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Strimzi Demo

This repository has a sample demo to deploy an Apache Kafka cluster using Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator and some simple applications producing and consuming messages there.

The Apache Kafka cluster will be monitored using a Prometheus and Grafana instance managed by:

  • Prometheus Operator: This operator creates and manages Prometheus instances to monitor services in a namespace.
  • Grafana Operator: This operator creates and manages Grafana instances, import Data Sources and Dashboards.

Prepare OpenShift

This demo has been tested in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 version.

This version has deployed the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), tool to help manage the Operators running on a cluster.

As a normal user in your OpenShift cluster, create a strimzi-demo namespace:

❯ oc login -u user
❯ oc new-project strimzi-demo

NOTE: To deploy the different Operators we need to use an user with cluster-admin role.

oc login -u admin-user

Deploy Strimzi Operator

Install the latest version of the operator running the following command:

oc create -f strimzi-operator/strimzi-kafka-operator.yaml

The Strimzi Operator will be installed in the openshift-operators namespace and will be usable from any namespaces in the cluster.

❯ oc get pod -n openshift-operators
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
strimzi-cluster-operator-v0.23.0-5f6d486bf7-jqd5v   1/1     Running   0          26h

Deploy Prometheus and Grafana Operators

Strimzi supports Prometheus metrics using Prometheus JMX exporter to convert the JMX metrics supported by Apache Kafka and Apache Zookeeper to Prometheus metrics. This feature helps us to monitor the cluster easily using Prometheus to store the metrics and Grafana Dashboards to expose them.

This repo will use Prometheus Operator and Grafana Operator to deploy them and monitor the Apache Kafka ecosystem easily.

To get detailed configuration, please, review the Introducing Metrics to Kafka from Strimzi Documentation site.

NOTE: To deploy Prometheus and Grafana Operators we need to install previously an OperatorGroup to match the Operator's installation mode and the namespace. This step is describe in Adding Operators to a cluster page from OpenShift Documentation site.

oc apply -f metrics/operator-group.yaml

Now we could deploy the subscriptions for each operator as:

Deploying Prometheus Operator in strimzi-demo namespace:

oc apply -f metrics/prometheus/operator/prometheus-operator.yaml

Deploying Grafana Operator in strimzi-demo namespace:

oc apply -f metrics/grafana/operator/grafana-operator.yaml

After some minutes we could check these operators are installed and available:

❯ oc get csv
NAME                               DISPLAY               VERSION   REPLACES                           PHASE
grafana-operator.v3.10.1           Grafana Operator      3.10.1    grafana-operator.v3.10.0           Succeeded
prometheusoperator.0.47.0          Prometheus Operator   0.47.0    prometheusoperator.0.37.0          Succeeded
strimzi-cluster-operator.v0.23.0   Strimzi               0.23.0    strimzi-cluster-operator.v0.22.1   Succeeded

As soon the operators are installed we could follow to install the Metrics Platform and the Apache Kafka Cluster.

Deploy Metrics Platform

Prometheus and Grafana Operator help us to deploy our local Prometheus Server and Grafana instance where we could manage the metrics from our Apache Kafka Cluster.

To deploy a local Prometheus Server in strimzi-demo namespace.

❯ oc apply -f metrics/prometheus/prometheus-additional.yaml
❯ oc apply -f metrics/prometheus/strimzi-pod-monitor.yaml
❯ oc apply -f metrics/prometheus/prometheus-rules.yaml
❯ oc apply -f metrics/prometheus/prometheus.yaml

A Prometheus instance will be available with a service and a route:

❯ oc get svc
NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
prometheus-operated   ClusterIP   None             <none>        9090/TCP   34s
❯ oc get route
NAME        HOST/PORT                                                  PATH   SERVICES             PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
prometheus         prometheus-operated  web                  None

To get the route to access Prometheus:

oc get route prometheus -o jsonpath='{}'

The Prometheus Dashboard will be similar to:

Prometheus Server

Deploy Grafana:

oc apply -f metrics/grafana/grafana.yaml

Grafana will deploy a Data Source connected to the Prometheus server available by Prometheus in the endpoint http://prometheus-operated:9090. The Grafana Server will use that Data Source to get the metrics.

Grafana has a set of dashboards to review the metrics from Apache Zookeeper and Apache Kafka Cluster. We could deploy it as:

oc apply -f metrics/grafana/dashboards/

To get the route to access Grafana:

oc get route grafana-route -o jsonpath='{}'

Use the original credentials root/secret as user/password. These credentials are defined in the Grafana CR file.

Grafana Dashboards will be displayed in Grafana as:

Grafana Dashboards

Deploy and use a Kafka Cluster

We change to use a non-cluster-admin user to deploy our metrics platform.

oc login -u user

NOTE: This section will be executed with non-cluster-admin user.

We change to use a non-cluster-admin user to deploy our metrics platform.

Deploy Kafka Cluster

Apache Kafka cluster is deployed using the custom resource in kafka-cluster.yaml file:

❯ oc create -f strimzi-cr/configmap/
❯ oc create -f strimzi-cr/kafka-cluster.yaml

After some minutes the Apache Kafka Cluster is deployed with the following set of pods:

❯ oc get pod
NAME                                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
demo-cruise-control-7b7f66f595-7c2qh    2/2     Running     0          24h
demo-entity-operator-7c75c6b885-bz4cj   3/3     Running     0          27h
demo-kafka-0                            1/1     Running     0          24h
demo-kafka-1                            1/1     Running     0          4h18m
demo-kafka-2                            1/1     Running     0          24h
demo-kafka-exporter-589d654fc9-hlnbr    1/1     Running     2          26h
demo-zookeeper-0                        1/1     Running     0          24h
demo-zookeeper-1                        1/1     Running     0          24h
demo-zookeeper-2                        1/1     Running     0          24h

Deploy Kafka Topic

A Kafka Topic is created using the custom resource in kafka-topic.yaml file:

oc create -f strimzi-cr/kafka-topic.yaml

This custom resource will create the topic greetings:

❯ oc get kafkatopic
greetings  demo      3            2                    True

Deploy Kafka User

A Kafka User is created using the custom resource in kafka-user.yaml file:

oc create -f strimzi-cr/kafka-user.yaml

This custom resource will create the user user-demo:

❯ oc get kafkauser
user-demo   demo      tls              simple          True

Deploy Producer and Consumer

To test the Apache Kafka cluster we will deploy some jobs to produce and consume messages using the plain connection protocol:

This producer will send a set of messages to the topic greetings:

oc create -f sample-apps/job-sample-producer.yaml

This consumer will consume messages from each partition of the greetings topic:

oc create -f sample-apps/job-sample-consumer.yaml

You could check the status of the jobs or pods with the commands

❯ oc get job
sample-consumer-job   3/3           85s        4m52s
sample-producer-job   1/1           2m7s       4m52s

Grafana Dashboards

A sample of the Grafana Kafka Dashboard when the consumers and producers are working could be similar to:

Apache Kafka Dashboard in Grafana

The Zookeeper Dashboard could be similar to:

Apache Zookeeper Dashboard in Grafana

The Kafka Exporter Dashboard could be similar to:

Apache Kafka Exporter Dashboard in Grafana

The Kafka Cruise Control Dashboard could be similar to:

Apache Kafka Cruise Control Dashboard in Grafana

The Strimzi Operators Dashboard could be similar to:

Strimzi Operators Dashboard in Grafana



Apache Kafka: