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File metadata and controls

185 lines (130 loc) · 7.2 KB

Note: This is a WIP. The readme below is aspirational, guiding me in what I want to do -- but things are only partially working at this point.

Responsive data tables -- tables of information that are still readable even at small screen widths -- can be tricky. There are a lot of solutions out there. This one picks an option that is mobile-first, does not require JS, allows for multiple "levels" of data, and is presented in a readable list form at small screen widths. Like so:

{image TK}

One drawback to this solution, though, is that it relies on column headers being inserted into the HTML as data attributes, which is a pain if you have a lot of rows of information to present. You also have to manually change things like colspan based on the number of columns, and scope and CSS formatting (like text-align) based on the type of data in each cell.

This tool consumes raw data files, runs them through the responsive tables template, and gives you HTML and CSS you can drop in place. It automatically adjusts the code to fit your columns and data formatting requirements.


  • Prepare the data you want to display in structured data files, without having to worry about the necessary HTML code.

  • Generate semantic and accessibility-focused HTML output, without any need for JavaScript.

  • Tables are perfectly readable even if CSS never loads, and progressively enhanced for modern browsers while being fully compatible with old ones.

  • Mobile-first tables, unlike some responsive solutions out there.

  • Styling is done through Sass files, with variables that you can easily update to change things like breakpoints, colors, and spacing.

  • Within the table, different data can be formatted in different ways. For instance, you can right-align numerical data columns.

  • CSS can optionally be included directly in the resulting HTML file -- so you can drop it in all together, for instance in hosted solutions or CMSes where you don't have control over the site-wide CSS files.


Runs on Node. Uses Handlebars and Sass, but these will install for you and you don't necessarily need to know how to use them in order to process data and do some basic formatting of it.



npm install


  1. Fork, or clone locally.

  2. Take a look at config.yaml and the sample data in data/sample.yaml. Run npm start to see how the HTML for this is generated (at dist/sample.html).

  3. Modify config.yaml to suit your needs. Options include whether to create a single HTML file of all your data, or one HTML file for each data file, and whether to generate a separate CSS file or drop the CSS styles into each HTML file. Here you can also change some basic aspects of how your tables are displayed, like colors and spacing, and at what width you want the mobile-to-desktop breakpoint to occur.

  4. Place YAML data files in data, formatted as in the sample data file. If you're not familiar with YAML, there are lots of guides and many implementations. While JSON is probably better for data generally, YAML is easier to format and read, and there are JSON-YAML converters you can use.

  5. Run npm start to generate the HTML and CSS.

  6. For further styling customization, edit the Sass files in the styles directory.

  7. Run npm start prod to generate compact and minified HTML and CSS files for production.

Directory structure

config.yaml, at the root directory, allows you to set generation options.

data is where you put all of the raw data you're going to be formatting. A sample file is included.

templates contains the Handlebars template files that will format your data. Generally you shouldn't need to edit these.

styles contains the Sass partials that control the styling of your data tables. Feel free to crack these open if you want to fully customize the CSS styling of your display.

dist is where the HTML and CSS files will be created.

Known issues

I have data in key:value pairs like this and want to turn it into a table:

Name: Alice
City: Adelaide
Name: Bob
City: Baltimore

I hear you. Unfortunately, I had to choose between this format and lists of lists (grouping together headers). The latter proved to be more flexible when it came to defining properties of headings, rows and cells -- for instance identifying subheadings, setting things like colspan, and formatting different data types like numbers.

The key:value format also requires repeating heading (column) names, which can be problematic for those entering data by hand.

There are several different ways to convert these types of lists.





Work copyright Ivan Boothe, 2021. Licensed under GPLv3; see LICENSE.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.