Team members 👩🌾 🕵
- 🐱 Adam Gruer 🐦 @AdamGruer
- 🐱 Saskia Freytag 🐦 @trashystats
- 🐱 Anna Quaglieri 🐦 @annaquagli
- 🐱 Sarah Romanes 🐦 @sarah_romanes
- 🐱 Danielle Navarro 🐦 @djnavarro
- 🐱 Roberto Bonelli 🐦 @robbie_bonelli
- 🐱 Emi Tanaka 🐦 @statsgen
Most wonderful contributors 🙌
- 🐱 Dale Maschette 🐦 @Dale_Masch
- 🐱 Jesse Mostipak 🐦 @kierisi
- 🐱 Will Chase 🐦 @W_R_Chase
- 🐱 Tyler Littlefield 🐦 @tyluRp
We’d love to add you to this list. Contributions are a most lovely thing you can do. Check out the current issues for something you may want to help with. We can help you get started. Get in touch with us if you need help. Please check out our contributing guide.
Please note that the learngganimate
project is released with a
Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to
this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
The goal of learngganimate is to record the discoveries of an intrepid
group of animation explorers in the wild 🐯, amazing jungle 🌳 of the
package 📦.
We aim to create documentation and share our user experience for this amazing ⭐, yet sparsely documented, package 📦.
We collectively set our minds to the task of exploring the gganimate package 📦.
We record our discoveries here for posterity:
- transition_manual
- transition_filter
- transition_components
- transition_layers
- transition_reveal
- transition_time
- ease_aes
- shadow_wake
- shadow_mark
- shadow_trail
- enter_exit
- view_follow
- compare transition_time with transition_reveal
- harvest_animation (transition_time)
- help needed! example heart pumping (animate, transition_manual, transition_states)
- help needed! alluvial plot
- transition_RUveal: using many of the gganimate functions
- airplanes example: using transition_reveal
- cool cool cool syn crossover
- compare transitions
- animate and renderer options