diff --git a/libraries/OpenravePlugins/CMakeLists.txt b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/CMakeLists.txt
index 43a2ffc4..170afbd6 100644
--- a/libraries/OpenravePlugins/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/CMakeLists.txt b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31a7f0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+option(ENABLE_OpenraveYarpIroning "Enable/disable OpenraveYarpIroning" ON)
+ add_library(OpenraveYarpIroning MODULE OpenraveYarpIroning.cpp)
+ target_link_libraries(OpenraveYarpIroning YARP::YARP_os
+ YARP::YARP_init
+ Boost::boost)
+ target_link_libraries(OpenraveYarpIroning OpenRAVE::libopenrave)
+ else()
+ link_directories(${OpenRAVE_LIBRARY_DIRS})
+ target_link_libraries(OpenraveYarpIroning PUBLIC ${OpenRAVE_LIBRARIES})
+ set_target_properties(OpenraveYarpIroning PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "${OpenRAVE_CXX_FLAGS}"
+ target_include_directories(OpenraveYarpIroning PRIVATE ${OpenRAVE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ endif()
+ include(InstallOpenravePlugin)
+ install_openrave_plugin(OpenraveYarpIroning)
diff --git a/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/OpenraveYarpIroning.cpp b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/OpenraveYarpIroning.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bf62e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/OpenravePlugins/OpenraveYarpIroning/OpenraveYarpIroning.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ * thanks Rosen Diankov
+ Every plugin contains a bunch of openrave interfaces, the plugincpp plugin creates a simple OpenRAVE::ModuleBase interface named \b mymodule.
+ Inside programs, load the plugin using the RaveLoadPlugin, and then create the module the plugin offers using
+ \verbatim
+ m=RaveCreateModule(env,"mymodule");
+ \endverbatim
+ To test things through the command line, do:
+ \verbatim
+ openrave --loadplugin libplugincpp.so --module mymodule "my args"
+ \endverbatim
+ This will load liboplugincpp.so and startup module "mymodule". From plugincpp, notice that mymodule
+ supports some "commands". These are in-process string-based calls invoked through
+ interface->SendCommand function.
+ If you are using octave or matlab, then can communicate with openrave through tcp/ip, check out: http://openrave.programmingvision.com/wiki/index.php/OctaveMATLAB
+ Most openrave users use python to dynamically interact with openrave. For example:
+ \verbatim
+ openrave.py -i --loadplugin libplugincpp.so data/lab1.env.xml
+ \endverbatim
+ drops into the python promp with the plugin loaded and a scene loaded. Then it is possible to execute the following python commands to create the interface and call a command:
+ \verbatim
+ m=RaveCreateModule(env,'mymodule')
+ env.Add(m,true,'my args')
+ m.SendCommand('numbodies')
+ \endverbatim
+ Full Example Code:
+ */
+ YARP_LOG_COMPONENT(ORYPS, "rl.OpenraveYarpIroning")
+constexpr auto DEFAULT_RATE_S = 0.1;
+constexpr auto DEFAULT_SQUARES = 64;
+constexpr auto DEFAULT_PORT_NAME = "/openraveYarpIroning/rpc:s";
+class DataProcessor : public yarp::os::PortReader
+ void setPsqPainted(std::vector* psqPainted)
+ {
+ this->psqPainted = psqPainted;
+ }
+ void setPsqPaintedSemaphore(yarp::os::Semaphore* psqPaintedSemaphore)
+ {
+ this->psqPaintedSemaphore = psqPaintedSemaphore;
+ }
+ std::vector* psqPainted;
+ yarp::os::Semaphore* psqPaintedSemaphore;
+ bool read(yarp::os::ConnectionReader& in) override
+ {
+ yarp::os::Bottle request, response;
+ if (!request.read(in)) return false;
+ yCDebug(ORYPS) << "Request:" << request.toString();
+ yarp::os::ConnectionWriter *out = in.getWriter();
+ if (out==NULL) return true;
+ //--
+ if ( request.get(0).asString() == "get" )
+ {
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->wait();
+ for(int i=0; isize();i++)
+ response.addInt32(psqPainted->operator[](i));
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->post();
+ return response.write(*out);
+ }
+ else if ( request.get(0).asString() == "paint" )
+ {
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->wait();
+ for(int i=0; isize();i++)
+ psqPainted->operator[](i) |= request.get(i+1).asInt32(); // logic OR
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->post();
+ response.addString("ok");
+ return response.write(*out);
+ }
+ else if ( request.get(0).asString() == "reset" )
+ {
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->wait();
+ for(int i=0; isize();i++)
+ psqPainted->operator[](i) = 0;
+ psqPaintedSemaphore->post();
+ response.addString("ok");
+ return response.write(*out);
+ }
+ response.addString("unknown command");
+ return response.write(*out);
+ }
+class OpenraveYarpIroning : public OpenRAVE::ModuleBase,
+ public yarp::os::PeriodicThread
+ OpenraveYarpIroning(OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr penv) : OpenRAVE::ModuleBase(penv), yarp::os::PeriodicThread(DEFAULT_RATE_S)
+ {
+ using namespace boost::placeholders;
+ __description = "OpenraveYarpIroning plugin.";
+ OpenRAVE::InterfaceBase::RegisterCommand("open",boost::bind(&OpenraveYarpIroning::Open, this,_1,_2),"opens OpenraveYarpIroning");
+ }
+ ~OpenraveYarpIroning() override
+ {
+ //-- Note that we start on element 1, first elem was not via new!!
