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Deploying Cloud Foundry on Google Compute Engine

This guide describes how to deploy a minimal Cloud Foundry on Google Compute Engine using BOSH. The BOSH director must have been created following the steps in the Deploy BOSH on Google Cloud Platform guide.


Cost and resource requirements

  • This CF deployment (and the BOSH director/bastion pre-requisite) is small enough to fit in a default project Resource Quota. It consumes:
    • 20 cores in a single region
    • 24 pre-emptible cores in a second region during compilation only
    • 2 IP addresses
    • 600 Gb persistent disk

You can view an estimate of the cost to run this deployment for an entire month at this link.

Deploy supporting infrastructure automatically

The following instructions use Terraform to provision all of the infrastructure required to run CloudFoundry.

Steps to perform in bosh-bastion

  1. SSH to the bosh-bastion VM. You can SSH form Cloud Shell or any workstation that has gcloud installed:
gcloud compute ssh bosh-bastion
  1. cd into the Cloud Foundry docs directory that you cloned when you created the BOSH bastion:
cd /share/docs/cloudfoundry
  1. Export a few vars to specify the location of compilation VMs:
# You may be tempted to set these to the same value as your BOSH deployment (eg `us-east1`). 
# However, this may cause you to exceed your regional quotas. 
# By breaking apart the regions, you avoid this problem.

export region_compilation=us-central1
export zone_compilation=us-central1-b
  1. View the Terraform execution plan to see the resources that will be created:
terraform plan \
  -var network=${network} \
  -var projectid=${project_id} \
  -var region=${region} \
  -var region_compilation=${region_compilation} \
  -var zone=${zone} \
  -var zone_compilation=${zone_compilation}
  1. Create the resources:
terraform apply \
  -var network=${network} \
  -var projectid=${project_id} \
  -var region=${region} \
  -var region_compilation=${region_compilation} \
  -var zone=${zone} \
  -var zone_compilation=${zone_compilation}
  1. Create a service account and key that will be used by Cloud Foundry VMs:
gcloud iam service-accounts create cf-component
  1. Grant the new service account editor access and logging access to your project:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \
    --member serviceAccount:cf-component@${project_id} \
    --role "roles/editor" \
    --role "roles/logging.logWriter" \
    --role "roles/logging.configWriter"
  1. Target and login into your BOSH environment:
bosh target

Note: Your username is admin and password is admin.

  1. Retrieve the outputs of your Terraform run to be used in your Cloud Foundry deployment:
export vip=$(terraform output ip)
export zone=$(terraform output zone)
export zone_compilation=$(terraform output zone_compilation)
export region=$(terraform output region)
export region_compilation=$(terraform output region_compilation)
export private_subnet=$(terraform output private_subnet)
export compilation_subnet=$(terraform output compilation_subnet)
export network=$(terraform output network)

export director=$(bosh status --uuid)
  1. Upload the stemcell:
bosh upload stemcell
  1. Upload the required BOSH Releases:
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
  1. Target the deployment file and deploy:
bosh deployment manifest.yml
bosh deploy

Once deployed, you can target your Cloud Foundry environment using the CF CLI:

cf api https://api.${vip} --skip-ssl-validation
cf login

Your username is admin and your password is c1oudc0w.

Delete resources

From your bosh-bastion instance, delete your Cloud Foundry deployment:

bosh delete deployment cf

Then delete the infrastructure you created with terraform:

cd /share/docs/cloudfoundry
terraform destroy \
  -var projectid=${project_id} \
  -var region=${region} \
  -var zone=${zone} \
  -var network=${network}

Important: The BOSH bastion and director you created must also be destroyed. Follow the Delete resources instructions in the Deploy BOSH on Google Cloud Platform guide.