access to a Resource Group from your admin. This is where you will create the workspace and other required resources. -
Check if ACI(Azure Container Instance) service is registered in your subscription: Try executing the command from the Cloud Shell in the portal. Instructions here. If you dont have access, ask your admin.
az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerInstance -o table
if not registered, run the below command (you need to be the subscription owner in order to execute this command successfully)
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerInstance
If you dont have access, ask your admin.
If you don't have Azure DevOps account, create one
If you do not have a github account, create one
[Optional] If you need Batch Inference, we need to create Service Principal & look up Subscription id. Instructions here
[Optional] If you plan to build your own models using your data, please make them available in blob store and get access to the store (like accountkey/SAS token)