Rob Tweed
12 October 2020, M/Gateway Developments Ltd
Twitter: @rtweed
Google Group for discussions, support, advice etc:
In addition to supporting REST APIs, QEWD supports interactive browser based and Native Mobile applications using WebSockets. As with its REST API support, QEWD makes it very quick and simple to develop such interactive, WebSocket-based applications.
QEWD interactive applications can use back-end maintained Sessions, with user authentication based on an opaque, randomly-generated token (actually using the same process as can be used for REST APIs).
The QEWD-baseline repository provides you with a configuration that is ready for you to adapt to create your interactive applications.
Let's start in time-honoured fashion with a simple browser-based "Hello World" application.
For the purposes of simplicity and clarity, we won't make use of any fancy JavaScript frameworks. I'm going to use vanilla JavaScript. Feel free to adapt the logic to work with your favourite JavaScript framework. I'll provide some tips along the way on a few things you'll need to consider when using frameworks with QEWD.
As with the REST API examples, we'll make use of the QEWD-Up pattern of development.
Let's start with the front-end for our hello world application, which will run in a browser.
We first need to decide on a name for our application. The Application name is entirely up to you to decide - any string value will do. Let's call ours helloworld.
I'll assume that you installed QEWD ~/qewd-baseline, but if you're using QEWD in a different folder, modify any paths in this tutorial appropriately.
In your QEWD installation folder, you'll find a sub-directory named www. It may already contain sub-folders for other application front-ends, for example you may see the front-end for an application named viewer.
Add a new subdirectory to the ~/qewd-baseline/www directory, giving it the name we're going to give our application, eg:
cd ~/qewd-baseline/www
mkdir helloworld
cd helloworld
Now you need to create a simple HTML file which you should name index.html. It should contain the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>QEWD WebSocket Application Demo</title>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="app.js" type="module"></script>
<h3 id="header">
QEWD WebSocket Application Demo
<div id="content"></div>
Next, create a JavaScript file named app.js in the same directory, with the following content:
import {QEWD} from '../qewd-client.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
QEWD.log = true;
document.getElementById('content').textContent = 'Hello World is ready for use!';
application: 'helloworld'
When you've saved these files, open a browser window and enter the URL:
Change the xxs for the IP address or domain name of the server you're using to host the QEWD Docker container.
You should see the following appear:
QEWD WebSocket Application Demo
Hello World is ready for use!
If you also open your browser's Development tools or JavaScript console, you should see the following console log message:
helloworld registered
What has happened is that you've created your first QEWD interactive application! It currently doesn't appear to do a great deal, but, behind the scenes, already a lot has happened, and it's ready for you to build out using WebSocket messaging.
Let's break down the details of the key pieces that we put into the index.html and app.js files.
The index.html file provides the markup for our hello world application. Its main task is actually to load the various JavaScript libraries that it needs:
This script tag loads the WebSocket client library - socket-io - from the QEWD server. QEWD comes with socket-io pre-installed and configured for you. Always load it via the path shown:
<script src="/"></script>
The next script tag loads your app.js file. The type="module" attribute tells the browser to load it as an ES6 module. The app.js module will define our application's dynamic behaviour:
<script src="app.js" type="module"></script>
Notice also this line in the index.html file:
<div id="content"></div>
This provides us with a tag into which we can dynamically create content in our web page.
Now let's turn our attention to the app.js module file.
It first imports the QEWD-Client module from your QEWD Web Server's root folder:
import {QEWD} from '../qewd-client.js';
The QEWD Client Library is automatically installed for you in QEWD systems.
It provides you with several key things:
an automated mechanism via which your application will register itself with the QEWD back-end, establishing the means by which the browser and QEWD back-end can securely communicate via WebSocket messages. This security is maintained via an opaque, randomly-generated token that is known by and available to the browser and QEWD back-end.
as part of the application registration process, QEWD will have established a Session. This Session may be used to maintain state information for the user of your application. Session State storage is maintained using a QEWD-JSdb database. The session is uniquely identified and securely accessed via the token that is created during application registration.
a reply API via which you will be able to securely send WebSocket messages to the QEWD back-end, which you handle using modules that you create and maintain.
You should always use the pre-built qewd-client.js library to interact with the QEWD back-end, regardless of the JavaScript framework you use in the browser.
The next thing the app.js modules does is to add an event handler that is triggered once all the resources required by the browser have loaded and initialised:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// only do what's in here once the browser has loaded everything
This ensures we don't end up with any race conditions or stuff trying to happen before the JavaScript resources we need are fully in place and ready for use.