+ for(size_t i=1;i> str;
+ if(str.empty()) //-- Omits empty string that is usually at end via openrave.
+ continue;
+ char *cstr = new char[str.length() + 1]; // pushed to member argv to be deleted in ~.
+ std::strcpy(cstr, str.c_str());
+ argv.push_back(cstr);
+ }
+ yarp::os::Property options;
+ options.fromCommand(argv.size(),argv.data());
+ yCDebug(ORYPS) << "Config:" << options.toString();
+ std::string portName = options.check("name",yarp::os::Value(DEFAULT_PORT_NAME),"port name").asString();
+ yCInfo(ORYPS) << "Port name:" << portName;
+ int squares = options.check("squares",yarp::os::Value(DEFAULT_SQUARES),"number of squares").asInt32();
+ yCInfo(ORYPS) << "Squares:" << squares;
+ RAVELOG_INFO("penv: %p\n",GetEnv().get());
+ OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr penv = GetEnv();
+ _objPtr = penv->GetKinBody("object");
+ if(!_objPtr) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr,"error: object \"object\" does not exist.\n");
+ } else std::printf("sucess: object \"object\" exists.\n");
+ _wall = penv->GetKinBody("wall");
+ if(!_wall) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr,"error: object \"wall\" does not exist.\n");
+ } else std::printf("sucess: object \"wall\" exists.\n");
+ _palete_magenta = penv->GetKinBody("palete-magenta");
+ if(!_palete_magenta) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr,"error: object \"palete-magenta\" does not exist.\n");
+ } else std::printf("sucess: object \"palete-magenta\" exists.\n");
+ _palete_yellow = penv->GetKinBody("palete-yellow");
+ if(!_palete_yellow) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr,"error: object \"palete-yellow\" does not exist.\n");
+ } else std::printf("sucess: object \"palete-yellow\" exists.\n");
+ _palete_cyan = penv->GetKinBody("palete-cyan");
+ if(!_palete_cyan) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr,"error: object \"palete-cyan\" does not exist.\n");
+ } else std::printf("sucess: object \"palete-cyan\" exists.\n");
+ std::vector robots;
+ penv->GetRobots(robots);
+ std::cout << "Robot 0: " << robots.at(0)->GetName() << std::endl; // default: teo
+ OpenRAVE::RobotBasePtr probot = robots.at(0);
+ probot->SetActiveManipulator("rightArm");
+ probot->Grab(_objPtr, rapidjson::Value());
+ probot->Grab(_objPtr);
+ sqPainted.resize(squares);
+ processor.setPsqPainted(&sqPainted);
+ processor.setPsqPaintedSemaphore(&sqPaintedSemaphore);
+ rpcServer.setReader(processor);
+ rpcServer.open(portName);
+ this->start(); // start yarp::os::PeriodicThread (calls run periodically)
+ return true;
+ }
+ void run() override
+ {
+ //RAVELOG_INFO("thread\n");
+ //Get new object (pen) position
+ T_base_object = _objPtr->GetTransform();
+ double T_base_object_x = T_base_object.trans.x;
+ double T_base_object_y = T_base_object.trans.y;
+ double T_base_object_z = T_base_object.trans.z;
+ //Create new object in the scene "palete" to change brush colours.
