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File metadata and controls

1038 lines (588 loc) · 31.9 KB

OTTL Functions

The following functions are intended to be used in implementations of the OpenTelemetry Transformation Language that interact with OTel data via the Collector's internal data model, pdata.

This document contains documentation for both types of OTTL functions:

  • Editors that transform telemetry.
  • Converters that provide utilities for transforming telemetry.

Design principles

For the standard OTTL functions described in this document, we specify design principles to ensure they are always secure and safe for use:

  • Built-in OTTL functions may not access the file system, network, or any other I/O devices.
  • Built-in OTTL functions may share information only through their parameters and results.
  • Built-in OTTL functions must be terminating; they must not loop forever.

OTTL functions are implemented in Go, and so are only limited by what can be implemented in a Go program. User-defined OTTL functions may therefore not adhere the above principles.

Working with functions

Functions generally expect specific types to be returned by Paths. For these functions, if that type is not returned or if nil is returned, the function will error. Some functions are able to handle different types and will generally convert those types to their desired type. In these situations the function will error if it does not know how to do the conversion. Use ErrorMode to determine how the Statement handles these errors. See the component-specific guides for how each uses error mode:


Editors are what OTTL uses to transform telemetry.


  • Are allowed to transform telemetry. When a Function is invoked the expectation is that the underlying telemetry is modified in some way.
  • May have side effects. Some Functions may generate telemetry and add it to the telemetry payload to be processed in this batch.
  • May return values. Although not common and not required, Functions may return values.

Available Editors:


delete_key(target, key)

The delete_key function removes a key from a pcommon.Map

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. key is a string that is a key in the map.

The key will be deleted from the map.


  • delete_key(attributes, "http.request.header.authorization")

  • delete_key(resource.attributes, "http.request.header.authorization")


delete_matching_keys(target, pattern)

The delete_matching_keys function removes all keys from a pcommon.Map that match a regex pattern.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. pattern is a regex string.

All keys that match the pattern will be deleted from the map.


  • delete_matching_keys(attributes, "(?i).*password.*")

  • delete_matching_keys(resource.attributes, "(?i).*password.*")


flatten(target, Optional[prefix], Optional[depth])

The flatten function flattens a pcommon.Map by moving items from nested maps to the root.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. prefix is an optional string. depth is an optional non-negative int.

For example, the following map

  "name": "test",
  "address": {
    "street": "first",
    "house": 1234
  "occupants": ["user 1", "user 2"]

is converted to

    "name": "test",
    "address.street": "first",
    "": 1234,
    "occupants.0": "user 1",
    "occupants.1": "user 2"

If prefix is supplied, it will be appended to the start of the new keys. This can help you namespace the changes. For example, if in the above example a prefix of app was configured, the result would be

    "": "test",
    "app.address.street": "first",
    "": 1234,
    "app.occupants.0": "user 1",
    "app.occupants.1": "user 2"

If depth is supplied, the function will only flatten nested maps up to that depth. For example, if a depth of 2 was configured, the following map

  "0": {
    "1": {
      "2": {
        "3": {
          "4": "value"

the result would be

  "0.1.2": {
    "3": {
      "4": "value"

A depth of 0 means that no flattening will occur.


  • flatten(attributes)

  • flatten(cache, "k8s", 4)

  • flatten(body, depth=2)


keep_keys(target, keys[])

The keep_keys function removes all keys from the pcommon.Map that do not match one of the supplied keys.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. keys is a slice of one or more strings.

The map will be changed to only contain the keys specified by the list of strings.


  • keep_keys(attributes, ["http.method"])

  • keep_keys(resource.attributes, ["http.method", "http.route", "http.url"])


limit(target, limit, priority_keys[])

The limit function reduces the number of elements in a pcommon.Map to be no greater than the limit.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. limit is a non-negative integer. priority_keys is a list of strings of attribute keys that won't be dropped during limiting.

The number of priority keys must be less than the supplied limit.

The map will be mutated such that the number of items does not exceed the limit. The map is not copied or reallocated.

Which items are dropped is random, provide keys in priority_keys to preserve required keys.


  • limit(attributes, 100, [])

  • limit(resource.attributes, 50, ["", "http.method"])


merge_maps(target, source, strategy)

The merge_maps function merges the source map into the target map using the supplied strategy to handle conflicts.

target is a pcommon.Map type field. source is a pcommon.Map type field. strategy is a string that must be one of insert, update, or upsert.

