This dataset was recorded from the standalone realsense camera.
In each dataset, the subject is steady for the first seconds, in order to allow the skeletonRetriever
to observe the skeleton and perform the optimization.
The train folder contains 58 subfolders, each containing 10 repetitions of a single action. Each action, except the reaching, is repeated 5 times and viewed from 2 points of view. The reaching action is performed in order to reach 4 different targets, distributed on the corners/center of a square, centered around the shoulderCenter
of the subject.
The test folder contains 6 subfolders, each containing 10 repetitions of a single action, viewed from a single point of view.
Points of view are named as following:
- v0: frontal view
- v1: side view
Actions are named as following:
- abduction-left
- external-left
- internal-left
- reaching-left
- random (for random movements)
- static (for no movements)
For the reaching-left action, targets to be reached are distributed in a square, and are specified as following:
- t1: target in the center of the square
- t2: target in the top-right corner
- t3: target in the bottom-right corner
- t4: target in the bottom-left corner
Each folder is named as person name-point of view-target - action name (target is specified only for the reaching action), containing the following subfolders:
- depth: stores depth images
- skeletons-data: stores skeletons bottles
- skeletons-img: stores skeletons images
- opc: stores skeletons from opc
- opc-optimized: stores skeletons from opc after the optimization