This projects connects to the XMLA endpoint of PowerBI, reads data and transforms it to JSON.
- Download Visual Studio Code and open
- Click on file, open folder and open either the ConsoleApp or WebApp
- Follow the steps below for the specific config. Return to 4 when done
- Click F5 to debug
- Use terminal in VS Code and nuget .net cli to install missing packages
If you want to deploy the webapp to azure do the following (only for WebApp, taken from
- in VS code console, paste dotnet publish -c Release -o ./publish
- make sure you have installed the Azure web app extension for VS code (
- right click on the publish folder and say Deploy to Azure Web App...
- Open VSCode/Program.cs
- Change all parameters in line 21 and 30
- Open Models/XmlaToJson.cs and paste your tenant ID on line 19
- Add real Authentification, currently passed as parameters
- Proper error handeling
- Performance testing / auto-scaling
- RLS for service principals (currently 11.2020 not supported by Microsoft for SP's in PBI)
- Add possibility for user authentication instead of SP
- Check for RLS role and apply it when user logs in