Next, we set up a special, QEWD-specific event handler that will fire once our application is ready for use by the QEWD back-end:
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
// Only do what's in here once the application has been registered with
// the QEWD back-end, and QEWD is ready for use by your browser
Once again, this ensures that you don't inadvertently create race conditions and/or start trying to interact with the QEWD back-end before it's ready for you.
Finally, we start up the QEWD Client in the browser:
application: 'helloworld'
The object passed into the QEWD.start() method as an argument specifies the name of the application to register in the QEWD back-end (helloworld in our case).
Invoking the QEWD Client QEWD.start() method triggers a chain of events. In summary:
- the browser establishes a Web-Socket connection with the QEWD back-end
- the browser sends a register WebSocket message to the QEWD back-end
- the QEWD back-end establishes a Session and generates a random, uuid-formatted token which uniquely indentifies that Session
- the QEWD back-end sets up a QEWD-JSdb-based Session storage database and initialises it with data it will subsequently need and use during later message exchange with the browser
- once the QEWD back-end is ready for use by the browser, the token is returned to the browser as the response to its original register message
- the browser saves the token securely and removes direct user access to the socket-io module (to prevent malicious attempts to hijack the WebSocket connection using the browser's development tools and/or Javascript console)
- finally, the ewd-registered event is triggered to indicate that both the browser and back-end are ready for WebSocket message interaction by the user.
When the browser receives the response from QEWD containing the Session Token, it triggers the console.log command which generated this message:
helloworld registered
The ewd-registered event triggered our event handler:
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
and we dynamically generated the text inside the index.html file's <div id="content"> tag:
document.getElementById('content').textContent = 'Hello World is ready for use!';
which is what we then saw in the browser.
Finally we also added this:
QEWD.log = true;
This will allow us to see the communication that takes place between the browser and the QEWD back-end when we begin to send messages and receive responses. Setting QEWD.log to true is useful during application development, but should be removed (to set QEWD.log to its default false value) in production applications.
Let's also take a look at what happened in QEWD when you started the helloworld application in your browser.
In a terminal session, start viewing the QEWD Console log:
docker logs -f qewd
Now reload the helloworld page in your browser. You should see something like this appear in the QEWD log:
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:13:55 GMT; worker 63 received message: {"type":"ewd-register",
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:13:55 GMT; master process received response from worker 63:
What you're seeing is the ewd-register message that was sent from your browser being received by QEWD and passed to a Worker Process for handling. You're then seeing the response from the Worker Process being received by QEWD's Master Process, just before it then forwarded it to your browser.
The receipt of that response is what then triggered the ewd-registered event in your browser.
Our helloworld application can now successfully start itself up, but it's not doing a great deal.
Let's see what's involved in:
- sending a WebSocket message to the QEWD back-end
- writing a handler module to process it
- returning the response back to the browser
- handling the response in the browser.
We'll do this simply, for now, using a button. We'll hide the button initially, revealing it only after the ewd-registered event has occurred. Edit the <div id="content"> tag in the index.html file as follows:
<button id="messageBtn">Send a message</button>
<div id="content"></div>
and replace the contents of the app.js file with:
import {QEWD} from '../qewd-client.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
let messageBtn = document.getElementById('messageBtn'); = 'display: none';
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
QEWD.log = true;
messageBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
alert('about to send a message');
}); = 'display:';
application: 'helloworld'
Try reloading the helloworld page in your browser, and this time you'll see a Send a message button. Try clicking it and you'll see an alert. Note how we didn't set up the button event handler until the ewd-registered event had triggered. This prevents the button being used prematurely before the browser and QEWD back-end are ready.
OK so now we have the button working, let's remove the alert from the button's event handler and make it send a WebSocket message to QEWD instead. Change it in the app.js file to this:
messageBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
type: 'hello'
Make sure you have a terminal window open viewing the QEWD console log, and ensure you've opened the JavaScript console in your browser.
Reload the page in the browser again, and try clicking the button again. This time you'll see a burst of activity in both the browser's console and QEWD's console log.
The browser's JavaScript console should be showing something like this:
sent: {"type":"hello"}
received: {"type":"hello","finished":true,"message":
{"error":"Unable to load handler module for: helloworld","reason":
and the QEWD Console log will be showing something like this:
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:37:40 GMT; worker 63 received message:
Unable to load handler module for: helloworld: Error: Cannot find module 'helloworld'
Require stack:
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/qewd/lib/appHandler.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/qewd/lib/worker.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/qewd/lib/qewd.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/qewd/index.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/ewd-qoper8/lib/worker/proto/init.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/ewd-qoper8/lib/ewd-qoper8.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/ewd-qoper8/index.js
- /opt/qewd/node_modules/ewd-qoper8-worker.js
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:37:40 GMT; master process received response from worker 63:
{"type":"hello","finished":true,"message":{"error":"Unable to load handler module
for: helloworld","reason":{"code":"MODULE_NOT_FOUND","requireStack":[
So you can see from the browser's console that it sent a message:
sent: {"type":"hello"}
and that QEWD received it:
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:37:40 GMT; worker 63 received message:
Notice the token that was automatically added by the QEWD Client in the browser.
