## Swiss Ephemeris PHP Classes With these PHP classes you can query the ***Swiss Ephemeris Software*** which is based on ***VB***. With the PHP class, the position of astrological objects is queried via the ***exec()*** function through the terminal. My idea for the query was to use a kind of repository class to comfortably configure the query to the ***table file (.eph)***. If you have any suggestions for improvement, write to me on ***GITHUB***. ###To begin, read this README.md file carefully --- ####Important: >This software only works with the ***.eph*** files. >These must be in the ***/sweph*** folder or the path to the file must be specified in the constructor. >I have included a small ***.eph*** table with a small time range The best way to use this classes --- Install via Composer Dependency Manager to your project a PHP project on an Linux system on (*Windows are having problems because the commands are sent to the cmd.exe.*). Add to your composer.json file and run `composer update` after that ***move the .se1 files from /demo to /sweph*** folder. ``` "repositories": [ { "type": "github", "name": "rogergerecke/swiss-ephemeris", "url": "https://github.com/rogergerecke/SwissEphemeris.git" } ], "require": { "rogergerecke/swiss-ephemeris": "*", } ``` Notice --- **EN** Getting Planets Position using PHP & AstroDienst Swiss Ephemeris library. Use the Repository class to extend it for your need. >**Tip:** Extend the SwissEphemerisRepository class Examples of use in index.php or SwissEphemerisRepository.php **DE** Zur berechnung verschidenen Astrologischer Objekt-Position Basis zur berechnung sind die Daten von [http://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/ephe/ ](http://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/ephe/ ) >**Tip:** Erweitere die SwissEphemerisRepository class Für Beispiele schau dir die index.php an oder die SwissEphemerisRepository.php >**INFO:** Zur Anwendung auf Linux-Systemen oder in dem mitgelieferten Docker-Container bei > Windows gibt es Probleme da die befehle an die cmd.exe geschickt werden. --- Info to Swiss Ephemeris --- [Swiss Ephemeris Website](https://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephinfo_e.htm) [Swiss Ephemeris Download lib](http://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/) [Swiss Ephemeris Examples Interface](https://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/doc/swephprg.htm) [Swiss Ephemeris Examples](https://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/doc/swisseph.htm) [Other Ephemeris Data](https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?planet_eph_export) [Swiss Ephemeris mailing list](https://groups.io/g/swisseph) ## Not Include the de441 In the demo Folder you have .se1 files as examples move all to /sweph folder its work for example. Otherwise, copy a .eph file to the folder it's big. --------- ##### Download DE441.eph file have 2.7 GB > Download files with time range you need from ftp:astro.ch or > un-compiled from ssd.jpl.nasa.gov as ascii compiled under Linux > with https://github.com/Bill-Gray/jpl_eph DE441 : Created June 2020; compared to DE431, about 7 years of new data have been added. Referred to the International Celestial Reference Frame version 3.0. Covers JED -3100015.5, (-13200 AUG 15) to JED 8000016.50, (17191 MAR 15). DE440 and DE441 are documented in the following document: https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/abd414 (NOTE: this paper has been accepted for publication in December, 2020; this link will become available sometime in January) ------------- Changelog: --- UPDATE 2.1.5 --- - Update to wonderful Swiss Ephemeris 2.10.02 UPDATE 2.1.4 --- - Add Windows 10 support (thanks for Iusses @HSBSINGH) - Add demo files to /demo folder - Add requirement view in index.php UPDATE 2.1.3 --- - Update to new Time Range 30000 years - Update to wonderful Swiss Ephemeris 2.10.01 - To PHP 7.4.18 - Remove unused Dockerfile lib's UPDATE 2.1.0 --- - Update to wonderful Swiss Ephemeris 2.0.8 - Extend Repository class - Update the README.md Help and Question --- Do you want more flexibility or have you found a mistake? Open an issues [Open Issues](https://github.com/rogergerecke/SwissEphemeris/issues) Please open a Issues if you have a good idea Docker Help --- Update the php version in an existing docker-container change the PHP version in the Dockerfile and run the both commands. ```` docker-compose build --no-cache --pull YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME docker-compose up -d ```` TEST --- in /public/index.php