character indents the list item
- ⇧ + Tab after an unordered list character un-indents the list item
- Return in lists creates a new list item
- ⌘ + Opt + Left jumps back in the note history
- ⌘ + Opt + Right jumps forward in the note history
- ⌘ + ⇧ + 0..9 sets a note bookmark on bookmark slot 0..9
- ⌘ + 0..9 jumps to the note bookmark on bookmark slot 0..9
- ⌘ + + increases the note text font size by one point
- ⌘ + - decreases the note text font size by one point
- ⌘ + / resets the note text font size
- ⌘ + Space tries to solve simple equations like
in the current line in front of the cursor, auto-completes text or opens urls - ⌘ + ⇧ + H inserts a headline from the note filename at the top of the note
- Opt + ⇧ + X splits the current note into two notes at the current cursor position
- Opt + ⇧ + W searches for the selected text on the web
- ⌘ + S saves the current todo item
- ⌘ + I saves the current todo item and inserts in into the current note
- ⌘ + R removes the current todo item