However, you'll see that QEWD generated an error:
Unable to load handler module for: helloworld: Error: Cannot find module 'helloworld'
which is not surprising, since we haven't yet created a QEWD handler module for this message.
Anyway, what then happened was that QEWD generated an error response which was returned to the browser, and you saw it logged in the browser's JavaScript console. Let's take a look at the structure of that error response:
"type": "hello",
"finished": true,
"message": {
"error": "Unable to load handler module for: helloworld",
"reason": {
"requireStack": [... etc]
"responseTime": "1ms"
You'll find that all QEWD WebSocket response message objects will have a similar structure, containing the 1st-level properties:
- type: matching the type of the message that was originally sent. type is a reserved, mandatory property in QEWD WebSocket messages
- finished: true if the handler module has finished its processing
- message: sub-object containing the response message payload. If message.error is defined, then this is an error response, to be handled appropriately in the browser.
- responseTime: the time (ms) it took between QEWD receiving the incoming WebSocket message from the browser until it had the response ready to be forwarded to the browser. The very first time a particular message is handled in a QEWD Worker process, QEWD has to find and load the handler module (and potentially other supporting modules). Depending on traffic at the time, QEWD may also need to start a new Worker Process to handle the message. All this takes time, so don't be surprised to see a somewhat lengthy responseTime value first time. Next time the same message is handled, all those resources will now be cached, and the response time will typically be a small number of milliseconds. You'll discover that QEWD is incredibly fast.
Let's now fix that error by writing a handler for our hello message.
If you look in the ~/qewd-baseline folder, you'll find a sub-directory named qewd-apps. This sub-directory is where you define handler modules for your interactive applications. You can run as many applications concurrently as you like in a QEWD system, and the qewd-apps sub-directory will contain a folder for each of your applications: the folder name must be the same as the QEWD Application name.
If you look in the qewd-apps sub-folder, you'll see that an application folder named jsdb-viewer already exists in it: this is for the back-end of the viewer application that is included with QEWD-baseline.
We need to add a new application folder to ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps. In our app.js file, we registered it using this:
application: 'helloworld', <==== ******
So we need to create a folder path of ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps/helloworld for this.
cd ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps
mkdir helloworld
When you use the QEWD.reply() method to send a message from the browser, you always send a JSON object, and the object must have at least one property which is named type.
The type property value can be any string, and it provides the identifier by which QEWD can find its handler module.
In our simple example, we used this in app.js to send the message:
type: 'hello'
You'll see later how you can include any other JSON content in your message object, but for now we're simply sending a message that just has a type property and nothing else. In our case the type value is hello, so QEWD will look for its handler in the file path ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps/helloworld/hello.
Create this directory:
cd ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps/helloworld
mkdir hello
cd hello
and then create a file named index.js (ie ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps/helloworld/hello/index.js) containing the following:
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) {
finished({hello: 'world'});
Save this file.
NOTE: when you first create a new application folder within the qewd-apps folder, you must restart the QEWD Container, because this folder is read by QEWD's Master Process only when it starts up.
So, stop and restart the QEWD Container:
cd ~/qewd-baseline
Then when the container has stopped:
Note: a QEWD restart is only necessary when you create a brand new qewd-apps application folder.
Now reload the hello world page in your browser and click the Send a message button.
This time, in the browser's JavaScript console, you should see:
received: {"type":"hello","finished":true,"message":{"hello":"world"},"responseTime":"28ms"}
So, as before when we saw the error response, the structure is the same:
"type": "hello",
"finished": true,
"message": {
"hello": "world"
"responseTime": "28ms"
But this time, the response we defined in the handler module:
finished({hello: 'world'});
is received by the browser in the message property of the response:
"message": {
"hello": "world"
You can also look in the QEWD Console Log and see it handling the message and the response, eg:
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 14:47:26 GMT; worker 58 received message: {
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 14:47:26 GMT; master process received response
from worker 58: {"type":"hello","finished":true,"message":{
Let's take a look at the handler module again:
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) {
finished({hello: 'world'});
if you've previously taken the tutorial on QEWD REST APIs, this should look very similar. However, the signature of the module interface is a little different.