If strategy is:

  • insert: Insert the value from source into target where the key does not already exist.
  • update: Update the entry in target with the value from source where the key does exist.
  • upsert: Performs insert or update. Insert the value from source into target where the key does not already exist and update the entry in target with the value from source where the key does exist.

merge_maps is a special case of the set function. If you need to completely override target, use set instead.


  • merge_maps(attributes, ParseJSON(body), "upsert")

  • merge_maps(attributes, ParseJSON(attributes["kubernetes"]), "update")

  • merge_maps(attributes, resource.attributes, "insert")


replace_all_matches(target, pattern, replacement, Optional[function])

The replace_all_matches function replaces any matching string value with the replacement string.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. pattern is a string following filepath.Match syntax. replacement is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string. function is an optional argument that can take in any Converter that accepts a (replacement) string and returns a string. An example is a hash function that replaces any matching string with the hash value of replacement. replacementFormat is an optional string argument that specifies the format of the replacement. It must contain exactly one %s format specifier as shown in the example below. No other format specifiers are supported.

Each string value in target that matches pattern will get replaced with replacement. Non-string values are ignored.


  • replace_all_matches(attributes, "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")
  • replace_all_matches(attributes, "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}", SHA256, "/user/%s")


replace_all_patterns(target, mode, regex, replacement, Optional[function]) replace_all_patterns(target, mode, regex, replacement, function, replacementFormat)

The replace_all_patterns function replaces any segments in a string value or key that match the regex pattern with the replacement string.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. regex is a regex string indicating a segment to replace. replacement is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string.

mode determines whether the match and replace will occur on the map's value or key. Valid values are key and value.

If one or more sections of target match regex they will get replaced with replacement.

The replacement string can refer to matched groups using regexp.Expand syntax. replacementFormat is an optional string argument that specifies the format of the replacement. It must contain exactly one %s format specifier as shown in the example below. No other format specifiers are supported.

The function is an optional argument that can take in any Converter that accepts a (replacement) string and returns a string. An example is a hash function that replaces any matching regex pattern with the hash value of replacement.


  • replace_all_patterns(attributes, "value", "/account/\\d{4}", "/account/{accountId}")
  • replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "/account/\\d{4}", "/account/{accountId}")
  • replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "^kube_([0-9A-Za-z]+_)", "k8s.$$1.")
  • replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "^kube_([0-9A-Za-z]+_)", "$$1.")
  • replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "^kube_([0-9A-Za-z]+_)", "$$1.", SHA256, "k8s.%s")

Note that when using OTTL within the collector's configuration file, $ must be escaped to $$ to bypass environment variable substitution logic. To input a literal $ from the configuration file, use $$$. If using OTTL outside of collector configuration, $ should not be escaped and a literal $ can be entered using $$.


replace_match(target, pattern, replacement, Optional[function])

The replace_match function allows replacing entire strings if they match a glob pattern.

target is a path expression to a telemetry field. pattern is a string following filepath.Match syntax. replacement is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string. replacementFormat is an optional string argument that specifies the format of the replacement. It must contain exactly one %s format specifier as shown in the example below. No other format specifiers are supported.

If target matches pattern it will get replaced with replacement.

The function is an optional argument that can take in any Converter that accepts a (replacement) string and returns a string. An example is a hash function that replaces any matching glob pattern with the hash value of replacement.


  • replace_match(attributes[""], "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")
  • replace_match(attributes[""], "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}", SHA256, "/user/%s")


replace_pattern(target, regex, replacement, Optional[function]) replace_pattern(target, regex, replacement, function) replace_pattern(target, regex, replacement, function, replacementFormat)

The replace_pattern function allows replacing all string sections that match a regex pattern with a new value.

target is a path expression to a telemetry field. regex is a regex string indicating a segment to replace. replacement is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string.

If one or more sections of target match regex they will get replaced with replacement.

The replacement string can refer to matched groups using regexp.Expand syntax. replacementFormat is an optional string argument that specifies the format of the replacement. It must contain exactly one %s format specifier as shown in the example below. No other format specifiers are supported

The function is an optional argument that can take in any Converter that accepts a (replacement) string and returns a string. An example is a hash function that replaces a matching regex pattern with the hash value of replacement.


