This project is a simple eCommerce website built to provide an online platform for users to browse products, add items to their cart, and make purchases. The project was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and [React/Bootstrap].This is a part of an assessment in GDGC
- Product listing page
- Add to cart ,remove from cart ,delete from cart functionality
- Checkout process
- Toast notifications
- Responsive design
Before running this project, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
Clone the repository: bash git clone
Navigate to the project directory: bash cd ecommerce-basic
Install dependencies: bash npm install
Start the development server: bash npm start
The website should now be running on http://localhost:3000.
To create an optimized production build, run: bash npm run build
The production-ready files will be in the build/ directory.
- public/: Static assets such as images and index.html.
- src/: Contains the core application code (components, CSS, services, etc.).
- components/: Reusable React components.
- pages/: Pages like home, product listing, and checkout.
- services/: Any API or backend-related logic.
- styles/: CSS and styling files.
This project is open-source and free to use under the MIT license.
For any questions or issues, feel free to reach out at (