A QEWD interactive application message handler module should export a function with 4 arguments:
messageObj: an object containing the incoming message object that was sent by the browser. This will be identical to the object you specified in the browser's EWD.send() method, but will also include a token property containing the QEWD Session token.
session: an object representing the QEWD Session that was identified via the incoming token. This object's data property is a QEWD-JSdb Document Node object, and is available for state information storage and management.
send: a method provided by QEWD via which you can send intermediate WebSocket messages to the browser that sent the original request
finished: a method provided by QEWD via which you:
- return a object as a response. This object is specified as the one (and only) argument of the finished() method;
- signal to QEWD that you have finished using the QEWD Worker process, allowing it to be returned to the available pool.
You can have zero or more send() method calls in your message handler modules, and the module's logic MUST terminate with a finished() method call.
So, we have now successfully sent a WebSocker message from the browser, handled it in QEWD, and returned it to the browser.
We've seen the response object being received by the browser in its JavaScript console, but it's not being used in the browser's displayed markup. Let's fix that now by editing app.js.
Change these lines:
messageBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
type: 'hello'
To this:
messageBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
let responseObj = await QEWD.reply({
type: 'hello'
document.getElementById('content').textContent = 'Hello ' + responseObj.message.hello;
Reload the browser, click the Send a message button, and this time you should see this appear below the button:
Hello world
The QEWD.reply() method is asynchronous and returns a Promise, so we can use async/await syntax to handle its response. We must first specify that the button's click handler is async:
messageBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
and then await the response from QEWD.reply():
let responseObj = await QEWD.reply({
We can then use whatever parts of the returned response object in our browser page. In our example we're simply displaying its message.hello property in the page's <div id="content"> tag:
document.getElementById('content').textContent = 'Hello ' + responseObj.message.hello;
That essentially covers the basics of WebSocket messaging and handling in interactive QEWD applications. Whilst the example so far has been deliberately very basic, nevertheless you've been able to see the entire round-trip life-cycle:
- an initiating event in the browser (a button click in our case)
- using QEWD.reply to send a message JSON payload, identified by a unique type property
- processing the message in QEWD using a handler module
- returning a response JSON payload from QEWD using the finished() method
- updating the browser's DOM with the response object, via the QEWD.send() method's async response.
An interactive QEWD application is simply an assembly of lots of such life-cycles. The only difference between our simple example and a real-world application will be:
- the complexity of the message and response object payloads;
- optionally, use of the QEWD Session to maintain state information for the user
- optionally, the use of additional, intermediate messages sent to the browser prior to finishing the message handling
- the complexity of browser DOM manipulation on receipt of responses.
For debugging the browser-side, front-end logic, the browser's development tools / JavaScript console are usually adequate.
By turning on the QEWD Client logging, you'll also be able to see the outgoing messages and incoming responses in the browser's JavaScript Console.
Debugging your back-end QEWD message handler modules can be done in exactly the same way as documented for REST APIs.
The only essentual differences are:
Using the Node.js REPL for debugging:
var x = require('./apis/hello_world')
Interactive application handlers:
var x = require('./qewd-apps/helloworld/register')
Using the Node-Inspector: Add the debugger line at the start of your handler module:
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) { debugger <====***
and then reload the index.html page in your browser and click the Register button. First time you will see the inspect link appear, and once you bring up the Inspector panel, click the Register button again in the browser, and you should be positioned at the debugger line.
Let's extend our simple hello world application into something more real-world. We'll add an initial login form, and then add a simple set of CRUD functionality to allow us to maintain the login details. Initially, we'll be a new user who needs to register.
As before, we'll illustrate this with a deliberately simple HTML and plain JavaScript/jQuery user interface. Feel free to later re-implement this demonstration application using the JavaScript framework of your choice.
We'll be using the QEWD-JSdb database for maintaining the user authentication data. It's actually an ideal use for the Key/Object Store provided by the KVS model in QEWD-JSdb.
We'll also use the QEWD Session.
So let's get started.
When a user first uses our application, they will need to register as a new user. So let's begin by adding that functionality.
Edit the index.html file for our hello world application (~/qewd-baseline/www/helloworld/index.html) and replace its contents with this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>QEWD WebSocket Application Demo</title>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="app.js" type="module"></script>
<h3 id="header">
QEWD WebSocket Application Demo
<div id="register-form">
Register to use this Demonstration
<td>What Username would you like to use?:</td>
<input type="text" id="new-username">
<td>Choose a Password:</td>
<input type="password" id="new-password">
<td>Confirm your Password:</td>
<input type="password" id="new-password-2">
<td colspan="2">
<button id="registerBtn">Register as a New User</button>
What we've changed is the contents of the page, and it will now show a new user registration form, in which the user must enter their username and password (plus confirmation of the password) before submitting it with a button click.
