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A Robust Forms Generator for Angular.

Table of Contents


  • @angular/common: 4.0.0 or higher,
  • @angular/core: 4.0.0 or higher,
  • @angular/forms: 4.0.0 or higher,
  • @fagnerlima/ng-mask: 2.2.1 or higher,
  • @ngx-translate/core: 7.0.0 or higher,
  • rxjs: 5.4.2 or higher.


  1. Install AngularForms using npm:
npm i @robust-team/angular-forms
  1. Import the styles.css:
  1. Import the AngularFormsModule into Module class.
import { AngularFormsModule } from '@robust-team/angular-forms';

  imports: [
  // ...
export class MyModule { }
  1. Insert the AngularFormsComponent into template.
<rb-angular-forms [groups]="customForm"></rb-angular-forms>

The customForm attribute represents the JSON coming from API. For example:

    "code": "G-01",
    "description": "Fieldset Group",
    "type": "group",
    "questions": [
        "name": "Q-0101",
        "description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "defaultOption": "false",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "pattern", "message": "Required field.", "value": "true" }
        "name": "Q-0102",
        "description": "Radio Question 0102",
        "type": "radio",
        "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
        "defaultOption": "Option 1",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
        "name": "Q-0103",
        "description": "Select Question 0103",
        "type": "select",
        "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
        "editableOption": "Option 2",
        "placeholder": "Select",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
        "name": "Q-0104",
        "description": "Text Question 0104",
        "type": "text",
        "placeholder": "Text Question 0104",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." },
          { "type": "minlength", "message": "Min Length: 3", "value": 3 },
          { "type": "maxlength", "message": "Max Length: 10", "value": 10 }
        "name": "Q-0105",
        "description": "Text Question 0105",
        "type": "text",
        "placeholder": "Text Question 0105",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." },
          { "type": "pattern", "message": "Format: 00000-000", "value": "^\\d{5}-\\d{3}$" }
        "mask": "00000-000"
        "name": "Q-0106",
        "description": "TextArea Question 0106",
        "type": "textarea",
        "placeholder": "TextArea Question 0106",
        "validations": [
          { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
        "dependencies": [
          { "code": "Q-0103", "criteria": "equals", "expectedAnswer": "Option 1" }
    "code": "G-02",
    "description": "DataTable Group",
    "type": "datatable",
    "validations": [
      { "type": "required", "message": "Min number of registers: 1." },
      { "type": "minlength", "message": "Min number of registers: 1.", "value": 1 },
      { "type": "maxlength", "message": "Max number of registers: 3.", "value": 3 }
    "questions": [
          "name": "Q-0201",
          "description": "Select Question 0201",
          "type": "select",
          "validations": [
            { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
          "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
          "placeholder": "Select"
          "name": "Q-0202",
          "description": "Text Question 0202",
          "type": "text",
          "validations": [
            { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
          "placeholder": "Text Question 0202"
          "name": "Q-0201",
          "description": "Select Question 0201",
          "type": "select",
          "validations": [
            { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
          "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
          "placeholder": "Select",
          "answer": "Option 2"
          "name": "Q-0202",
          "description": "Text Question 0202",
          "type": "text",
          "validations": [
            { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
          "placeholder": "Text Question 0202",
          "answer": "Answer 0202"


  1. Get form values by adding a local variable to the component and calling the getForm() method. For example:
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm"></rb-angular-forms>
<button (click)="print(angularForms.getForm())">Print Form</button>
export class MyComponent {

  print(value: any) {

The output of getForm() is an object that contains:

  • valid: Informs if the forms is valid, that is, if it agrees with all the validations.
  • value: An object that contains the groups of questions with their respective answers. Groups and questions are represented by their respective code; and each question has its answer.

Example output:

  valid: false,
  value: {
    "G-01": [
        "Q-101": { "value": "Option 1", "id": null },
        "Q-102": { "value": "123", "id": null }
    "G-02": {
      "Q-201": { "value": "Option 1", "id": null },
      "Q-202": { "value": "Option 2", "id": null },
      "Q-203": { "value": null, "id": null },
      "Q-204": { "value": null, "id": null }

AngularFormsComponent's public methods and properties:

