This project shows the basic features associated with creating a vanilla React application using TypeScript. It is a Kanban task board that uses react-beautiful-dnd for drag and drop functionality; highly influenced by the GitHub project layout. Additionally uses testing with Jest and React Testing Library.
Run an npm install or update
npm i
Start the project by using the following
npm run start
Then navigate to the default React location http://localhost:3000
These suites can be run using either of the following
npm run test
npm run test:watch
In the General settings tab within the Configuration blade, add the following Startup Command
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa
Then deploy the build folder after running the following command
npm build
All terms used are copyright to their original authors.
Live demo hosted in Microsoft Azure React TypeScript Demo Project.
Azure F1 instances are ❄️ ice cold. That first load will need some 🌞 warming up.