Similarly, edit the app.js file (~/qewd-baseline/www/helloworld/app.js) and replace its contents with this:
import {QEWD} from '../qewd-client.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
QEWD.log = true;
document.getElementById('registerBtn').addEventListener('click', async () => {
let username = document.getElementById('new-username').value;
if (!username || username === '') {
alert('You must enter a username!');
let password = document.getElementById('new-password').value;
if (!password || password === '') {
alert('You must enter a password!');
let password2 = document.getElementById('new-password-2').value;
if (!password2 || password2 === '') {
alert('You must confirm the password!');
if (password !== password2) {
alert('Passwords do not match!');
let responseObj = await QEWD.reply({
type: 'register',
username: username,
password: password,
password2: password2
if (responseObj.message.error) {
else {
// user is logged in
alert('You have successfully logged in');
application: 'helloworld'
What we've done is to add an event handler for the new registration form's registerBtn button. This is only defined once the QEWD application is registered, ie:
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
// QEWD and the browser are ready
// Turn on the WebSocket message log in the browser
QEWD.log = true;
//Create the register button click handler
document.getElementById('registerBtn').addEventListener('click', async () => {
// handle the new registration button click
Note that we're enabling the console log so that we can see the outgoing and incoming WebSocket messages during development.
The registration button click handler is fairly straightforward. It applies some basic validation to ensure the user entered actual values into the fields, and that the password and its confirmation value match. In this very basic demonstration, we're displaying any errors as alerts.
If it passes the validation, then the username and two password values are sent to QEWD as a WebSocket message with a type property of register:
let responseObj = await QEWD.reply({
type: 'register',
username: username,
password: password,
password2: password2
if (responseObj.message.error) {
else {
// user is logged in
alert('You have successfully logged in');
For now we'll use an alert to display any errors returned by QEWD, and also to confirm successful registration/login.
Next, we need to create a handler module for this new register message.
Create this in the file path: ~/qewd-baseline/qewd-apps/helloworld/register/index.js with the following contents:
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) {
if (session.authenticated) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid action: You are already logged in!'});
var username = messageObj.username;
if (!username || username === '') {
return finished({error: 'Missing username'});
var password = messageObj.password;
if (!password || password === '') {
return finished({error: 'Missing password'});
var password2 = messageObj.password2;
if (!password2 || password2 === '') {
return finished({error: 'Missing password confirmation'});
if (password !== password2) {
return finished({error: 'Passwords do not match'});
if (password.length < 6) {
return finished({error: 'Password must be 6 or more characters'});
var authDoc = this.documentStore.use('userAuth');
var arr = authDoc.kvs.getIndices();
if (!authDoc.kvs.getIndices().includes('username')) {
if (authDoc.kvs.get_by_index('username', username).length > 0) {
return finished({error: 'Username already in use'});
var id = authDoc.$('next_id').increment();
authDoc.kvs.add(id, {
username: username,
password: password
session.authenticated = true;$('id').value = id;
finished({ok: true});
Let's go through this handler logic:
it starts with a series of validations:
the user must not already be logged in when registering. We can use the session.authenticated flag for this. This is set to false automatically when a new Session is created during application registration (ie when you load/reload the web page).
there must be non-empty username, password and confirmation password, and the two passwords must match. We've also added a check to prevent too short a password.
once the validations are complete, we're ready to make use of the QEWD-JSdb KVS database. We're going to use a QEWD-JSdb KVS document that we'll name userAuth:
var authDoc = this.documentStore.use('userAuth'); authDoc.enable_kvs();
In case this is the very first time our application is used, and hence the first time our QWEWD-JSdb KVS document is used, we'll check and ensure that it's set up with an index defined for the username property:
var arr = authDoc.kvs.getIndices();
if (!authDoc.kvs.getIndices().includes('username')) {
With that index in place, we can use it to ensure that registered usernames are unique within the KVS database, returning an error if we find a duplicate:
if (authDoc.kvs.get_by_index('username', username).length > 0) {
return finished({error: 'Username already in use'});
Otherwise, we'll generate a new Id for the new registered user - we'll use a simple incrementing value in the QEWD-JSdb document:
var id = authDoc.$('next_id').increment();
Then we'll use that id as the key for our KVS record, and save the username and password in an object against that key:
authDoc.kvs.add(id, {
username: username,
password: password
Note that the username will be automatically indexed when we do this.