+ OpenRAVE::Transform pos_palete_magenta = _palete_magenta->GetLink("palete-magenta")->GetGeometry(0)->GetTransform();
+ OpenRAVE::Transform pos_palete_yellow = _palete_yellow->GetLink("palete-yellow")->GetGeometry(0)->GetTransform();
+ OpenRAVE::Transform pos_palete_cyan = _palete_cyan->GetLink("palete-cyan")->GetGeometry(0)->GetTransform();
+ //std::cout<<"Base x obj : "<GetLink(ss.str())->GetGeometry(0)->GetTransform();
+ double pos_square_x = pos_square.trans.x;
+ double pos_square_y = pos_square.trans.y;
+ double pos_square_z = pos_square.trans.z;
+ double dist = std::sqrt(std::pow(T_base_object_x-pos_square_x,2)
+ + std::pow(T_base_object_y-pos_square_y,2)
+ + std::pow(T_base_object_z-pos_square_z,2) );
+ if (dist < 0.01 && brushColour == 1 ) //Paint cyan
+ {
+ sqPaintedSemaphore.wait();
+ sqPainted[i]=1;
+ sqPaintedSemaphore.post();
+ std::cout<<"He pintado AZUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "<GetLink(ss.str())->GetGeometry(0)->SetDiffuseColor(OpenRAVE::RaveVector(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
+ }
+ else if( sqPaintedValue == 2 ) //yellow
+ {
+ _wall->GetLink(ss.str())->GetGeometry(0)->SetDiffuseColor(OpenRAVE::RaveVector(1.0, 1.0, 0.0));
+ }
+ else if( sqPaintedValue == 3 ) //magenta
+ {
+ _wall->GetLink(ss.str())->GetGeometry(0)->SetDiffuseColor(OpenRAVE::RaveVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.4));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _wall->GetLink(ss.str())->GetGeometry(0)->SetDiffuseColor(OpenRAVE::RaveVector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector argv;
+ yarp::os::Network yarp;
+ yarp::os::RpcServer rpcServer;
+ DataProcessor processor;
+ std::vector sqPainted;
+ yarp::os::Semaphore sqPaintedSemaphore;
+ OpenRAVE::Transform T_base_object;
+ OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr _objPtr;
+ OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr _wall;
+ OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr _palete_magenta;
+ OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr _palete_yellow;
+ OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr _palete_cyan;
+ //Brush colour
+ int brushColour = 1; //Init to cyan colour as default.
+class OpenraveYarpIroningPlugin : public RavePlugin
+ OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr CreateInterface(OpenRAVE::InterfaceType type,
+ const std::string & interfacename,
+ std::istream & sinput,
+ OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr penv) override
+ {
+ if (type == OpenRAVE::PT_Module && interfacename == "openraveyarpironing")
+ {
+ return OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr(new OpenraveYarpIroning(penv));
+ }
+ return OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr();
+ }
+ const InterfaceMap & GetInterfaces() const override
+ {
+ static const RavePlugin::InterfaceMap interfaces = {
+ {OpenRAVE::PT_Module, {"OpenraveYarpIroning"}},
+ };
+ return interfaces;
+ }
+ const std::string & GetPluginName() const override
+ {
+ static const std::string pluginName = "OpenraveYarpIroningPlugin";
+ return pluginName;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OPENRAVE_PLUGIN_API RavePlugin * CreatePlugin() {
+ return new OpenraveYarpIroningPlugin();
+OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr CreateInterfaceValidated(OpenRAVE::InterfaceType type,
+ const std::string & interfacename,
+ std::istream & sinput,
+ OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr penv)
+ if (type == OpenRAVE::PT_Module && interfacename == "openraveyarpironing")
+ {
+ return OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr(new OpenraveYarpIroning(penv));
+ }
+ return OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr();
+void GetPluginAttributesValidated(OpenRAVE::PLUGININFO& info)
+ info.interfacenames[OpenRAVE::PT_Module].emplace_back("OpenraveYarpIroning");
+OPENRAVE_PLUGIN_API void DestroyPlugin()
+ RAVELOG_INFO("destroying plugin\n");