  • replace_pattern(resource.attributes["process.command_line"], "password\\=[^\\s]*(\\s?)", "password=***")
  • replace_pattern(name, "^kube_([0-9A-Za-z]+_)", "k8s.$$1.")
  • replace_pattern(name, "^kube_([0-9A-Za-z]+_)", "$$1.", SHA256, "k8s.%s")

Note that when using OTTL within the collector's configuration file, $ must be escaped to $$ to bypass environment variable substitution logic. To input a literal $ from the configuration file, use $$$. If using OTTL outside of collector configuration, $ should not be escaped and a literal $ can be entered using $$.


set(target, value)

The set function allows users to set a telemetry field using a value.

target is a path expression to a telemetry field. value is any value type. If value resolves to nil, e.g. it references an unset map value, there will be no action.

How the underlying telemetry field is updated is decided by the path expression implementation provided by the user to the ottl.ParseStatements.


  • set(attributes["http.path"], "/foo")

  • set(name, attributes["http.route"])

  • set(trace_state["svc"], "example")

  • set(attributes["source"], trace_state["source"])


truncate_all(target, limit)

The truncate_all function truncates all string values in a pcommon.Map so that none are longer than the limit.

target is a path expression to a pcommon.Map type field. limit is a non-negative integer.

The map will be mutated such that the number of characters in all string values is less than or equal to the limit. Non-string values are ignored.


  • truncate_all(attributes, 100)

  • truncate_all(resource.attributes, 50)


Converters are pure functions that take OTTL values as input and output a single value for use within a statement. Unlike functions, they do not modify any input telemetry and always return a value.

Available Converters:


Concat(values[], delimiter)

The Concat Converter takes a delimiter and a sequence of values and concatenates their string representation. Unsupported values, such as lists or maps that may substantially increase payload size, are not added to the resulting string.

values is a list of values passed as arguments. It supports paths, primitive values, and byte slices (such as trace IDs or span IDs).

delimiter is a string value that is placed between strings during concatenation. If no delimiter is desired, then simply pass an empty string.


  • Concat([attributes["http.method"], attributes["http.path"]], ": ")

  • Concat([name, 1], " ")

  • Concat(["HTTP method is: ", attributes["http.method"]], "")


ConvertCase(target, toCase)

The ConvertCase Converter converts the target string into the desired case toCase.

target is a string. toCase is a string.

If the target is not a string or does not exist, the ConvertCase Converter will return an error.

toCase can be:

  • lower: Converts the target string to lowercase (e.g. MY_METRIC to my_metric)
  • upper: Converts the target string to uppercase (e.g. my_metric to MY_METRIC)
  • snake: Converts the target string to snakecase (e.g. myMetric to my_metric)
  • camel: Converts the target string to camelcase (e.g. my_metric to MyMetric)

If toCase is any value other than the options above, the ConvertCase Converter will return an error during collector startup.


  • ConvertCase(, "snake")


The Double Converter converts an inputted value into a double.

The returned type is float64.

The input value types:

  • float64. returns the value without changes.
  • string. Tries to parse a double from string. If it fails then nil will be returned.
  • bool. If value is true, then the function will return 1 otherwise 0.
  • int64. The function converts the integer to a double.

If value is another type or parsing failed nil is always returned.

The value is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal.


  • Double(attributes["http.status_code"])

  • Double("2.0")



The Duration Converter takes a string representation of a duration and converts it to a Golang time.duration.

duration is a string. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

If either duration is nil or is in a format that cannot be converted to Golang time.duration, an error is returned.


  • Duration("3s")
  • Duration("333ms")
  • Duration("1000000h")


ExtractPatterns(target, pattern)

The ExtractPatterns Converter returns a pcommon.Map struct that is a result of extracting named capture groups from the target string. If not matches are found then an empty pcommon.Map is returned.

target is a Getter that returns a string. pattern is a regex string.

If target is not a string or nil ExtractPatterns will return an error. If pattern does not contain at least 1 named capture group then ExtractPatterns will error on startup.


  • ExtractPatterns(attributes["k8s.change_cause"], "GIT_SHA=(?P<git.sha>\w+)")

  • ExtractPatterns(body, "^(?P<timestamp>\\w+ \\w+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+) (?P<hostname>([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)) (?P<process>\\w+)(\\[(?P<pid>\\d+)\\])?: (?P<message>.*)$")



The FNV Converter converts the value to an FNV hash/digest.

