- DITA bookmaps use a set of
- elements associated with a subset of the
- OASIS extensible
- Name and Address Language (xNAL) specification (Version 2) to denote
- name and address information related to persons and organizations.
- While the elements share element names, and the
- expectation is that content written using this type of metadata is be straightforward to transform, the element name
- pairs do not share content models. The difference in content models reflects the
- different purposes of the two standards. The purpose of the name and address elements in
- DITA is to identify persons or organizations associated with the creation of a document;
- the purpose of the name and address elements in xNAL is to support customer resource
- management.
- The examples shown after the
- table provide sample tagging methods for name and address information, using
- the DITA elements associated with xNAL.
- DITA elements associated with xNAL elements
- The set of bookmap elements
- associated with elements from the
- OASIS extensible
- Name and Address Language (xNAL) standard are listed in the table below.
- DITA elements associated with xNAL elements
- addressdetails
- honorific
- otherinfo
- administrativearea
- lastname
- person
- authorinformation
- locality
- personinfo
- contactnumber
- localityname
- personname
- contactnumbers
- middlename
- postalcode
- country
- namedetails
- thoroughfare
- emailaddress
- organization
- url
- emailaddresses
- organizationinfo
- urls
- firstname
- organizationname
- generationidentifier
- organizationnamedetails
- Example 1: Tagging personal information in DITA
- This example shows a way to
- tag the following personal name and description.
- Mr. Ram V. Kumar Jr.
-Chief Technologist
-MSI Business Solutions
- <authorinformation>
- <personinfo>
- <namedetails>
- <personname>
- <honorific>Mr.</honorific>
- <firstname>Ram</firstname>
- <middlename>V.</middlename>
- <lastname>Kumar</lastname>
- <generationidentifier>Jr.</generationidentifier>
- <otherinfo>Chief Technologist</otherinfo>
- </personname>
- </namedetails>
- </personinfo>
- <organizationinfo>
- <namedetails>
- <organizationnamedetails>
- <organizationname>MSI Business Solutions</organizationname>
- </organizationnamedetails>
- </namedetails>
- </organizationinfo>
- Example 2: Tagging address information in DITA
- This example shows a way to
- tag the following address.
- 23 Archer St.
-NSW 2067
- <addressdetails>
- <thoroughfare>123 Archer St.</thoroughfare>
- <locality>
- <localityname>Chatsworth</localityname>
- <postalcode>2067</postalcode>
- </locality>
- <administrativearea>NSW</administrativearea>
- <country>Australia</country>
- Example 3: Tagging complex name and address information in
- This example shows two ways to
- tag a fairly complex collection of personal, organizational, and address
- information.
- Mr. Samuel L. Johnson Jr.
-Chief Technologist
-c/o XYZ Corporation
-52 New Main St.
-Carrboro, NC 27510 USA
-email: johnson@example.com
-phone: 919-555-7987
- This method tags all the
- organizational information as associated with the identified person.
- <personinfo>
- <namedetails>
- <personname>
- <firstname>Samuel</firstname>
- <middlename>L.</middlename>
- <lastname>Johnson</lastname>
- <generationidentifier>Jr.</generationidentifier>
- <otherinfo>Chief Technologist</otherinfo>
- <otherinfo>c/o XYZ Corporation </otherinfo>
- </personname>
- </namedetails>
- <addressdetails>
- <thoroughfare>52 New Main St.</thoroughfare>
- <locality>
- <localityname>Carrboro</localityname>
- <postalcode>27510</postalcode>
- </locality>
- <administrativearea>NC</administrativearea>
- <country>USA</country>
- </addressdetails>
- <contactnumbers>
- <contactnumber>919-555-7987</contactnumber>
- </contactnumbers>
- <emailaddresses>
- <emailaddress>johnson@example.com</emailaddress>
- </emailaddresses>
- The following method separates
- the person and organization information. It might be used if it were necessary
- to associate address information with organizations rather than persons.
- <authorinformation>
- <personinfo>
- <namedetails>
- <personname>
- <firstname>Samuel</firstname>
- <middlename>L.</middlename>
- <lastname>Johnson</lastname>
- <generationidentifier>Jr.</generationidentifier>
- <otherinfo>Chief Technologist</otherinfo>
- </personname>
- </namedetails>
- <contactnumbers>
- <contactnumber>919-555-7987</contactnumber>
- </contactnumbers>
- <emailaddresses>
- <emailaddress>johnson@example.com</emailaddress>
- </emailaddresses>
- </personinfo>
- <organizationinfo>
- <namedetails>
- <organizationnamedetails>
- <organizationname>XYZ Corporation</organizationname>
- <otherinfo>c/o </otherinfo>
- </organizationnamedetails>
- </namedetails>
- <addressdetails>
- <thoroughfare>52 New Main St.</thoroughfare>
- <locality>
- <localityname>Carrboro</localityname>
- <postalcode>27510</postalcode>
- </locality>
- <administrativearea>NC</administrativearea>
- <country>USA</country>
- </addressdetails>
- </organizationinfo>