Method Function
isValid() Returns the status of form.
isPristine() Returns if the user has not yet changed some value in the form.
isDirty() Returns if the user has changed some value in the form.
getAnswersGroups() Returns only the answers grouped in yours respective Groups.
getAnswers() Returns only the answers of simple Questions and of DataTables (that is considered a Question).
getForm() Returns an object with two attributes: valid (return of isValid method) and value (return of getAnswersGroups method.
submit() Send the form, enabling the validation of all questions.
formGroup FormGroup's instance of the ReactiveForms.
status Returns the form's status: *LOADING, READY, ERROR or null.
getGroupByCode(code) Returns a Group according with code.
  1. The AngularFormsComponent contains two output events:
Output Function
ready When the form's build is finished.
error When occurs any error in form's build (throws the error object).
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" (ready)="onReady()" (error)="onError($event)"></rb-angular-forms>
  1. If you want only to show the answers from JSON, use the readOnly input with true value (your default value is false).
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" [readOnly]="true"></rb-angular-forms>


  1. For you config the language to be used by AngularForms, use the lang input. There are two langs available: en-US (default) and pt-BR.
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" lang="pt-BR"></rb-angular-forms>


The Group represents a grouping of questions, which can be of two types: Fieldset and DataTable.

The Group contains the public method getQuestionByName, that returns a question according with name.


Fieldset is a grouping of questions that represents a simple fieldset of HTML. The value of your type is "group".

  "code": "G-01",
  "description": "Fieldset Group",
  "type": "group",
  "questions": [
      "name": "Q-0101",
      "description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
      "type": "checkbox",
      "validations": []
      "name": "Q-0102",
      "description": "Select Question 0102",
      "type": "select",
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
      "validations": []


DataTable is a grouping of questions that represents a data table, where you add many answers.

  "code": "G-01",
  "description": "DataTable Group",
  "type": "datatable",
  "questions": [
        "name": "Q-0101",
        "description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "validations": []
        "name": "Q-0102",
        "description": "Select Question 0102",
        "type": "select",
        "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
        "validations": []
  "validations": []


Question represents a simple question, which can be of five types:

  • checkbox;
  • radio;
  • select;
  • text;
  • textarea.

The Question contains the public setter method description, that permits alter label of questions.


Checkbox represents a checkbox input from HTML.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Checkbox Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "checkbox",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "disabled": false,
  "defaultOption": "false"


Radio represents a radio input from HTML.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Radio Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "radio",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "disabled": false,
  "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
  "defaultOption": null


Select represents a select input from HTML.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Select Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "select",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "disabled": false,
  "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
  "defaultOption": null,
  "editableOption": "Option 2",
  "placeholder": "Select an option"

For the Radio and Select Questions, the option attribute can be a string array or an object array (Option Interface).

  // ...
  "options": [
    { "value": "op1", "description": "Option 1" },
    { "value": "op2", "description": "Option 2" }
  // ...


Text represents a text input from HTML.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Text Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "text",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "disabled": false,
  "mask": null,
  "placeholder": null


Mask is an attribute of Text Question that uses the patterns of the NgMask library.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Text Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "text",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "mask": "integer(6)",
  "placeholder": null



TextArea represents a text input from HTML.

  "name": "Q-01",
  "description": "Text Question",
  "dependencies": [],
  "type": "textarea",
  "answer": null,
  "validations": [],
  "disabled": false,
  "placeholder": null


Answer represents the question's answer.

  "value": "My answer",
  "id": 1

The value property represents the user's answer itself, while the id property is the answer's identifier into database, for example.


Validations can be used in Question and DataTable, which can be of seven types:

  • email;
  • max;
  • min;
  • maxlength;
  • minlength;
  • pattern;
  • required.


E-mail validation.

  "type": "email",
  "message": "Email field."


Max value validation for numbers.

  "type": "max",
  "message": "Max value: 100.",
  "value": 100


Min value validation for numbers.

  "type": "min",
  "message": "Min value: 10.",
  "value": 10


Max length validation.

  "type": "maxlength",
  "message": "Max length: 12.",
  "value": 12


Min length validation.

  "type": "minlength",
  "message": "Min length: 6.",
  "value": 6


Regular expression validation.

  "type": "pattern",
  "message": "Pattern: 00000-000.",
  "value": "^\\d{5}-\\d{3}$"


Obligatory field validation. The requiredTrue field is used for checkbox validation.

  "type": "required",
  "message": "Required field.",
  "requiredTrue": false


Dependencies are Questions that determine if a Question should be shown or no. The criterias can be of four types:

  • equals;
  • lessthan;
  • greaterthan;
  • notequals.
  "name": "Q-0106",
  "description": "Question TextArea 0106",
  "type": "textarea",
  "placeholder": "Question TextArea 0106",
  "validations": [
    { "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
  "dependencies": [
    { "code": "Q-0103", "criteria": "equals", "expectedAnswer": "Option 1" },
    { "code": "Q-0104", "criteria": "greaterthan", "expectedAnswer": "10" }