The returned type is int64.

value is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string. If value is another type an error is returned.

If an error occurs during hashing it will be returned.


  • FNV(attributes[""])

  • FNV("name")



The Hour Converter returns the hour from the specified time. The Converter uses the time.Hour function.

value is a time.Time. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • Hour(Now())



The Hours Converter returns the duration as a floating point number of hours.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is float64.


  • Hours(Duration("1h"))



The Int Converter converts the value to int type.

The returned type is int64.

The input value types:

  • float64. Fraction is discharged (truncation towards zero).
  • string. Trying to parse an integer from string if it fails then nil will be returned.
  • bool. If value is true, then the function will return 1 otherwise 0.
  • int64. The function returns the value without changes.

If value is another type or parsing failed nil is always returned.

The value is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal.


  • Int(attributes["http.status_code"])

  • Int("2.0")



The IsBool Converter evaluates whether the given value is a boolean or not.

Specifically, it will return true if the provided value is one of the following:

  1. A Go's native bool type.
  2. A pcommon.ValueTypeBool.

Otherwise, it will return false.


  • IsBool(false)

  • IsBool(pcommon.NewValueBool(false))

  • IsBool(42)

  • IsBool(attributes["any key"])



The IsDouble Converter returns true if the given value is a double.

The value is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve, or a literal.

If value is a float64 or a pcommon.ValueTypeDouble then returns true, otherwise returns false.


  • IsDouble(body)

  • IsDouble(attributes["maybe a double"])



The IsMap Converter returns true if the given value is a map.

The value is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal.

If value is a map[string]any or a pcommon.ValueTypeMap then returns true, otherwise returns false.


  • IsMap(body)

  • IsMap(attributes["maybe a map"])


IsMatch(target, pattern)

The IsMatch Converter returns true if the target matches the regex pattern.

target is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal string. pattern is a regexp pattern. The matching semantics are identical to regexp.MatchString.

The function matches the target against the pattern, returning true if the match is successful and false otherwise. If target is not a string, it will be converted to one:

  • booleans, ints and floats will be converted using strconv
  • byte slices will be encoded using base64
  • OTLP Maps and Slices will be JSON encoded
  • other OTLP Values will use their canonical string representation via AsString

If target is nil, false is always returned.


  • IsMatch(attributes["http.path"], "foo")

  • IsMatch("string", ".*ring")



The IsString Converter returns true if the given value is a string.

The value is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal.

If value is a string or a pcommon.ValueTypeStr then returns true, otherwise returns false.


  • IsString(body)

  • IsString(attributes["maybe a string"])



The Len Converter returns the int64 length of the target string or slice.

target is either a string, slice, map, pcommon.Slice, pcommon.Map, or pcommon.Value with type pcommon.ValueTypeStr, pcommon.ValueTypeSlice, or pcommon.ValueTypeMap.

If the target is not an acceptable type, the Len Converter will return an error.


  • Len(body)



The Log Converter returns a float64 that is the logarithm of the target.

target is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal.

The function take the logarithm of the target, returning an error if the target is less than or equal to zero.

If target is not a float64, it will be converted to one:

  • int64s are converted to float64s
  • strings are converted using strconv
  • booleans are converted using 1 for true and 0 for false. This means passing false to the function will cause an error.
  • int, float, string, and bool OTLP Values are converted following the above rules depending on their type. Other types cause an error.

If target is nil an error is returned.


  • Log(attributes["duration_ms"])

  • Int(Log(attributes["duration_ms"])



The Microseconds Converter returns the duration as an integer millisecond count.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • Microseconds(Duration("1h"))



The Milliseconds Converter returns the duration as an integer millisecond count.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • Milliseconds(Duration("1h"))



The Minutes Converter returns the duration as a floating point number of minutes.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is float64.


  • Minutes(Duration("1h"))



The Nanoseconds Converter returns the duration as an integer nanosecond count.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • Nanoseconds(Duration("1h"))



The Now function returns the current time as represented by time.Now() in Go.

The returned type is time.Time.


  • UnixSeconds(Now())
  • set(start_time, Now())



The ParseJSON Converter returns a pcommon.Map struct that is a result of parsing the target string as JSON

target is a Getter that returns a string. This string should be in json format. If target is not a string, nil, or cannot be parsed as JSON, ParseJSON will return an error.