We'll now flag the user within the QEWD Session as being logged in
session.authenticated = true;
and we'll save the user's KVS key/id in the Session also:$('id').value = id;
and finally return a success object and tell QEWD that we're finished:
finished({ok: true});
There's one important step left before we can try this out. It will be familiar to you if you've taken the REST tutorial: we need to stop the QEWD Worker Processes using the QEWD-Monitor application to ensure that our new handler module is loaded into the Worker process that processes the incoming message. If you don't know how to do this, follow these instructions:
Start it up in a new browser window using the URL (replacing the xx's appropriately for your system):
You'll need to use the management password that you specified during the installation Q&A. By default it's:
Once you've logged in, you'll be looking at the QEWD Monitor Overview panel. On the right hand side you'll see one or more Child Processes listed, each with a red X button beside it. Click this button for each currently-running process, so you shut them all down. Note that in order to keep QEWD-Monitor working, at least one new Worker process will be automatically restarted. So just stop the ones that were originally running and ignore any new ones that restart!
We're now ready to try our revised application.
Reload the index.html file in your browser:
You should now see the new user registration form. You can try testing the validation logic if you like, to confirm it's all working correctly. Then you can try a valid new registration, eg:
- username: rtweed
- password: secret
You should get a confirmation alert telling you that the registration was successful.
You can do this using the QEWD-Monitor application (see the earlier instructions on debugging).
Click the Document Store tab/link in the banner at the top of the page.
If you don't already see ^userAuth appear in the Documents list, click the green Refresh button at the right-hand end of the Documents panel banner.
You can now drill down through the structure of the ^userAuth document to see what was created when you registered as a user of our application.
Now that we've created our user authentication record, we need to add a Login form to our index.html file. In fact, when you load the page, the login form should be the only form we see, but we should also have a Register link that, when clicked, replaces the Login form with our Register New User form.
Let's modify the index.html and add the Login form.
After these lines:
<h3 id="header">
QEWD WebSocket Application Demo
Add this:
<div id="login-form">
You must first Log in
<input type="text" id="username">
<input type="password" id="password">
<td colspan="2">
<button id="loginBtn">Login</button>
<a href="#" id="registerLink">Register</a>
Note the Register link at the bottom of this form.
Let's also add a link to the Register form to make it possible to get back to the Login form from the Register form.
Find these lines in the Register form that we created earlier:
<td colspan="2">
<button id="registerBtn">Register as a New User</button>
and change them to this:
<td colspan="2">
<button id="registerBtn">Register as a New User</button>
<a href="#" id="loginLink">Return to Login Form</a>
So, in summary, the index.html file should now contain:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>QEWD WebSocket Application Demo</title>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="app.js" type="module"></script>
<h3 id="header">
QEWD WebSocket Application Demo
<div id="login-form">
You must first Log in
<input type="text" id="username">
<input type="password" id="password">
<td colspan="2">
<button id="loginBtn">Login</button>
<a href="#" id="registerLink">Register</a>
<div id="register-form">
Register to use this Demonstration
<td>What Username would you like to use?:</td>
<input type="text" id="new-username">
<td>Choose a Password:</td>
<input type="password" id="new-password">
<td>Confirm your Password:</td>
<input type="password" id="new-password-2">
<td colspan="2">
<button id="registerBtn">Register as a New User</button>
<a href="#" id="loginLink">Return to Login Form</a>
We need to add some dynamic control now:
- hiding both the forms to begin with
- display the Login form when QEWD is ready
- when the Register link is clicked, hide the Login form and display the Register form
- if the Register form is visible and the Return to Login Form button is pressed, hide the Register form and display the Login Form.
Immediately after this line:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
Add these lines:
let loginForm = document.getElementById('login-form');
let registerForm = document.getElementById('register-form'); = 'display: none'; = 'display: none';
At the bottom of the app.js file, replace these lines:
application: 'helloworld'
with these:
}); = 'display:';
application: 'helloworld'
This will cause the login form to display when everything is ready for use.
Immediately after these lines
QEWD.on('ewd-registered', () => {
QEWD.log = true;
Add these lines:
document.getElementById('registerLink').addEventListener('click', () => { = 'display: none'; = 'display:';
After the lines you just added (ie the registerLink Click handler), add the following lines:
document.getElementById('loginLink').addEventListener('click', () => { = 'display:'; = 'display: none';
Save your edited versions of index.html and app.js and try them out by reloading the page in your browser.
You should now see the Login form, with the Register link below it. Try clicking it and you should now see the Register form, with the Return to Login Form link. Click it and the Login form should re-appear.
So the front-end is now behaving itself. Now we need to bring the Login form to life.
