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File metadata and controls

160 lines (116 loc) · 6.45 KB

Data Collection

The dataset was downloaded from the real estate database company Zillow. It was published as a graph, with the availability to download raw data. The dataset was obtained through the download function and was saved as the rent_raw.csv. This dataset contains the Names of San Francisco Neighborhoods, Region Type, Property Type and Monthly Rent Rates (Nov 2010-Sep 2018).

Getting Started

Two Python (version 3.6) modules were used to prepare the data for further analyses and visualisation:

  • Pandas: to create data structures that could be processed and manipulated in Python
  • NumPy: to create an array
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Data cleaning

The data from the rent_raw.csv file is loaded into a dataframe.

#Create a dataframe from the csv file
rent_df = pd.read_csv("rent_raw.csv")

The columns named Region Type and Data Type are not relevant to the analyses and are dropped from the rent_df dataframe.

rent_df = rent_df.drop(["Region Type", "Data Type"], axis = 1)

To stay consistent with the other csv files in the repository, the Region Name is renamed as Neighborhood.

# Rename the columns
rent_df = rent_df.rename(columns = {"Region Name": "Neighborhood"})

The neighbourhoods are extracted from the dataframe as series.

# Get a series of neighbourhoods
neighborhood = rent_df["Neighborhood"]

To prevent repetitive code in performing the maths, a user-defined function is used. It calculates the totals per neighbourhood, per year. This function, called totals, filters through the columns to select the last two digits of the year and then conducts a row-wise calculation of sums to get the yearly rate per neighbourhood.

# Create a function that returns the sum per row per year

def totals(df,str): # where str is the last two digits of the year
    year = df.filter(regex = str, axis = 1) # filter the columns based on the str
    return year.sum(axis = 1) # get the sum per row

The dataframe has monthly rates for seven complete years (i.e., 12 months per year). The last two digits of the years are put into a list and converted into a string. The floats are converted to string because the totals function recognises the year in string format. Two years, 2010 and 2018, have incomplete data; hence, the data from these years are dropped.

# Create a list of years (with data for 12 months)
year_list = list(np.arange(11,18)) # creates a list of floats covering the year range of rent_df
year_list_str = [str(item) for item in year_list] # converts numbers to string

To get calculate the yearly rent rates, the function totals is iterated through the list of years, generating an array.

# Create an array of yearly rates per neighbourhood using the totals function
yearly_rate = [totals(rent_df,year) for year in year_list_str] 

The dataframe to be generated needs to have "Neighborhood" and the years (2011–2017) as the keys and the yearly rates as the values. To create a list of keys, the prefix "20" was added to each item in the year_list_str list. Then, "Neighborhood" was added at the 0th position in the list of keys.

# Create a list of keys by adding "20" to the last two digits of the year
keys = year_list_str
keys = ["Rent_20" + key for key in keys]

# Insert Neighbourhood as a key

To create a list of values, the list of neighbourhoods is added to the array of yearly rates.

# Create a list of values by adding the neighbourhood series to the yearly_rate array
values = yearly_rate

The keys and values lists are then zipped into a dictionary and made into a dataframe called year_rent_df.

# Create a dataframe containing the yearly rates from 2011 to 2017 for the 62 neighbourhoods in SF 
year_rent_df = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(keys, values)))

Avg Price Per Year column was created and calculated among years 2011-2017 and added into DataFrame. Column City was added to specify the locations of Neighborhoods.

#Calculating Avg Rent Price Per Year 
#and adding column 'City' to specify the location of neighborhood (San Francisco)

year_rent_df["City"] = "San Francisco"

for row in year_rent_df["Neighborhood"]:
    year_rent_df["Avg Rent"] = round(year_rent_df.mean(axis = 1), 2)

Adding geolocations for each SF district

New dependencies were imported.

#Importing dependencies to make a request for Lat and Lng
import requests
import json
from config import api_key

Geocoding was used to obtain Coordinates(Lat & Lng) for each Neighborhood. API key is not provided in this repo due to safety purposes.

# create a params 
params = {"key": api_key}

# Loop through the year_rent_df and run a lat/long search for each neighborhood
for index, row in year_rent_df.iterrows():
base_url = ""

neighborhood = row["Neighborhood"]
city = row["City"]

# update address key value
params['address'] = f"{neighborhood},{city}"

# make request
lat_lng = requests.get(base_url, params=params)

# convert to json
lat_lng = lat_lng.json()
#inserting coordinates to assigned columns
year_rent_df.loc[index, "Lat"] = lat_lng["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
year_rent_df.loc[index, "Lng"] = lat_lng["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]


The first five lines of the dataframe year_rent_df looks like this:

Neighborhood 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Avg Price Per Year City Lat Lng
0 Bayview 30723 28821 30433 35338 42870 45681 45747 37087.571429 San Francisco 37.7304 -122.384
1 Bernal Heights 34471 35739 38924 43654 53977 54833 53741 45048.428571 San Francisco 37.7389 -122.415
2 Buena Vista 42407 45678 49364 53889 61646 65690 61917 54370.142857 San Francisco 37.8065 -122.421
3 Corona Heights 41051 44269 48263 52768 61781 64072 59849 53150.428571 San Francisco 37.7618 -122.443
4 Cow Hollow 52856 52816 56455 62256 75947 78557 71952 64405.571429 San Francisco 37.798 -122.44

This dataframe can now be saved as yearly_rent.csv in the Data folder.