Unmarshalling is done using jsoniter. Each JSON type is converted into a pdata.Value using the following map:

JSON boolean -> bool
JSON number  -> float64
JSON string  -> string
JSON null    -> nil
JSON arrays  -> pdata.SliceValue
JSON objects -> map[string]any


  • ParseJSON("{\"attr\":true}")

  • ParseJSON(attributes["kubernetes"])

  • ParseJSON(body)



The Seconds Converter returns the duration as a floating point number of seconds.

value is a time.Duration. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is float64.


  • Seconds(Duration("1h"))



The SHA1 Converter converts the value to a sha1 hash/digest.

The returned type is string.

value is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string. If value is another type an error is returned.

If an error occurs during hashing it will be returned.


  • SHA1(attributes[""])

  • SHA1("name")

Note: According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), SHA1 is no longer a recommended hash function. It should be avoided except when required for compatibility. New uses should prefer FNV whenever possible.



The SHA256 Converter converts the value to a sha256 hash/digest.

The returned type is string.

value is either a path expression to a string telemetry field or a literal string. If value is another type an error is returned.

If an error occurs during hashing it will be returned.


  • SHA256(attributes[""])

  • SHA256("name")

Note: According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), SHA256 is no longer a recommended hash function. It should be avoided except when required for compatibility. New uses should prefer FNV whenever possible.



The SpanID Converter returns a pdata.SpanID struct from the given byte slice.

bytes is a byte slice of exactly 8 bytes.


  • SpanID(0x0000000000000000)


Split(target, delimiter)

The Split Converter separates a string by the delimiter, and returns an array of substrings.

target is a string. delimiter is a string.

If the target is not a string or does not exist, the Split Converter will return an error.


  • Split("A|B|C", "|")


Substring(target, start, length)

The Substring Converter returns a substring from the given start index to the specified length.

target is a string. start and length are int64.

If target is not a string or is nil, an error is returned. If the start/length exceed the length of the target string, an error is returned.


  • Substring("123456789", 0, 3)


The Time Converter takes a string representation of a time and converts it to a Golang time.Time.

time is a string. format is a string.

If either time or format are nil, an error is returned. The parser used is the parser at internal/coreinternal/parser. If the time and format do not follow the parsing rules used by this parser, an error is returned.


  • Time("02/04/2023", "%m/%d/%Y")



The TraceID Converter returns a pdata.TraceID struct from the given byte slice.

bytes is a byte slice of exactly 16 bytes.


  • TraceID(0x00000000000000000000000000000000)


TruncateTime(time, duration)

The TruncateTime Converter returns the given time rounded down to a multiple of the given duration. The Converter uses the time.Truncate function.

time is a time.Time. duration is a time.Duration. If time is not a time.Time or if duration is not a time.Duration, an error will be returned.

While some common paths can return a time.Time object, you will most like need to use the Duration Converter to create a time.Duration.


  • TruncateTime(start_time, Duration("1s"))



The UnixMicro Converter returns the time as a Unix time, the number of microseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.

value is a time.Time. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • UnixMicro(Time("02/04/2023", "%m/%d/%Y"))



The UnixMilli Converter returns the time as a Unix time, the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.

value is a time.Time. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • UnixMilli(Time("02/04/2023", "%m/%d/%Y"))



The UnixNano Converter returns the time as a Unix time, the number of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.

value is a time.Time. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • UnixNano(Time("02/04/2023", "%m/%d/%Y"))



The UnixSeconds Converter returns the time as a Unix time, the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.

value is a time.Time. If value is another type an error is returned.

The returned type is int64.


  • UnixSeconds(Time("02/04/2023", "%m/%d/%Y"))



The UUID function generates a v4 uuid string.

Function syntax

Functions should be named and formatted according to the following standards.

  • Function names MUST start with a verb unless it is a Factory that creates a new type.
  • Converters MUST be UpperCamelCase.
  • Function names that contain multiple words MUST separate those words with _.
  • Functions that interact with multiple items MUST have plurality in the name. Ex: truncate_all, keep_keys, replace_all_matches.
  • Functions that interact with a single item MUST NOT have plurality in the name. If a function would interact with multiple items due to a condition, like where, it is still considered singular. Ex: set, delete, replace_match.
  • Functions that change a specific target MUST set the target as the first parameter.