SO now we need to add a Click event handler to app.js for the Login button in our newly-added Login form. It needs to perform basic validation to ensure that the username and password are filled out with values, and, if so, send them as a login WebSocket message payload to the QEWD backend.
Find these lines at the bottom of the app.js file: = 'display:';
application: 'helloworld'
and, immediately before them (ie before the line), add the following:
document.getElementById('loginBtn').addEventListener('click', async () => {
let username = document.getElementById('username').value;
if (!username || username === '') {
alert('You must enter a username!');
let password = document.getElementById('password').value;
if (!password || password === '') {
alert('You must enter a password!');
let responseObj = await QEWD.reply({
type: 'login',
username: username,
password: password
if (responseObj.message.error) {
else {
// user is logged in = 'display: none'; = 'display: none';
alert('You have successfully logged in');
Hopefully this pattern of logic is beginning to become self-explanatory. The key thing is we're using QEWD.reply() to send a WebSocket message object payload, with a type property of login, and we've added to the payload the username and password that the user has entered into the form.
That's the front-end all ready. We now just need to add the back-end QEWD message handler module for this new login message.
You need to create a file named index.js with the full file path:
Add the following contents to it:
var isEmpty = require('../../../utils/isEmpty');
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) {
if (session.authenticated) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid action: You are already logged in!'});
var username = messageObj.username;
if (!username || username === '') {
return finished({error: 'Missing username'});
var password = messageObj.password;
if (!password || password === '') {
return finished({error: 'Missing password'});
var authDoc = this.documentStore.use('userAuth');
var matches = authDoc.kvs.get_by_index('username', username, true);
if (isEmpty(matches)) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid login attempt (0)'});
for (var id in matches) {
var authDetails = matches[id];
if (authDetails.password !== password) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid login attempt (1)'});
}$('id').value = id;
session.authenticated = true;
finished({ok: true});
As before, let's step through this logic and explain what it's doing.
If you've previously taken the REST API tutorial, you'll be familiar with our use of the handy isEmpty utility. We'll load that into the module for later use, as you'll see:
var isEmpty = require('../../../utils/isEmpty');
We first check that the user is not already logged in - the login handler should only be invoked for users who aren't yet logged in. The session.authenticated flag allows us to check the status of the user:
if (session.authenticated) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid action: You are already logged in!'});
We then check the username and password properties of the received message payload, to ensure that they have non-empty values.
Then we're ready to check the user credentials against those stored in the QEWD-JSdb KVS store.
We first set up access to it:
var authDoc = this.documentStore.use('userAuth');
We can then use its username index to see whether the specified username exists in the KVS:
var matches = authDoc.kvs.get_by_index('username', username, true);
This will return an empty object if no match is found, in which case we'll return an error:
if (isEmpty(matches)) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid login attempt (0)'});
There's our isEmpty module in use!
If a match was found, what will have been returned from the KVS API an object containing the keys and data for any matches. If you remember, the register handler logic prevents duplicate user names, so the object returned should just contain a single key/object pair. So we'll do this to extract the first (and only) one:
for (var id in matches) {
var authDetails = matches[id];
authDetails will be an object, fetched from the KVS, that contains the username and password properties of the matching user. So we now want to check that the user entered the correct password:
if (authDetails.password !== password) {
return finished({error: 'Invalid login attempt (1)'});
Note that for now I've added a diagnostic (0) and (1) to the Invalid login attempt messages: this will allow us to check that each one works (0 = invalid username; 1 = invalid password). In production this distinction should be removed to avoid giving clues as to why a login attempt failed.
So if we've reached this point, the user has correctly authenticated. So we'll set the authenticated flag in the user's Session:
session.authenticated = true;
and we also record the QEWD-JSdb KVS key in the user's session. You'll see later why we do this:$('id').value = id;
and finally we return a success response object and tell QEWD that we're finished with the Worker Process:
finished({ok: true});
We can now try logging in using this new logic. However, we first need to use QEWD-Monitor to stop the Worker processes. Then reload the browser and enter the username and password you used when you registered earlier, eg I used
- username: rtweed
- password: secret
You should get an alert saying you logged in.
Try reloading the browser and try deliberately bad values - check that you get the appropriate errors if you try a non-existent username, or the wrong password for your registered user.
One more thing to try: reload the browser and login using the correct username and password.
Now in a separate browser window running the QEWD-Monitor application, click on the Sessions link/tab in its top banner.
If necessary, click the green refresh button at the far right-hand end of the Sessions panel banner.
Click the blue Inspect button next to the last helloworld session in the list. In the right-hand panel, you should see something like:
ewd-session: -->
id: 1
The id is the value we stored for the KVS key.
Click on the ewd-session line and it should expand, showing the authenticated flag set to true.
