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287 lines (238 loc) · 9.67 KB

File metadata and controls

287 lines (238 loc) · 9.67 KB

Change Log

v0.10.1 - 2021-12-11


  • Issue where somehow an invalid selector would be produced from munged function names, this fix ensures that there cannot be a selector with a hyphen+number, or number at the start of the selector. Will draft a new release when I've gotten to the bottom of this issue, currently unable to reproduce. See issue #7.
  • Hashing issue using fractional values #9. Convert style object to string before calculating hash
    • (= (hash 1) (hash 1.4)) => true


  • The :key and :group meta data is now completely removed, deciding instead to "automatically key" all functions based on the computed style. This results in a bit different class/id where a hash is appended to the selector. This won't break anything but it does make the API much simpler. This also has the added benefit of improving grouping performance significantly.


  • Add :hint meta data. Can be used to extend classname in case you need some more data to attached to classname. The hint is only used during development builds, by checking the goog.DEBUG flag. If you'd like to see the hint during advanced builds set goog.DEBUG to true in production compiler config.

    (defn style []
      ^{:hint "my-hint"}
      {:color "red"})
    .ns_function_my-hint_1234567 {
      color: red;

Breaking change

  • This library from here on out only supports cljs environment. Previously most of the library was written in cljc to allow for easier testing, which made it possible to use Herb in regular Clojure environments. The functionality was severly limited and honestly I don't see much use for it. If you'd like to do some server side CSS rendering a much better option is simply using Garden directly.


  • By using the macro sugar trick users no longer have to require macros via the usual methods like :require-macros, just require in the macros like any other function from herb.core
    (ns my.namespace
      (:require [herb.core :refer [<class defgroup]]))

v0.8.2 - 2019-07-10


  • Fixed issue in <style macro where throw would get the wrong number of arguments and error out.


  • Markedly improve performance when using large stylegroups
  • Upgrade dependencies

v0.8.1 - 2019-05-13


  • Upgrade garden dependency to version 1.3.9
  • Re-enable minification/pretty-printing

v0.8.0 - 2019-03-30


  • Updated dependencies


  • Allow passing at-rules (at-media, at-supports ...) to defglobal


  • New meta type :combinators, allows for targeting using garden selector combinators like >, +, -, descendant from garden.selectors namespace.
(defn selector-test []
  ^{:combinators {[:> :div :span] {:margin-left "10px"
                                   :background "red"}
                  [:+ :p] {:background "purple"
                           :margin 0
                           :margin-left "20px"}
                  [:- :div] {:background "yellow"}
                  [:descendant :div] {:background "green"}}}
  {:background :blue
   :color :white})


.herbdemo_examples_selector-test {
  background: blue;
  color: white;

.herbdemo_examples_selector-test > div > span {
  margin-left: 10px;
  background: red;

.herbdemo_examples_selector-test + p {
  background: purple;
  margin: 0;
  margin-left: 20px;

.herbdemo_examples_selector-test ~ div {
  background: yellow;

.herbdemo_examples_selector-test div {
  background: green;

The syntax is a map with a vector of variable length as a key, starting with whatever combinator function you want to run as a keyword. Some combinators takes multiple elements as arguments. After that put whatever style map you'd like to be applied.

v0.7.2 - 2019-01-01


  • Remove clojure tools.analyzer dependency
  • Temporarily disable pretty printing due to a bug affecting certain media queries.
  • Remove debux-stubs dependency

v0.7.1 - 2018-12-28


  • Split out site as a separate project.
  • Move examples to demo/examples

v0.7.0 - 2018-12-27

Breaking change

  • :auto-prefix in component meta is removed, instead use either global config via herb.core/init! or pass :prefix true and :vendors for a local override.
  • join-classes is renamed to join


  • New global herb.core/init! function defined and currently takes only :vendors and :auto-prefix as possible options
  • Finish first draft of the tutorial page


  • Improve error handling, and use clojure.spec for various input validation
  • :auto-prefix now accepts strings as well as keywords
  • Add passing multiple elements in defglobal for a single rule:
    (defglobal [:body :html {:margin 0}])


  • Change how the data-herb attr is parsed, fixing issue with namespace slashes not matching fully qualified name

v0.6.0 - 2018-10-13

Breaking change

  • global-style! runtime function has been replaced by defglobal macro


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • The herb data string is no longer used in production builds
  • Data-string now more resemble the fully qualified name of input function
  • Change project structure from multiple separate projects to a single project
  • Disable CSS pretty printing on production builds


  • @supports queries via :supports metadata
  • @keyframes support via defkeyframes macro and accompanying <keyframes macro
  • vendor prefixes via :vendors and :auto-prefix metadata
  • defglobal macro that when used appends garden style vectors to head as CSS

v0.5.0 - 2018-06-17


  • Clojure support
  • <style macro that returns realized styles instead of a classname
  • defgroup macro to wrap common pattern


  • Business logic now in cljc to simplify testing, using lein test instead of a javascript runner
  • Rename set-global-style! to global-style!
  • Rename :mode to :pseudo

v0.4.0 - 2018-03-31


  • Issue with passing a keyword as a style key causing a crash


  • New meta data :id that returns an id instead of a classname
  • Add set-global-style! helper fn that assists setting styles to global elements like , and so forth
  • Add join-classes helper fn that takes multiple class names and joins them.
  • Setup :advanced build, using munged function names in-place of fully qualified names


  • Introduce two new macros <class and <id and deprecate with-style
  • Changed identifier and data string to use input functions .-name field. This allows for nested forms.
  • Include NS in anonymous function identifiers and data string to make them easier to debug
  • Args are no longer used as a data string identifier, key is used instead since it would more likley conform to a readable identifier.

v0.3.5 - 2018-02-23


A change in the :extend metadata syntax:

;; Passing single function
^{:extend some-style-fn}

;; Passing fn with args
^{:extend [some-style-fn some-arg]}

;; passing multiple functions
^{:extend [[style-fn1 "green" 42] [style-fn]]}


  • Fixed issue where multiple levels of extended style fns would not work.

v0.3.4 - 2018-02-19


  • Fixed issue where an extra dash got added to the returned classname

v0.3.3 - 2018-02-17


  • Unit tests


  • Improve anonymous function classname hashing
  • Passed keys now replace all non legal characters with underscore, making it more lenient.

v0.3.2 - 2018-02-15


  • Refactor large portions of the codebase


  • Issue with :extend meta-data and multiple single functions with args

v0.3.1 - 2018-02-11


  • Anonymous functions, with-style can now take named or unnamed functions. Anonymous functions gets the name Hash is calculated from the combined string of returned style map and meta.

v0.3.0 - 2018-02-11

Breaking change

Macro NS has changed so, to require macro all requires of herb need to change from herb.macro to herb.core


  • Support media queries


  • Move macro ns to core.clj, move rest into core.cljs


  • Fixed issues with inheritance precedence