So we can now register new users and login using the registered username and password.
When you either register a new user or login as an existing user, the browser page allows no further interaction after alerting you that you've logged in.
Let's change that and, once logged in (either after register or login), display:
- a form that allows you to change your username
- a form that allows you to change your password
- a link that allows you to de-register as a user of the application
- a link that allows you to logout
Rather than provide within this tutorial all the source code, and rather than then walking you through all the logic for the final version of our application, you'll find a complete set of source code for it in the path:
I'll leave it as an exercise for you to examine the source code and figure out how and why it works. You'll find that it's all just variations on the themes we've already seen and examined in detail, so it should mostly be self-explanatory by now.
You'll find the final versions of the front-end index.html and app.js files in:
Copy these to overwrite your versions in:
You'll find the final full set of back-end handler modules in:
Copy these to:
overwriting any of your existing versions, and adding the new ones.
Stop all the QEWD Worker processes using the QEWD-Monitor application and then reload the updated helloworld application's index.html page in your browser. You can now try out the full functionality.
While you are trying out the application:
check the activity in the browser's JavaScript console, and see the outgoing messages and incoming responses
check and drill down through the ^userAuth QEWD-JSdb KVS document using the QEWD-Monitor's Document Store tab to see the effect of changes you make to the username and/or passwords
check the QEWD Sessions using the QEWD-Monitor's Sessions tab
check the QEWD Container's console log to see the activity within it as you run the application
You're now ready to begin creating your own Interactive QEWD Applications. All the techniques you've seen in action within this tutorial are the building blocks of every QEWD application you'll build.
WebSockets provide a persistent, bi-drectional network connection between the browser and QEWD back-end. Unlike HTTP, WebSocket messages are one-directional and can be instigated by either end.
The standard use of WebSocket messages in QEWD, as described thus far in this tutorial, emulate HTTP messages where the browser initiates the process, sends a message and gets a response back.
However, one of the interesting possibilities you have within your back-end message handler modules is to return multiple messages to the browser during the processing of the message. The so-called intermediate messages that preceed the final finished() message can be sent to the browser using the send() method that is provided by the message handler module interface.
Click here for full details on using intermediate messages.
One of the amazingly powerful things about using Node.js is the massive ecosystem of 3rd-party modules that are available on NPM.
QEWD allows you to use any 3rd-party Node.js Modules you want or need to assist in your back-end message handler module logic.
However, in order to use 3rd-party modules in the Dockerised version of QEWD, you must tell it to install them when it first starts up.
You instruct QEWD to install 3rd party modules in the same way as described for REST APIs.
Again, the approach is identical to that described for REST APIs
Although you perform your message handler logic within a back-end QEWD handler module, you may want/need to access external resources, eg REST services.
QEWD is quite happy to let you to this. For example, you could use the request module to make REST requests to an external REST service. Let's use a well-known test service as a demonstration:
var request = require('request');
var count = 0;
module.exports = function(messageObj, session, send, finished) {
var options = {
uri: '' + count,
method: 'GET'
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
Each time this message handler was invoked, you would get the next generated record from the jsonplaceholder REST service.
Note that because we're using an asyncronous piece of logic, the finished() function MUST be called inside the request() function's callback, so the QEWD Worker process isn't released back to its available pool until the REST response from jsonplaceholder has been received.
Click here for further details and documentation on Interactive QEWD Applications, including the so-called Life-Cycle Event Hooks.
If you want to build QEWD applications with a browser front end (or even a Native Mobile JavaScript-based front end), then you need to load the QEWD Client and make use of its APIs for application registration and message sending/receipt.
There are two available pre-built modules that can be used in React applications:
If you want to use Vue.js and Nuxt.js:
You can also use QEWD with the WebComponents-based mg-webComponents framework. See the detailed tutorial on how to build an interactive QEWD-based application using mg-webComponents.
If you want to use QEWD with another JavaScript framework, the key things you need to be aware of are:
the QEWD Client (known as qewd-client) can be loaded as a module, eg:
install it using:
npm install qewd-client
load it using:
let qewd_client = require('qewd-client')
you need to prevent the JavaScript framework from allowing any user interaction until the qewd-client's start() method has been invoked, and the ewd-registered event has been triggered
you need to pass qewd-client's QEWD object to all components/modules that need to send messages to and/or receive responses from the QEWD back-end. This is not a globally-scoped object, and, for example, the QEWD session token and, indeed, are secured within a closure that is created by the start() method. You cannot, therefore, access its methods and events without explicitly passing the ewd-client's QEWD object to components and modules.
Take a look at the pre-built examples referred to above to see how these issues have been handled for React and Vue.